Traditional ropes vs cables
Cables Ladders and chairs
Traditional ropes vs cables
Cables Ladders and chairs
and rope ropes
If I recall, for some reason WCW ran an angle where super grungy Raven was actually a trust fund kid, whose mom hired Kanyon to cheer him up
If I recall, for some reason WCW ran an angle where super grungy Raven was actually a trust fund kid
I want to watch that last PWG event. No VOD only DVD?
If I recall, for some reason WCW ran an angle where super grungy Raven was actually a trust fund kid, whose mom hired Kanyon to cheer him up
Oh man, I loved these segments. I miss them so.
ACH putting over Vegeta.
Sorry I am late for this, but what indy PPV are you watching?
Someone needs to start naming moves after you you hakusho
Sorry I am late for this, but what indy PPV are you watching?
So like most grunge kids, then.
Sickening. I went goddamn.
Okay match between Styles and ACH there, but not the show stealer I was hoping for. Still cool to see them work together.
Bobby Fish looks like such a fucking idiot. If you think he looks great, you need an adjustment.
Bobby Fish looks like such a fucking idiot. If you think he looks great, you need an adjustment.
Bobby Fish looks like such a fucking idiot. If you think he looks great, you need an adjustment.
MOTY coming up!
You need an adjustment!
Only one who needs an adjustment is you
It's not a style I'm fond of or could ever pull off, but he pulls it off. He looks dapper.
Bobby Fish looks like such a fucking idiot. If you think he looks great, you need an adjustment.
Bootaaay with the best of three opinions here. FE you need to not do this. slightconfuse I'll give you the benefit of being confused.
I can't grow facial hair. If I could, I would X-Copy Fish's look immediately.
Wait I'm confused...why the bullet club not interfering in any of each others matches tonight but in NJPW it's all in the game?
Look at this Paul Roma carrying the belts.
Bobby Fish looks like such a fucking idiot. If you think he looks great, you need an adjustment.
Bullet Club are essentially babyfaces in ROH
Hop into nerd chat, friend dream
Is Heel there?
intriguing...that's some alternate universe shit right there.
intriguing...that's some alternate universe shit right there.
It makes sense though since Bullet Club are basically a bunch of gaijin who banded together after being put down by the Japanese man.
Well I mean, in New Japan they are heels because they are foreigners who want to take over. In ROH they aren't foreigners.