Incorrect. You fail to see how wrestling was booked back then compared to today. The biggest difference was that rock wasn't the only face being booked strong in that time. Not to mention that wwe actually had legit opponents to rock that were booked as strong as him. During the attitude era anyone from Angle, Austin, Taker, Kane, Foley, Benoit, Guerrero, Rock, HHH could hold the top spot, because they were booked accordingly and brought up with patience and smart booking. CM Punk along with Bryan broke out in spite the horrible booking.
In today's WWE, Bray could have been that guy last year, but he was fed to Cena. It looks like Rusev could be that next big star, but darn he is being fed to Cena.
Right now, in all honesty the only guy that has any semblance of booking that doesn't make him look like shit is Rollins. His match at RR and the quick knocking of the chair the night after was awesome.