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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns


Decided to watch most of everything thats relevant from Steven Austin's debut in WWE so I can actually get the build to the Attitude era, what came before it and so on. Some thoughts on 1996.

  • Holy moly Vince is awful on commentary. He fails to call anything but the most basic moves (what a maneuver is his go to filler). When he tries to up the intensity he ends up sounding like Abe Simpson on his deathbed. His chemistry with Jerry Lawler is limited at best and when the panel goes to Lawler, Vince and JR on PPVs its so clear that JR is head and shoulders above Vince. I guess this is why modern commentary sucks if Vince is just feeding everyone lines.
  • Taker is a total rock. He may not have 5 star matches but his presence and in ring work makes pretty much everything he is involved with watchable. Surprisingly his promos kinda suck. Did he ever get better? I'm a real sucker for Paul Bearer - his involvement in the Mankind feud is cartoonish but totally fits the tone.
  • Can really see why HBK is held in such reverence - dude can't have bad matches and excels at every aspect of his job. His drop in on commentary during the 97 Rumble showed his natural charisma and broadcasting chops. His back and forth with JR trumps is a joy to listen to and he totally "puts over" the wrestlers in the ring. I hear people say his return run is even better which is hard to believe! His ring entrance gear is always horrific though.
  • I know this is obvious but Stone Cold had it from the word go. Once he settled into his heel persona he emanated intensity and conviction right through the screen. I'd never seen the original Austin 3:16 promo and my god did it stand out from the standard fare at the time. Can't wait to watch his growth into a megastar. Best entrance music.
  • Bret Hart comes off as a bitter kinda guy? I know about the Screwjob but all his promos and booking just makes him look like a egotistical sore loser. Haven't watched his WM match with Stone Cold yet, can't wait.
  • Did I miss the real big Vader run? He is lower midcard and his match against Undertaker (I think it was at either RR 97 or the last IYH of 96) killed his monster credibility, looking like a scared little child. Was Vader in WCW before and had a huge run? I always hear him being hyped as the best monster ever. Also HIS EYE during the four way at IYH January 97 is manky, that had to be unintentional. Him taking off the mask was so badass, I knew he wasn't going to win but I wanted him to so bad :(
  • Why didn't they turn Sid face? He had that physical charisma that Vince seems to crave, with his Survivor Series 96 entrance being something Reigns could only dream of emulating. His promos were terrible but he had this goofy side to him that I wanted to cheer for even if his wrestling was extremely limited.
  • I'm wondering how Ahmed Johnson loses his momentum cos I never hear him mentioned today. Absolutely jacked, great finisher and seemed to be over in his IC run and feuds vs Goldust and the Nation.
  • Goldust, holy shit how did this happen in the mid 90s. Would have been edgy for TV today. I guess the character had its legs chopped off after that Lawler interview where he said he wasn't gay. Also he seems to have reverse aged - dude is in better shape now and wrestles better! I think the pudgy look kinda worked for the original, full on gimmick.
  • What was up with not-Diesel and not-Razor? Seemed dumb and vindictive as I read they went to WCW.


Referring to the discussion earlier about how to freshen up the Divas division (because I would agree that any combination of the Bellas/Paige/AJ has been milked to the point of producing Dust)...what about a Queen Of The Ring tournament? Allows you to slip in new faces organically, allows feuds to develop organically, everyone loves tournaments,instantly gives the winner a new gimmick that pretty much always works while establishing them (Royal Heel).


[*]Bret Hart comes off as a bitter kinda guy? I know about the Screwjob but all his promos and booking just makes him look like a egotistical sore loser. Haven't watched his WM match with Stone Cold yet, can't wait.

Bret basically from the time he lost the title to HBK to when he left was pretty great. The fact that he came across as bitter to you makes the match with Austin even better, not to mention the months that follow after. It is absolutely worth watching WWE in the time between WrestleMania 13 and 14.


Yeah, Vader has a huge WCW run, and a huge NJPW run. His NJPW was so good that he inspired both Capcom and SNK to make characters based on him.

Sting's best matches in his career were also against Vader, Vader made Sting just as much as Flair and Muta did.

Ahmed Johnson didn't make it because while he was mad over, he was very bad in-ring and people got hurt in his matches, including himself. Too dangerous to be a pro wrestler.


