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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns


Yoko's still a beast. Didn't he make Duggan bleed from a splash?

Yoko was a guy that no amount of backsliding could hurt. He was always a beast, and an imposing site in a wrestling ring.

I'd even argue that John Cena himself couldn't have derailed the beast that is Yokozuna.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If I recall, the first time Bret was champion, he was putting his title on the line against every jobber on Superstars. Truly a fighting champion.

He criticized Diesel for interfering in his match with Undertaker but when you watch the match, Bret has no problem accepting Diesel's dirty work and immediately pinning Undertaker. And he does the exact same thing when Undertaker does it to Diesel a few weeks later.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Jason Lee looks like shit and Minoru Tanaka is old now. This Zero-1 card is underwhelming.

It's amazing Otani is younger than Suzuki. That dude looks so fucking old.
Event #2

Much like the first show, this was released on DVD 8 years after it was recorded with retrospective commentary from Mike Quackenbush & Bryce Remsberg.

- Attendance is already way down from opening show. Opening show was probably ~100 people, second show seems to be 30 at best (some of which are CHIKARA Staff & Wrestle Factory Trainees). The crowd isn't very CHIKARAish and is the vocal rowdy kind of smarky, rather than Vegan Smark.

- The ref from the first event has been fired by Love Bug. He was terrible.

- Opening match is Blind Rage & Love Bug. It's a short match, not much about it other than it puts Blind Rage over as a Rudo with his low blow and attack after the match is over.

- Matt Wandle v Zane Madrox is the next match. Matt Wandle looks pretty indie generic, Zane makes his second CHIKARA appearance, offering food to those he walks past. I sort of like him. Comes out as a hillbilly with scraggly hair and a hat (hair is attached to the hair)! This match is full of heckles.

- Blind Rage does an interview, yet the audio balance is terrible. You can hear individual hecklers louder than the person on the mic. Anyway, Rage calls out The Nightshift (Hallowicked & Ichabod Crane) forming a 3 man alliance. They look the part. THEY GET NO RESPECT from Quackenbush.

- These early CHIKARA shows are odd as they're not entirely CHIKARA yet. However, it's really interesting seeing the seeds of their identity being formed. They had a 3-Man Tag Main Event on the last show, and they've just set another one up for this show - The Nightshift & Blind Rage v Quackenbush, Youth & Montoya.

- YES! One of my favourite original CHIKARA guys is on again - Mr. Zero. He's not the greatest wrestler, but he's the best character in CHIKARA right now. Also, I'll never forget the amazing spots he had with LA Parka.
He has a match against Ultra Mantis. Just Ultra Mantis, not Ultra Mantis Black as he's a técnicos! I can't really remember how or why Ultra Mantis became a Rudo so I'm looking forward to that.
Interestingly the commentary put over how Ultra Mantis' moveset is built around moves with double underhooks to work in his 'insect' character. Reckless & Quack thought Ultra Mantis and Mr. Zero would be the standouts from the first batch of students. It's a pretty good match, with some of the better moves, spots and characters in the show.
April Wrasslin' |OT| 50 Reigns of Grey

wrasslegaf going to look like Fallout 3 after Mania.

Nah, most of the people here have pretty much resigned themselves to the inevitability of Reigns's inevitable win. I think the only real question at this point is how WWE will respond to the backlash/apathy that it'll be met with and which will probably linger for months afterwords. Will they stick to their guns and keep Roman as Cena 2.0 for the next 10 years, or will they panic and revert back to Cena/Orton by SummerSlam?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Otani is the oldest looking 42 year old I've ever seen, but he is consistently one of my favorites in the promotion. I'm curious to see how this Wrestle-1/Zero-1 partnership goes. Zero-1's roster isn't always amazing, but I think it works because everyone fills a spot and fits their spot perfectly. Where as I feel like Wrestle-1 is just a bunch of people and no one really fits in.

I am really, really hoping Fujita's not gone from Zero-1, but it's starting to look like it. They're teasing Hidaka/Minoru Tanaka and they had Hidaka teaming with some other dudes in W1 instead of Fujita.


Nah, most of the people here have pretty much resigned themselves to the inevitability of Reigns's inevitable win. I think the only real question at this point is how WWE will respond to the backlash/apathy that it'll be met with and which will probably linger for months afterwords. Will they stick to their guns and keep Roman as Cena 2.0 for the next 10 years, or will they panic and revert back to Cena/Orton by SummerSlam?

I'm still counting on a Rollins cash in, it's pretty much the only way to contain the backlash.


Nah, most of the people here have pretty much resigned themselves to the inevitability of Reigns's inevitable win. I think the only real question at this point is how WWE will respond to the backlash/apathy that it'll be met with and which will probably linger for months afterwords. Will they stick to their guns and keep Roman as Cena 2.0 for the next 10 years, or will they panic and revert back to Cena/Orton by SummerSlam?
Give him 6 months until a screwy loss to Sheamus at Night of Champions.
Cena didn't get to 15 title reigns by keeping the belt for long stretches at a time.

Reigns will get the belt back after Balor screws over Sheamus and turns face.
Reigns keeps the belt through Mania next year where Cena challenges him for title reign #16.


Riley's promo on NXT was great. The guy looks angry for a spot. Cool stuff. I'm really liking this feud and Owens reign in general.

Hideo on the other hand seems a bit off. They need to do something different with him, I don't think that's working.


Nah, most of the people here have pretty much resigned themselves to the inevitability of Reigns's inevitable win. I think the only real question at this point is how WWE will respond to the backlash/apathy that it'll be met with and which will probably linger for months afterwords. Will they stick to their guns and keep Roman as Cena 2.0 for the next 10 years, or will they panic and revert back to Cena/Orton by SummerSlam?

