Alright, let's draw a line in the sand.
This is an avatar bet - at Wrestlemania, for the Championship match.
- This only applies to the championship match, Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns.
- This does not apply to anything beyond the match result and the rules standing. For instance...
If Roman Reigns wins via DQ, Brock Lesnar retains - therefore people on THE BEAST side of the line win.
If Brock Lesnar loses via Countout, he retains, THE BEAST side wins.
If Roman Reigns beats Brock Lesnar and receives the title (pinfall or submission, naturally) and then Seth Rollins cashes in and wins the title, BALEE DAT team wins.
If Roman Reigns or Brock Lesnar is stripped of the title after the match, whoever had the title pre-strip wins.
In the event of a "Brock just won but an authority figure comes down and RESTARTS the match" scenario, whoever wins the restarted match is the winner.
Rules: tag your avatar with BALEE DAT if you are on the side of the Holy Roman Empire. Tag it with THE BEAST if you're siding with Lesnar.
If your side wins - you can have any avatar you want. I encourage you to continue to rep who you had chosen
If your side loses - your avatar must say something involving "BALEE DAT" or "THE BEAST" depending on the winner. Some wiggle room is acceptable as long as you balee or have been eaten by the beast. Your avatar must also showcase the image of the winner.
Losers: you will wear this avatar until the next big Pay-Per-View, SUMMERSLAM. That's right. 3 months. This is a BIG ONE. Let's get crazy.
As always, an admin has confirmed those who bet and don't live up to the bet are subject to a junioring. Thank you very much!
Now let's get crazy. I'm in. GO LESNAR GO