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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns

Data West

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so they're trying to bring FMW back again. i only want FMW if I can see the looks of fear on the staff's face as i spot yakuza smoking cigarettes out of the corner of my eye
For the betterment of Barrett's career I'm not sure I actually want him to retain the IC title at WM, maybe R Truth should get his wrestlemania moment after all.


I know what you mean. Glad you finally decided to pick up DmC for your PS4. It really is better than DMC4.

Real talk - I'm probably going to buy it at some point down the line for a cheap price, because i'm glad they made gameplay changes to make it play like an actually good video game. Nothings going to fix that shitty non-FnP story though.


I honestly think if they do have Reigns coming out of WM as champ, he'll feud with Rollins and then Sheamus.
That's my bet as well. Rusev has to get whipped a few more times by Cena before that feud ends.
After which Rusev will start losing to everyone like most mid-card jobbers. Even Swagger will get a win on him during that phase.

Nah, Orton or Rollins is champ after Reigns, he won't get past The Authority's challengers.
Sheamus is taking the title from Reigns. And Sheamus will be part of The Authority when it happens.
He'll even have his own lackey like Seth. His cousin, Finn.
With whom they'll eventually redo the Virgil storyline and have him rise up against Sheamus' oppressive behavior.


Oh and the IC title match is more interesting from a betting perspective anyway, but I doubt that there are enough people with strong enough opinions to choose someone in the match. I'm a bit torn between Stardust and Dean but ultimately I have to stick with The Lunatic Fringe

I'd love for my man Ziggler to get a boost by winning at Mania, but I think it's pretty obvious that Bryan is gonna win.
Sheamus is taking the title from Reigns. And Sheamus will be part of The Authority when it happens.
He'll even have his own lackey like Seth. His cousin, Finn.
With whom they'll eventually redo the Virgil storyline and have him rise up against Sheamus' oppressive behavior.

"Oh my gosh King, I've heard of this man, it's Finn! the one who grew up on the mean streets of Ireland with Sheamus and helped him brawl through Ireland University!"


Reposting because it's a really fantastic match. Especially if you like watching arguably two of the best women wrestlers in the world. (Hamada is the best, period, as far as I'm concerned. In the world.)

Good match. Would have been better if it was just a straight up match with no weapons, IMO.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I really want Rusev to go over America at Wrestlemania

Except its a John Cena feud. Rusev going over Cena at Wrestlemania doesn't mean anything because whenever Cena loses, they just have him act like losing is no big deal and keep putting rematches on the schedule until they get bored and have Cena win. Then they have Cena go out and act like all the times he lost didn't really happen. America is triumphant (except all those times they weren't).


Rusev's pretty much in a no-win scenario in my book. If he loses, he'll get nothing out of the feud and spiral into the same vortex of irrelevancy that almost everyone goes to in a Cena feud. If Rusev somehow wins, Cena is going to no-sell the fuck out of the whole thing and probably get another World Title shot faster than Rusev or eventually come back to beat Rusev after a dozen rematches.


On one hand, Sunflower, I am optimistic that turning NXT into a touring promotion will get the company away from the Full Sail Fucknuts. On the other hand, I am gravely concerned that their toxic brand of fandom has become inherent to the product. The next several months should be interesting.
Really I'm kind of intrigued as to just how badly Rusev gets inevitably bungled by this Cena feud, can it top the Wyatt Family being completely buried in the match that Bray still "won" at Extreme Rules? I'd argue he's yet to truly recover even while being primed to face Taker.


On one hand, Sunflower, I am optimistic that turning NXT into a touring promotion will get the company away from the Full Sail Fucknuts. On the other hand, I am gravely concerned that their toxic brand of fandom has become inherent to the product. The next several months should be interesting.

For what it's worth, while the Jacksonville house show crowd can be a smark crowd, they're not annoying like the Full Sail crowd is.


Really I'm kind of intrigued as to just how badly Rusev gets inevitably bungled by this Cena feud, can it top the Wyatt Family being completely buried in the match that Bray still "won" at Extreme Rules? I'd argue he's yet to truly recover even while being primed to face Taker.

He absolutely hasn't recovered from Cena yet. It also didn't help that Cena came back and promptly re-buried the Wyatts after SummerSlam and after Jericho came back for the sole purpose of redeeming Bray
He absolutely hasn't recovered from Cena yet. It also didn't help that Cena came back and promptly re-buried the Wyatts after SummerSlam and after Jericho came back for the sole purpose of redeeming Bray
Oh yeah, I forgot about that last one, Vince slamming the panic button after somehow being convinced to have Cena squashed the night before was funny in its own silly way.


Rusev time is up, his whole gimmick is just setup for him to lose and it time for him to lose, he ran out of people to beat.

Rusev should go 2 years undefeated. He could easily face Ryback, Ziggler, Ambrose, Orton, Bryan, etc... until Wrestlemania next year if by some miracle Vince decides he can hold off another year.

You think about Rusev's entire first year in the WWE. He's basically faced Swagger, Henry, Big Show, Sheamus, and now Cena for a whole year.
I'd almost be inclined to DQ Yokozuna on account of only beating a lowly Canadian but I suppose it counts. Still I'm going to give the USA an undefeated streak against abrasive foreigners with weird customs at Wrestlemania because it makes the match mean more.


I'd almost be inclined to DQ Yokozuna on account of only beating a lowly Canadian but I suppose it counts. Still I'm going to give the USA an undefeated streak against abrasive foreigners with weird customs at Wrestlemania because it makes the match mean more.

Yokozuna beat Mr. USA Lex Luger at WrestleMania 10. Before losing to Mr. Canada Bret Hart in the same night.


Rusev should go 2 years undefeated. He could easily face Ryback, Ziggler, Ambrose, Orton, Bryan, etc... until Wrestlemania next year if by some miracle Vince decides he can hold off another year.

You think about Rusev's entire first year in the WWE. He's basically faced Swagger, Henry, Big Show, Sheamus, and now Cena for a whole year.

Rusev is just a mid card heel really, I dont think have gimmick is that appealing to have last for two years.
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