So the house show was fun last night
Card was
Fandango vs Eric Rowan (Rowan win)
Fandango vs R- Truth (R-truth win)
Goldust vs Stardust (goldust win)
Lucha dragons vs Tyler breeze & Bo-Dallas
(Lucha dragons win)
Summer Rae & sasha banks vs Natalya & Emma
(Natalya & Emma win)
Daniel bryan vs Luke Harper (bryan win)
Dean Ambrose vs Wade Barrett (Barrett win)
Main event street fight
Roman reigns vs Kane (roman win)
So it was weird during the start of the show R-truth had the intercontinental title after he won stardust attacked him and stole it.
Then after stardust lost dean ambrose attacked stardust and stole it then finally the belt ended up back with Barrett it was corny as hell.
So abbotsford is mark city it's still real to them dammit!
so couple of notes.
-fandango had the most heat out of all the heels crowd HATED him
-bryan had the biggest pop of the night and crowd was hot for bryan
-lots of women and girls with roman reigns merch & signs he also got the 2nd biggest pop of the night crowd was hot for reigns
-Natalya got a huge reaction from the crowd divas match was pretty long to boot crowd was into it
-Bo-dollas got booed when he came out but as the match went on more and more of his supporters were being vocal and he had some of the loudest chants of the night
"We BOlieve We BOlieve"
"BO,BO,BO" "We want BO!"
-wwe asked the location that no drinks be served in bottles or can and had to poured in a cup in fear of people throwing stuff at the wrestlers
-there is NO merch only decent shirt last night was the macho man one which sold out pretty quick LOTS and LOTS of cena merch
-speaking of cena he had the most merch worn by a country mile then followed by dean ambrose,daniel bryan,roman reigns,dolph Ziggler
-crowd was bored during Barrett & ambrose and chanted cm punk . . .
-Barrett and fandango were the only two to cut promos
All in all a fun night of pure wrestling reminded me of wrestle kingdom with back to back matches I also recommend anyone going to a house show but floor seats there's no kids it's great