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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns


Your ass is going back on ignore. Fuck off with that kind of talk while you try to justify sexism and racism.

I'm not and I don't justify racism and sexism. I just think it's disingenuous to call people out on these things and play the morally superior "tut, tut, I'm disappointed in all of you" card when you yourself have been guilty of discriminating against wrestlers and the people in this very thread.

I'm not saying it to piss you off or to start something up. Most of the time, I think you're a cool dude, and maybe it's not the smartest thing to go for a pseudo ad hominem attack after what you pointed out since looking back I did try to change the issue and put the focus on you. My bad on that one, but my instant reaction was to go there, not as a way of ignoring the point you were trying to make (that was not my intention), but as a way of maybe making you check yourself.

I dunno. I'll drop it.


This thread goes to shit every time WWE happens. Coincidence? I think not.

It's time for another CZW-themed month Bootaaay... bring out the FnP Zandig gifs. Perhaps a Nick Gage Appreciation week, where we all adopt avatars celebrat....

*checks Google*

Shit, forget I said anything.

I was going to link Maxx Payne vs. some jobber, but then noticed this little beauty instead... Spoiler alert -
dope top rope splash


I diagnose this thread with a case of watching Raw live induced insanity. Having 10 minutes of watchable content out of 3 hours cannot be good for ones psyche.

They managed to kill my interest in pretty much all of the WM matches so far.

- IC Belt is now actually been properly acknowledged as comedy foil. All the great talent in that match is getting shit on from on high.

- Kidd Cesaro are going to be in some multi man tag which won't be good and probably on the pre show

- No singles match for the feud that gets the biggest reaction every week

- No singles match for my personal favorites the Dust Brothers

- Sting/Undertaker feuds are both very difficult to care about where the most important members of the feud are missing.

- Seth has been made to look like a complete idiot

- Roman Reigns main event Wrestlemania.

Pretty confident I'll be skipping out on the show in my first year of watching lol. Roll on the next NXT special and LU episodes.
It's time for another CZW-themed month Bootaaay... bring out the FnP Zandig gifs. Perhaps a Nick Gage Appreciation week, where we all adopt avatars celebrat....

*checks Google*

Shit, forget I said anything.

Nah man, it's too late - Nick 'F'n' Gage appreciation week begins...NOW! Here's a GIF of Nick giving some dude a seizure;


Here's a GIF of Nick setting a ring on fire;


And here's a GIF of Nick setting himself on fire;


Nick Gage being out of prison is the best thing to happen to wrestling in 2015.


I think this should be the default response to almost every Heyman promo right now:

"That was the best promo I've heard since...the last Heyman promo."


I think this should be the default response to almost every Heyman promo right now:

"That was the best promo I've heard since...the last Heyman promo."

Heyman is the combination of naturally talented on the mic, combined with being given a theme or a couple of bullet points and being allowed to do his own promo.

Let's have a look at the other performers who fulfill both criteria.

That didn't take long...


Heyman is the combination of naturally talented on the mic, combined with being given a theme or a couple of bullet points and being allowed to do his own promo.

Let's have a look at the other performers who fulfill both criteria.

That didn't take long...

Cena is probably the closest in terms of sounding at least somewhat unscripted, but his poor jokes negatively affect how I perceive his promo skills.


It is the default response, I stopped looking up those 'best ever' promo's a while back.

Pretty much. Why bother when you can just wait until the next time Heyman grabs a microphone? I have no problem calling him the greatest of all time at this point, at least from a non-wrestler perspective.


I think there's merit to the thought that the chant is more over than Bryan.

I love Bryan, but he needs a character change, at least for the time being. If he's not chasing a top title, THE top title, his character and his movement don't connect as strongly with fans.


Cena is probably the closest in terms of sounding at least somewhat unscripted, but his poor jokes negatively affect how I perceive his promo skills.

Yup. I was going to list just Cena - he does appear to get some leeway in the general content of his promos, but his promos as a whole are very much following the norm. He's obviously busted out some good ones over the years, but the fact that he's the only name close to being on the list does say a lot about the degree of control that's exerted over the roster.