I still say an old school towel match between Rusev and Cena is the way to go. The match only ends when the manager of the wrestler throws in the towel. We've already seen yesterday that Lana cares more about Rusev's health than the US title. Put Hogan on Cena's side since we know Hogan would never throw in the towel for Cena and the drama will be about how Rusev can overcome the odds.

What's that? Cena's the face and Rusev's the heel?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I still say an old school towel match between Rusev and Cena is the way to go. Since we've already seen that Lana cares more about Rusev's health than the US title. Put Hogan on Cena's side since we know Hogan would never throw in the towel for Cena and the drama will be about how Rusev can overcome the odds.

What's that? Cena's the face and Rusev's the heel?

I'd love a towel match


Decided to watch most of everything thats relevant from Steven Austin's debut in WWE so I can actually get the build to the Attitude era, what came before it and so on. Some thoughts on 1996.

  • Holy moly Vince is awful on commentary. He fails to call anything but the most basic moves (what a maneuver is his go to filler). When he tries to up the intensity he ends up sounding like Abe Simpson on his deathbed. His chemistry with Jerry Lawler is limited at best and when the panel goes to Lawler, Vince and JR on PPVs its so clear that JR is head and shoulders above Vince. I guess this is why modern commentary sucks if Vince is just feeding everyone lines.

    - There's a charm in 'ONE TWO THREE HE GOT HIM oh only two" and how much he pushes stuff. It wouldn't work today, but I don't think it would be worse than what is current, either.
  • Can really see why HBK is held in such reverence - dude can't have bad matches and excels at every aspect of his job. His drop in on commentary during the 97 Rumble showed his natural charisma and broadcasting chops. His back and forth with JR trumps is a joy to listen to and he totally "puts over" the wrestlers in the ring. I hear people say his return run is even better which is hard to believe! His ring entrance gear is always horrific though.

    - See below.
  • Did I miss the real big Vader run? He is lower midcard and his match against Undertaker (I think it was at either RR 97 or the last IYH of 96) killed his monster credibility, looking like a scared little child. Was Vader in WCW before and had a huge run? I always hear him being hyped as the best monster ever. Also HIS EYE during the four way at IYH January 97 is manky, that had to be unintentional. Him taking off the mask was so badass, I knew he wasn't going to win but I wanted him to so bad :(

    - He got his balls cut off in WCW when Hulk no-sold his powerbomb. The same powerbomb that broke a jobber's back or neck, I forget which. In WWF, they put him against HBK at Summerslam 96 and there's just nothing believable about HBK beating Vader the way he did. After that, it was pretty much downhill.
  • Why didn't they turn Sid face? He had that physical charisma that Vince seems to crave, with his Survivor Series 96 entrance being something Reigns could only dream of emulating. His promos were terrible but he had this goofy side to him that I wanted to cheer for even if his wrestling was extremely limited.

    - Sid was initially pseudo-face when he came in, in 1991. He got injured and allegedly was supposed to be the one bitten by Jake's snake. He was still super over in 92, but they put him with Hogan after the Rumble, but he went in as a heel and he just kinda fits as a guy you wouldn't buy kissing babies, but you love to see him clobbering slobs like Hulk. And one could argue that at SS 96, he was super face. The crowd hated HBK, that was a great night.
  • I'm wondering how Ahmed Johnson loses his momentum cos I never hear him mentioned today. Absolutely jacked, great finisher and seemed to be over in his IC run and feuds vs Goldust and the Nation.

    - Green as shit, dangerous in the ring, and they totally botched his character. Have him feud with NOD, then turn heel and call Vince and evil white man and shit, then NOD attacks Ahmed and he's supposed to be face again. It all happened too quickly, kinda killed his entire shtick. You can catch him in WCW matches with Booker T, fighting over the rights to the letter T, though.
  • Goldust, holy shit how did this happen in the mid 90s. Would have been edgy for TV today. I guess the character had its legs chopped off after that Lawler interview where he said he wasn't gay. Also he seems to have reverse aged - dude is in better shape now and wrestles better! I think the pudgy look kinda worked for the original, full on gimmick.

    - I was more blown away by the fact that it aired on Saturday morning right after the cartoon block here. You go from WMAC Masters or whatever, to Goldust talking about blowing Piper's bagpipes and shit. Insane. But the character goes through a pretty weird evolution, it's interesting to see.
  • What was up with not-Diesel and not-Razor? Seemed dumb and vindictive as I read they went to WCW.

