I'm just tired of swords and wizards exclusive RPGs.
I'm just tired of swords and wizards exclusive RPGs.
I'm not surprised. Right now the Wrestlemania main event seems like Paul Heyman and a microphone.
Looking into the stats a little more...
This past Monday's Raw is the SEVENTH LOWEST RATED MARCH RAW OF ALL-TIME. 5 happened in the buildup to Wrestlemania 13 in 1997, and one in 1996. This is the lowest rated Raw going into Wrestlemania in 18 years.
I'm not surprised. Right now the Wrestlemania main event seems like Paul Heyman and a microphone.
That's the spirit. Lend a hand!!Unrelated to wrestling, but Gomez Addams is definitely that mother fucker.
Wyatt's character makes no sense, how is he a cult leader without a goddamn cult?
His gimmick demands that he have followers otherwise he's a failure.
Unrelated to wrestling, but Gomez Addams is definitely that mother fucker.
or just Raul Julia and John Astin in general.
I didn't realise Raul Julia died when Street Fighter came out, that's a damn shame.
I didn't realise Raul Julia died when Street Fighter came out, that's a damn shame.
When I've seen Paul's promos, I sit there thinking "damn this is a good promo. Heyman is great on the mic." Meanwhile, it's doing nothing to sell me on Brock/Reigns in the slightest. It's reminding me how good Paul is on the mic, not making me give any more of a shit about the main event. That's really bad.Honestly the build up seems more Heyman vs Vince. I would pay to see that.
What's that extra lump on the ring post? Noticed it a few times now
What's that extra lump on the ring post? Noticed it a few times now
I didn't realise Raul Julia died when Street Fighter came out, that's a damn shame.
A pretty useless camera they recently bought along with the much more useful high-speed camera.![]()
What's that extra lump on the ring post? Noticed it a few times now
What's that extra lump on the ring post? Noticed it a few times now
A pretty useless camera they recently bought along with the much more useful high-speed camera.
Anyone else just waiting this Mania out...?
What's that extra lump on the ring post? Noticed it a few times now
Dunn: Damn it!It's a camera that Kevin Dunn cant do shakey cam with or zoom-for-emphasis shit. #SilverLining
There's not a single Roman Reigns baleever. Some sad shit. So let it be known for all the people who said Roman's winning - they're shook. They don't truly believe it'll happen. Trust in the Beast.
I'm at the point where I don't even care who wins the WM31 main event.
What I do care about is that next gen gaming starts in under 2 weeks
Do you guys think the general sentiment here about what's been going on in WWE is representative of the wider fanbase? I mean, Roman does get cheered quite a bit despite what a lot of you guys sometimes say about 'no reaction' (I've been watching along with the topic sometimes and after hearing a roar, people immediately post 'crowd is dead'). Don't get me wrong, he gets plenty of boos depending on what he's doing, and some crowds are quieter than others, but it's not exactly undeniable in any direction.
I've never given any money in any form to the WWE except one month last year when I signed up for the network out of curiousity, so I accept my opinion is totally worthless in terms of their business, and I just shoot the shit on here sometimes, but what about people who the WWE does get their money from?
Maybe things are really just as good as ever. I don't know. I see some scuttlebutt about ratings one week over the next, but there are so many possible external reasons for that and also the trend towards diminished TV ratings universally as a result of streaming, that I don't know if I really take any of it seriously.
That sounds pretty stupid - what game are you looking forward to this time? Next gen is VR, brother.
Reigns gets a moderate reaction. He doesn't get no reaction.
However, a moderate reaction is not what you expect when you push a guy on that level. They push him like he's Stone Cold in 1998. So you'd at least expect pop's on the level Bryan was getting last year.
Thing is, Reigns is supposed to be the next Cena, that's their goal. And with the reactions he's getting, that's a bad move at this point. They made this same mistake in the past, Sheamus comes to mind. Pushing people ahead of their popularity because they want them to be the next guy, instead of pushing guys that are over.
If they had given Reign a good midcard run like they did with Rusev, for instance, the guy would be in way better shape right now and he would have been ready for the Mania main event by next year.
But yes, apathy for WWE does seem to be a more widespread problem than just this thread.
I don't no, I always thought Reigns got a reaction too up until this past monday. That was no reaction.
VR is stupid. Wahhh, it's like you're really on a roller coaster!
VR is stupid. Wahhh, it's like you're really on a roller coaster!
Live reports said the pop for Bryan was deafening. Sure didnt sound like that. Pittsburgh is usually a great crowd so I wonder if the crowds just weren't mic'd up.Even Taker didn't get much beyond the initial gong. Crowd was boot.
Live reports said the pop for Bryan was deafening. Sure didnt sound like that. Pittsburgh is usually a great crowd so I wonder if the crowds just weren't mic'd up.