They pushed him to the moon so far...might as well double up to Mars. There's no stopping this train.

On another note,

Night 3 of NJPW Cup is kind of meh so far....


I've been saying this should happen for a while, but only if they go 100% on it. Play up Itami as another conqueror. Basically Brock for the midcard.


Couldn't Hideo come up as a bitter foreign heel who is angry that AMERICAN wrestlers stole all his shit? Team him with Heyman on that idea and he has lots of material to work with vs the roster.

American wrestlers did steal all his shit right?


Couldn't Hideo come up as a bitter foreign heel who is angry that AMERICAN wrestlers stole all his shit? Team him with Heyman on that idea and he has lots of material to work with vs the roster.

American wrestlers did steal all his shit right?
Ooh I like that idea!

"My client Hideo Itami doesn't care for all the young Punks who may have stolen from him...yeah you heard me! Ooo all you want!"


Couldn't Hideo come up as a bitter foreign heel who is angry that AMERICAN wrestlers stole all his shit? Team him with Heyman on that idea and he has lots of material to work with vs the roster.

American wrestlers did steal all his shit right?

I don't like this angle at all. Hideo is great as a no-nonsense technical brawler.

Fave 10 NXT:

1.) Sami Zayn
2.) Kevin Owens
3.) Sasha Banks
4.) Hideo Itami
5.) Adrian Neville
6.) Tyler Breeze
7.) Enzo Amore
8.) Charlotte
9.) Bayley
10.) Finn Balor... I guess.


I don't like this angle at all. Hideo is great as a no-nonsense technical brawler.

Fave 10 NXT:

1.) Sami Zayn
2.) Kevin Owens
3.) Sasha Banks
4.) Hideo Itami
5.) Adrian Neville
6.) Tyler Breeze
7.) Enzo Amore
8.) Charlotte
9.) Bayley
10.) Finn Balor... I guess.

You have Enzo but no Big Cass though :/

thats sawft man :/


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
hating on finn balor, so edgy

I'm kidding


They pushed him to the moon so far...might as well double up to Mars. There's no stopping this train.

On another note,

Night 3 of NJPW Cup is kind of meh so far....

I think night 3 is just meant to be an interlude between the main shows. I have an hour left in the show and have been enjoying it for the action so far.


They dropped the ball hard with Hassan. He was damn good at his gimmick.
Hassan does what they tell him to do and they dump him from the roster immediately.
DeMott does what they tell him to do and they keep him in his spot for another two years while protecting/defending him and then send him off with a sweet severance package.


Man....Hassan.....one of the greatest heels of all time.

Too bad WWE pulled the plug on him when dude was gettng atomic heat.
Wonder if they'll ever have an ethnic focused character that's not a heel.

Man....Hassan.....one of the greatest heels of all time. At this point they should have a black heel who's gimmick is that he is anti-cops.

Too bad WWE pulled the plug on him when dude was gettng atomic heat.
Ha, was the dude getting too much under people's skin?

I was meaning to ask, some gaffers where mentioning a couple days ago that JR was being a douchenozzle, what was the reason?


My attempt at writing a Roman Reigns promo.

"Brock, you call yourself the beast. You believe no single man can take you down. At Wrestlemania, when you look across the ring and see me, you won't just be looking at a man. You'll be looking at a one-man army. That's how I've lived my life, and that's what has gotten me this far. I've had my doubters. I've had dozens, hundreds, thousands, MILLIONS...of people and opponents come up against me. I'm no stranger to standing alone. It's been one versus all my entire life. One versus all. One...versus all. but the thing about those wars, Brock, is that every time it's one versus all, the all will fall. And now you come into the picture. A beast. A beast who believes he'll tear through me like he tore through the Undertaker and John Cena. A beast who believes he is facing any other man. But it's like I said, I'm not just one man. I'm a one-man army, and at Wrestlemania, when it's the one-man army versus the beast...I will make you believe, just like I've made everyone who ever doubted me believe, that I am more than what you see. At Wrestlemania, this one-man army is coming to conquer, to fight, to win, and to lead the revolution as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. If you still don't believe that...just watch me make it happen."
My attempt at writing a Roman Reigns promo.

"Brock, you call yourself the beast. You believe no single man can take you down. At Wrestlemania, when you look across the ring and see me, you won't just be looking at a man. You'll be looking at a one-man army. That's how I've lived my life, and that's what has gotten me this far. I've had my doubters. I've had dozens, hundreds, thousands, MILLIONS...of people and opponents come up against me. I'm no stranger to standing alone. It's been one versus all my entire life. One versus all. One...versus all. but the thing about those wars, Brock, is that every time it's one versus all, the all will fall. And now you come into the picture. A beast. A beast who believes he'll tear through me like he tore through the Undertaker and John Cena. A beast who believes he is facing any other man. But it's like I said, I'm not just one man. I'm a one-man army, and at Wrestlemania, when it's the one-man army versus the beast...I will make you believe, just like I've made everyone who ever doubted me believe, that I am more than what you see. At Wrestlemania, this one-man army is coming to conquer, to fight, to win, and to lead the revolution as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. If you still don't believe that...just watch me make it happen."

Dude would already fumble and forget what to say past the second line. :p
My attempt at writing a Roman Reigns promo.

"Brock, you call yourself the beast. You believe no single man can take you down. At Wrestlemania, you'll be looking at a one-man army. I have had my doubters [*winks at camera]. I've had dozens, hundreds, thousands, MILLIONS...of people........ and opponents come up against me. I'm no stranger to standing alone. It's been one versus all my entire life. One versus all. One...versus all. but the thing about those wars, Brock, is that I'm gonna punch you in the mouth. Believe. THAT."

fixed it up a bit


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