    - Vince owned those trademarks, so he got Kane and Rick Bogner to be those characters for awhile. It was indeed dumb and vindictive. It also fell completely flat, which is why I assume we haven't seen it again since.

95-96 WWF is a strange thing. But I sure did love it at the time.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
We could do it one of two ways.

Either simply The Beast or Balee Dat - who wins that match itself and gets the title?


Who leaves Mania with the title, with Seth-kun being the outlier?

If I had to bet on one of the three, I'd go with Brock. I think Seth is prepared for the Raw after Mania to get it. Brock retains, Seth sneaks it out the next night.


I still say an old school towel match between Rusev and Cena is the way to go. The match only ends when the manager of the wrestler throws in the towel. We've already seen yesterday that Lana cares more about Rusev's health than the US title. Put Hogan on Cena's side since we know Hogan would never throw in the towel for Cena and the drama will be about how Rusev can overcome the odds.

What's that? Cena's the face and Rusev's the heel?

Have Axel in Cena's corner since Rusev just killed him, and then have Axel throw the towel in to screw Cena. Cena/Axel all summer, and Axel can get that rub. Ho ho

We could do it one of two ways.

Either simply The Beast or Balee Dat - who wins that match itself and gets the title?


Who leaves Mania with the title, with Seth-kun being the outlier?

If I had to bet on one of the three, I'd go with Brock. I think Seth is prepared for the Raw after Mania to get it. Brock retains, Seth sneaks it out the next night.

It has to just be the match itself, man vs man. Seth is a non-factor unless it somehow turns into a triple threat this late in the game.


Holy moly Vince is awful on commentary. He fails to call anything but the most basic moves (what a maneuver is his go to filler). When he tries to up the intensity he ends up sounding like Abe Simpson on his deathbed. His chemistry with Jerry Lawler is limited at best and when the panel goes to Lawler, Vince and JR on PPVs its so clear that JR is head and shoulders above Vince. I guess this is why modern commentary sucks if Vince is just feeding everyone lines.
Vince is awful on commentary but I find him endearing for some reason. It's that fake commentator voice of his. I just can't get enough

Taker is a total rock. He may not have 5 star matches but his presence and in ring work makes pretty much everything he is involved with watchable. Surprisingly his promos kinda suck. Did he ever get better? I'm a real sucker for Paul Bearer - his involvement in the Mankind feud is cartoonish but totally fits the tone.
Dude is a champ. That feud was so good for both Mankind and Taker.

Bret Hart comes off as a bitter kinda guy? I know about the Screwjob but all his promos and booking just makes him look like a egotistical sore loser. Haven't watched his WM match with Stone Cold yet, can't wait.
He's the king of bitter.

I'm wondering how Ahmed Johnson loses his momentum cos I never hear him mentioned today. Absolutely jacked, great finisher and seemed to be over in his IC run and feuds vs Goldust and the Nation.
So many injuries, that's what got him. :(

What was up with not-Diesel and not-Razor? Seemed dumb and vindictive as I read they went to WCW.
Wasn't that related to a lawsuit Vince had against WCW and trying to prove he was still using the characters of Diesel and Razor Ramon? I thought I'd read that.


Hilariously R Truth seems to be getting the strongest booking in the IC title match because they won't let him wrestle so he doesn't end up getting laid out every time.
The AVclub review of Raw is pretty great: http://www.avclub.com/tvclub/wwe-monday-night-raw-march-9-2015-216337

Paul Heyman is doing everything short of murdering a member of Roman’s family to get the guy over as a face, but it’s an impossible task. In doesn’t help that, for all of his talk of growth and improvement, Roman wrestles in the main event like it’s just another match. Perhaps it’s because he knows the match doesn’t matter for him (which is another problem in and of itself), but Roman doesn’t wrestle the match like someone who’s going against two people and wants to end it as soon as possible. As usual, he goes through his moves, walks around until it’s time for another move, and then wins the match, an after thought. He then proceeds to stroll off immediately after it, because he knows he’s not actually the main event, even though he’s supposed to be main eventing Wrestlemania. (The most embarrassing part is the camera catching him stroll off.)

The john cena part is spot on too.


We could do it one of two ways.

