https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLN9IWvhDZYseems I missed a doozy of a RAW last night. I take it that it's worth watching on the DVR?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLN9IWvhDZYseems I missed a doozy of a RAW last night. I take it that it's worth watching on the DVR?
We don't need any sort of split. We just need to do better.
I agree. What do you suggest glorious leader
Do we have any Mania week events planned this year? Maybe mix in some indy stuff in those?
I would favor a split away from the lunatics who enjoy 20 minute Paul Heyman and Bray Wyatt promos.
Nothing really. Just stop saying racist and sexist things and I'm happy as a clam
I must have missed that in the raw discussion i skimmed through
Well that's what you do, build the other guy and talk him up so your guy in theory is given more of a rub if he were to beat him.
Also, they could totally just go ahead and book Cena as a heel and all the kids would just assume he's a face as long as he doesn't attack other faces. The character cheats to win more than the damn heels do!
When I was lurking the thread it always struck me how many people posted during Raw about Raw. Of course the thread is full of a myriad of folks talking about wrasslin promotions from one side of the world to the other but the one topic that everybody gets together for "appointment TV". I suppose that WWE by killing domestic competition in their space is the only show of its kind on TV, big production, touring around the country, some semblance of feeling "yes this is a big thing that lots of others like and I feel comfortable watching it" rather than the dirty, dingy indie flippy shit that Stro used to go off on.
I'd like to think that if LU was on an easier to access network more people would talk about it. Hell I was pretty surprised at the low number of people live chatting NXT every week - if you put yourself through 3 hours of Raw every Monday I dunno why you'd skip on NXT.
Is it a simple habit at this stage? The 3 hour smoke break you just can't shake?
this is a lot of navel gazing bullshit
I diagnose this thread with a case of watching Raw live induced insanity. Having 10 minutes of watchable content out of 3 hours cannot be good for ones psyche.
They managed to kill my interest in pretty much all of the WM matches so far.
- IC Belt is now actually been properly acknowledged as comedy foil. All the great talent in that match is getting shit on from on high.
- Kidd Cesaro are going to be in some multi man tag which won't be good and probably on the pre show
- No singles match for the feud that gets the biggest reaction every week
- No singles match for my personal favorites the Dust Brothers
- Sting/Undertaker feuds are both very difficult to care about where the most important members of the feud are missing.
- Seth has been made to look like a complete idiot
- Roman Reigns main event Wrestlemania.
Pretty confident I'll be skipping out on the show in my first year of watching lol. Roll on the next NXT special and LU episodes.
I think he's the last man who honors kayfabe and makes his wrestling look like a shoot when it's a work that's he's shooting and it's working me over. Makes the jabroni in me mark.Brock Lesnar is the only person who makes me think wrestling is still real.
We don't need any sort of split. We just need to do better.
You'll be here.
Dude what the fuck did I miss?
Good god almighty that Raw was a long, tedious nightmare to slog through. I feel like Alucard when I say that I actually enjoyed watching last weekends ROH tv more and hey it was only an hour.
Whatever happen to Rawternative... I catch a show a few Monday nights ago and it was actually ok.
Watched the SHINE iPPV over the weekend, pretty solid event, nothing spectacular and a few duds but the Neveah vs Mia Yim 2/3 falls match was pretty good. Move of the night was this cartwheel kneedrop from Crazy Mary Dobson;
Watched some random matches while everyone was watching RAW last night as well, an Ishikawa vs Ikeda war from '97;
Kanemoto almost murdering Kaz Hayashi from the '98 BoSJ;
And Baba vs Gene Kiniski from 1967;
The crowd were crazy in that match, totally went mad when Gene was beating Baba bloody. Notice in the gif above the fan that jumps on the apron and tries to shake Gene off the ropes, the whole place was going nuts, especially when he started to lock in a claw hold on Baba's throat. Incidentally, Gene was the NWA World Champion at the time, but the match was being fought for Baba's NWA International title which he retained. JWA wanted to raise the stock of the international belt and having Baba beat the NWA World Champ did just that.
Boots has you covered. The Bootaaayest Rawlternative:
Lots of good shit in this post, I need to watch that SHINE iPPV but I don't know if I can afford it at the moment. With SHINE I like to support it so I won't turn to piracy.
Advice to avoid last nights doozy...
Watch something else at 8pm.
For a minute I was watching CSGO streams and trying to finish my backlog, the results were positive.
I still don't know. I saw someone say something shitty and then get called a GamerGoober by everyone while skimming Raw chat, but I think I missed something really bad.
This wouldn't be the first time a WrassleGAFer got falsely called a GamerGater in order to make him/herself look holier than thou.
besides their tits, what else do you like about the Bellas?
besides their tits, what else do you like about the Bellas?
That John Cena went over Daniel Bryan in real life too.besides their tits, what else do you like about the Bellas?
besides their tits, what else do you like about the Bellas?
Seriously though, I hate the Bellas. They're good looking girls (Nikki more than Brie) but that's about it. They're horrible on the microphone, Brie sucks in the ring, and while Nikki is a competent ring worker it unfortunately gets negated by the fact that Brie is always at ringside screaming C'MON NIKKI the entire fucking match. And they hog the womens division spotlight as much as Cena hogs the main event and as much as the Usos hog the tag division spotlight.
besides their tits, what else do you like about the Bellas?