If Wyatt could string together sentences that made more sense, Cesaro was given the character he deserves (Statham / Sagat), or if/when Rollins makes the jump to full-time main eventer on his own, then they could all be trusted with a little more room to maneuver.

Edit: forgot about heel Bryan. But it has to be heel Bryan.


Seems like this thread should watch a South Korean movie on Netflix. I recommend 'The Man From Nowhere'. A Chinese movie? 'Infernal Affairs' series because that's where the Departed comes from, more or less.

Now there was this awesome French crime movie that I can't remember that I saw on Netflix last year... or year before that. I dunno. Basically I think the main character is a cop or some crap and the mafia or somebody kidnaps his daughter and he exacts revenge or something etc etc. I can't find it on my watch history either. /sad


Seems like this thread should watch a South Korean movie on Netflix. I recommend 'The Man From Nowhere'. A Chinese movie? 'Infernal Affairs' series because that's where the Departed comes from, more or less.

Now there was this awesome French crime movie that I can't remember that I saw on Netflix last year... or year before that. I dunno. Basically I think the main character is a cop or some crap and the mafia or somebody kidnaps his daughter and he exacts revenge or something etc etc. I can't find it on my watch history either. /sad

Tuesday morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Seems like this thread should watch a South Korean movie on Netflix. I recommend 'The Man From Nowhere'. A Chinese movie? 'Infernal Affairs' series because that's where the Departed comes from, more or less.

Now there was this awesome French crime movie that I can't remember that I saw on Netflix last year... or year before that. I dunno. Basically I think the main character is a cop or some crap and the mafia or somebody kidnaps his daughter and he exacts revenge or something etc etc. I can't find it on my watch history either. /sad

Assault on Precinct 13



This is the guy in a go-nowhere multi-man feud for Mania

That was last year though. He's not quite as over this year and the stars haven't aligned as properly as it did last year. The powers that be finally had their prophecy come true: 'the chant is over but the superstar leading the chant isn't'.

But really, its impossible to get over when your creative is caca.
I feel like every Tuesday Morning should be an 'Alternative Wrestling to Watch' time where people just post up a bunch of shows (Old & New) they think others will enjoy (if they didn't enjoy Raw). I know people want to like WWE, and it does offer a lot of discussion (positive & negative) yet at the same time there's a ton of other stuff out there to watch.


The Vigilante John Cena truly represents American values: if you don't get your way, beat the shit out of someone until you do.



So not worth it
I feel like every Tuesday Morning should be an 'Alternative Wrestling to Watch' time where people just post up a bunch of shows (Old & New) they think others will enjoy (if they didn't enjoy Raw). I know people want to like WWE, and it does offer a lot of discussion (positive & negative) yet at the same time there's a ton of other stuff out there to watch.

Cody Hall is pretty good for a rookie guys. Said this yesterday already, but I've watched the house show match from yesterday just now and he's really impressing me all around.


I feel like every Tuesday Morning should be an 'Alternative Wrestling to Watch' time where people just post up a bunch of shows (Old & New) they think others will enjoy (if they didn't enjoy Raw). I know people want to like WWE, and it does offer a lot of discussion (positive & negative) yet at the same time there's a ton of other stuff out there to watch.

I like it best when it's random 90s stuff from Japan and I have zero context. I can just watch a match and not have any sort of story missing. At least, not to the point that I'm wondering why so and so are fighting.


Pillars of Eternity is going to be the first game in years I have bought for full price at launch.

Shame on me if its buggy as hell a la regular Obsidian fare.


Pillars of Eternity is going to be the first game in years I have bought for full price at launch.

Shame on me if its buggy as hell a la regular Obsidian fare.

I would be right there too - if it wasn't for a slight gaming backlog. Mainly Dragon Age Inquisition, which I haven't even bought yet.

Same goes for the price - although I bought Watch Dogs super duper set on pre-order. Stings a little to see it on Amazon for £30 now...