Either simply The Beast or Balee Dat - who wins that match itself and gets the title?


Who leaves Mania with the title, with Seth-kun being the outlier?

If I had to bet on one of the three, I'd go with Brock. I think Seth is prepared for the Raw after Mania to get it. Brock retains, Seth sneaks it out the next night.

I like this idea more. Beast or Balee.

Also ty for the video bjork, I'll watch it after work
The multi-man ladder match is so cynical and an entirely unsubtle fuck you to the fans who wanted to see those guys given a proper push, or at least an actual storyline worth giving a shit about. Seriously, the talent in that one match is too strong, but even if they have the best match on the card it'll still be a spotfest, it'll still be easy to dismiss anything they achieve in regards to audience reaction. "Well of course [insert misused, afterthought of a superstar here] got a great pop, he [dangerous high spot]!". The participants in that match are like a who's who of talent that's very well regarded by the 'hardcore' crowd (and R-Truth), it's a deliberate shame that those guys don't have anything better than a slapdash, poorly conceived feud started mere weeks before the biggest PPV of the year. Cunts.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Road Warrior Hawk came up with the Doink gimmick?

I remember the story from someone, I think it was Animal. said Hawk was looking at Doink before he was Doink and said YOU KNOW WHATTTTTT YOU LOOK LIKEEEEE CRUSTY THE CLOWNNNNN

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The multi-man ladder match is so cynical and an entirely unsubtle fuck you to the fans who wanted to see those guys given a proper push, or at least an actual storyline worth giving a shit about. Seriously, the talent in that one match is too strong, but even if they have the best match on the card it'll still be a spotfest, it'll still be easy to dismiss anything they achieve in regards to audience reaction. "Well of course [insert misused, afterthought of a superstar here] got a great pop, he [dangerous high spot]!". The participants in that match are like a who's who of talent that's very well regarded by the 'hardcore' crowd (and R-Truth), it's a deliberate shame that those guys don't have anything better than a slapdash, poorly conceived feud started mere weeks before the biggest PPV of the year. Cunts.

R-Truth is an ex-NWA Champion. The hardcore should appreciate him.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
When all the 97 and 98 Nitros and 93-96 Raws are uploaded, I'm predicting the majority of gifs will be of Scott Hall.

2nd place would be Doink or Disco.
Well R Truth is another great worker who has been given shit to work with and somehow still makes it good.

But yeah the ladder match is packed full of talent. Who we want pushes for.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Was rewatching Scott Hall vs Sting from Uncensored.

Fuck WWE forever for trying to change Sting's perfect music. If Arn came out today, they'd put him out there with some CFO$ remix shit

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Man that Raw was rough as fuck.

The best thing that happened was me trying to explain to my wife how much money Brock Lesnar makes not doing anything but standing there.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
We could do it one of two ways.

Either simply The Beast or Balee Dat - who wins that match itself and gets the title?


Who leaves Mania with the title, with Seth-kun being the outlier?

If I had to bet on one of the three, I'd go with Brock. I think Seth is prepared for the Raw after Mania to get it. Brock retains, Seth sneaks it out the next night.
Let's do THIIIIISS!!!!

I'm on Team Beast!

I expect Belee DAT to win.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
And man, that Cena segment. I mean, Rusev refuses to give him a match and goes for a bunch of cheap heat by saying America sucks.....so our Real American Hero John Cena tortures him in front of his girlfriend while she screams for help and then gives him a match to make Cena stop torturing him. I mean, what in the actual fuck? And how are you selling Rusev as strong when he basically just taps immediately? What is the point of his "undefeated" thing if you're gonna do that shit?


And man, that Cena segment. I mean, Rusev refuses to give him a match and goes for a bunch of cheap heat by saying America sucks.....so our Real American Hero John Cena tortures him in front of his girlfriend while she screams for help and then gives him a match to make Cena stop torturing him. I mean, what in the actual fuck? And how are you selling Rusev as strong when he basically just taps immediately? What is the point of his "undefeated" thing if you're gonna do that shit?

If they absolutely had to make Cena look strong last night, I don't understand why they couldn't have made Rusev pass out, Cena refuse to give up the lock, and just have Lana say everything she said.

Instead, Rusev passes out from Cena's lock... he comes to, only to meet another Cena lock, where he taps out furiously with two hands. fuck.
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