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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns

How do you guys feel about the Undertaker Vs Wyatt match?
I hope The Undertaker has a good showing. Last years match was hard to watch for many reasons.

in-ring "psychology"


Would you need a bunch of legal work to open up a wrestling-themed restaurant? Would be awesome to walk into a pub that plays old matches on their screens and has a full wrestling-themed menu.

Arn's Angus
Macho's Mozza
Cesaro's Swiss


Holy shit this has to be the worst WM season of all-time. Where is the build, there is no hype. How can you be happy running your company like this.
it wont be very good

it's probably one of the most unnecessary matches ever

He deserves to go out on a high note, don't you think? If anyone deserves it, it's him.

I remember Bray Wyatt being reasonably popular, and now it seems that the momentum is just not there anymore. I really like the gimmick and his entrance. He needs a few adjustments on his character to truly get over.


How do you guys feel about the Undertaker Vs Wyatt match?
I hope The Undertaker has a good showing. Last years match was hard to watch for many reasons.

I think there is some intrigue based on no one knowing whether or not Taker can still have a good or great match. For that alone, I'm curious. Same with Hunter and Sting. I'm not really sold on the stories as much as wanting to see the matches out of morbid curiosity.


Would you need a bunch of legal work to open up a wrestling-themed restaurant? Would be awesome to walk into a pub that plays old matches on their screens and has a full wrestling-themed menu.

Arn's Angus
Macho's Mozza
Cesaro's Swiss

Wrasslegaf's House of Pain and Stains


Good for business Maggie.


Holy shit this has to be the worst WM season of all-time. Where is the build, there is no hype. How can you be happy running your company like this.

It's like the booking resembles the price for the WWE Network :/.

I never seen such underwhelming effort for a Wrestlemania PPV since WM2000.
He deserves to go out on a high note, don't you think? If anyone deserves it, it's him.

I remember Bray Wyatt being reasonably popular, and now it seems that the momentum is just not there anymore. I really like the gimmick and his entrance. He needs a few adjustments on his character to truly get over.

I think wm30 should of been his last match. who knows how long they book him at WM now that it's over. there just isn't any point for him to be at mania now that the streak is over. he is in awful shape and needs to be carried in order to put on a good match now.

wyatt was kinda over but honestly most people don't care for him. he doesn't seem like an actual threat and all his momentum died when he lost to cena last year. that was his moment on actually winning a huge match and becoming a new top heel but he looked weak and dumb through the entire feud.

literally nobody cares about wyatt and he hasn't been cheered since the night after WM30


Funny story about Wrestlemania 29. I was actually hit by a stomach virus while at the event but it didn't hit me HARD until after the show ended. I started feeling progressively worse as it went along as in.. "wtf is up with my stomach." By the time I got off the subway train I puked in one of those nice clean garbage cans they have standing around. People probably thought I drank too many. NOPE. Damn you breakfast turkey sausage.

Anyhow. Insert Cena/Rock jokes as necessary.


Cena's attitude adjusted curly fries (so good it'll make you count out of two)

carlito's Fajitas (spits in the face of other fajitas)

The Great Khali Burger (greatness awaits these buns)

Santino Mozzarella Sticks (in cobra sauce)


I have seen that match...

cm punk carried him. that was two years ago as well with him wrestling one match between WM29 and now.

did you see WM30?

You mean when he got concussed so bad that he forgot the whole match layout and Brock had to tell him how to do the whole match?

No one could of looked good after getting a concussion that bad. He was on a streak of great matches until Brock happened and now everyone think he is done. The answer will come with his match against Wyatt to see if he is done like you say he is.
Concussion or not, the match was awful and his streak ended. that's kinda the perfect time to end his career. way to string some bullshit out and waste a spot on a WM card for a guy who has no place now that his story line is over. you all were probably excited for the Rock/Cena rematch @ WM29.


American Style with Zeb Colter

Hogan's Hoagies and fries

Jake the Snakes Waffle and Plates

Razor Ramen and seafood

Big Daddy Cool's Shakes and Food


Concussion or not, the match was awful and his streak ended. that's kinda the perfect time to end his career. way to string some bullshit out and waste a spot on a WM card for a guy who has no place now that his story line is over. you all were probably excited for the Rock/Cena rematch @ WM29.

It saddens me when people think that Undertaker's legacy is just the streak. At least his matches now on will be less predictable.
why not bryan vs undertaker?

would still be redundant but at least you would have two stars that are actually over and popular.

wyatt/taker is going to be literal garbage
It saddens me when people think that Undertaker's legacy is just the streak. At least his matches now on will be less predictable.

I know. A friend of mine is a huge Undertaker fan and he was legit bummed he lost the streak. Now he doesn't seem to care about his matches.

The Undertakes is so much more than the streak. Altough, I admit, it was a great ride while it lasted.


why not bryan vs undertaker?

would still be redundant but at least you would have two stars that are actually over and popular.

wyatt/taker is going to be literal garbage

just like the ppv to be honest. The entire card looks random as hell without a bit of sanity. Why have Sandow vs Miz when you can have them in the battle royal :D?


Holy shit this has to be the worst WM season of all-time. Where is the build, there is no hype. How can you be happy running your company like this.
I have to imagine they're very happy with running their company like this.
Raises for everyone. Vince, Dunn, Trips... what's not to love?

I have to imagine they're also refusing to match Lesnar's existing terms with his hoped for contract extension.
Of which they've wasted roughly half of his limited dates just having him stand in the ring saying nothing.


Anyone who thinks the Undertaker isn't an instant sell to even the most casual fan is delusional.

I'm excited for Taker/Wyatt for sure. I don't care how old the dude is, he's been one of my favorites for a long time and I can't wait to see him.

This past Raw when lightning struck the chair in the ring the GF turned to me and said "Now I'm excited for Wrestlemania". Anecdotal evidence for sure, and her other favorite wrestlers are Big E and Ryback so that may be more strikes against her, but it's something worth noting.
Guys, guys, they're just bulking right? FallingEdge weigh in pls, i-is it a bulk!?

It is a mix of things. Skinny fat, genetics, etc. I like Burr's new look over his old.

FE is about that permabulk lifestyle.

FE putria, FE patchka


trying to cut, it is hard =/

I actually like Brock's current look better than his 2002 look.

me too

This is where you don't have to be lean and still have that muscle look. Brock is a perfect example. Or Hawk or Macho Man. Ascension is the exact opposite. Big but flabby. No muscle definition. A damn shame really.


Anyone who thinks the Undertaker isn't an instant sell to even the most casual fan is delusional.

I'm excited for Taker/Wyatt for sure. I don't care how old the dude is, he's been one of my favorites for a long time and I can't wait to see him.

This past Raw when lightning struck the chair in the ring the GF turned to me and said "Now I'm excited for Wrestlemania". Anecdotal evidence for sure, and her other favorite wrestlers are Big E and Ryback so that may be more strikes against her, but it's something worth noting.

Bowly Ryback is cool, I don't consider that a strike against her.


Bray vs Taker and Brock vs Taker happened the wrong years, as far as I'm concerned.

Bray vs Taker would be a lot hotter if it was for The Streak because the Streak naturally made matches a bit more hype, Bray was pretty hot last year, and Bray ending the Streak would have been huge for his career since he would be a full timer who could go someplace with it.

Brock vs Taker would be a lot better if it wasn't for The Streak, because then Brock could be the monster who mercilessly kills Undertaker and sends him into retirement.

Put Bray vs Taker at WM30 and Brock vs Taker at WM31 and I'm interested in both matches a lot more.
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