I feel like every Tuesday Morning should be an 'Alternative Wrestling to Watch' time where people just post up a bunch of shows (Old & New) they think others will enjoy (if they didn't enjoy Raw). I know people want to like WWE, and it does offer a lot of discussion (positive & negative) yet at the same time there's a ton of other stuff out there to watch.

Bootay showed this progress show a while ago. I never finished it but once I finish this Ethics paper then I will. =P

If one wants to buy their shows, which aren't many, go here.

Progress ain't bad. I like it, maggle!

NOAH isn't terrible either and a passionate fan has stuff uploaded on youtube.

NJPW has its WWENetwork equivalent. Its actually cheaper than the WWE Network, maggle! And for the time being, its player is better than the WWE Network player. If you want to watch the stuff that came out this year on VOD for NJPWWorld so far, go here. I guess if you want to try this stuff out for a month then go here. I'm not sure how to change CC though, which I need to do... and Bootay was nice enough to have this link of non sense to watch on NJPWWorld.

And since right now I'm subscribed to FF/WO, its hilarious to hear Bryan Alvarez rant about RAW and how over/how not over Roman Reigns is. But I mention this because Bryan and Co., were talking about old Nitros on the WWE Network. The big take way from this is how much fun they were having talking about the old Nitro's. They mention a great Sting vs Big Bossman match on Nitro. And I think they were ranting about this particular episode of Nitro as well. (you gotta have WWE Network for this though)

I think the big value of WWE Network right now if you aren't happy with the current direction of RAW is just to watch old stuff on the network. No shame in watching the old Nitro's I think. No shame in watching the WCW PPVs in chronological order. etc etc etc.

There. =p
Hey guys how was-


jk i dont watch raw anymore

Excited to see Big Damo's coming to PROGRESS at the next show, should be a good time. Need to check out the Shine iPPV, haven't really kept up with their stuff but I like Ivelisse and have heard good things.

I also need to do an ICW binge when I remember.


After last night, I see why I don't really bother with the WWE like that. The promotion brings weird negative vibes upon people and it becomes an addiction to see an episodic trainwreck. I can't do this shit anymore, I'm sticking to indies and alternatives. At least CZW's fuckery is from the heart and not manufactured.
I was wise to stop watching Raw live when it truly descend into the depths and took the thread with it, trotting out Wiz was all the warning sign I needed.

I like how with the Cena character it's actually a recurring thing at this point that if he is denied something he beats up people until he gets given whatever it is he wants, even the sillier points of his character don't change over the years, such consistency stagnation.
And there's no words for the Rollins/Orton booking.
After last night, I see why I don't really bother with the WWE like that. The promotion brings weird negative vibes upon people and it becomes an addiction to see an episodic trainwreck. I can't do this shit anymore, I'm sticking to indies and alternatives. At least CZW's fuckery is from the heart and not manufactured.

I do sort of wish a thread split was viable, but it's been proven not to be unfortunately.

I do like having WWE and Indy discussion mixed, but when WWE is bad, Raw steamrolls the thread


I do sort of wish a thread split was viable, but it's been proven not to be unfortunately.

I do like having WWE and Indy discussion mixed, but when WWE is bad, Raw steamrolls the thread

I was actually thinking of a brand split with this thread, but it wouldn't last long. The main problem is that WWE discussions over shadows every form of wrestling discussion. Indy wrestling talk is bare and puro stuff is what it is. I don't have a problem with discussion the WWE, but the promotion obviously brings negative vibes among communities because of how frustrating it is to see a good promotion go to waste with the decisions it's been making.

Bottom line... until people start seeing other alternatives and etc, it's just going to be the same old shit.
Nah man, it's too late - Nick 'F'n' Gage appreciation week begins...NOW! Here's a GIF of Nick giving some dude a seizure;


Here's a GIF of Nick setting a ring on fire;


And here's a GIF of Nick setting himself on fire;


Nick Gage being out of prison is the best thing to happen to wrestling in 2015.

BLK Jeez is your world champion. Defend that.
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