Someone on XBL just told me Austin was shove down our throats just as much as Reigns!
That's basically true, but the difference is that it was a persona the fans liked and were basically behind before they started pushing him huge on TV. They say WM13 is what made Austin, but the dude was over way before that.
Austin was already getting cheered when he was supposed to be a heel tho.
Reigns is the opposite.
O yeah he also said that NXT is propaganda used to hype up wrestlers, but once they hit the main roster you see how trash they are.
Austin also had the Bret feud
Yeah but Austin was at least built up. He went through the mid-card.
O yeah he also said that NXT is propaganda used to hype up wrestlers, but once they hit the main roster you see how trash they are.
XBL full of marks confirmed
Bo Dallas could have been Honkey Tonk Man 2014. He had a goofy gimmick and the personality to pull off being really annoying about it. Shoulda gave him the IC title and let him keep it through all sorts of shenanigans. Not everyone has to be Cena level. Instead he lost to R Truth and then disappeared
How was Mero over in this feud?
I'm going to echo Stro and say I don't care much for Brian Pillman and he's probably widely overrated in the grand scheme of things. I can name at least 5 better 'loose cannons' and his high flying was never anything spectacular. Most thing I liked about him was his selling and getting the piss kicked out of him by Austin.
Sounds like he was a really smart guy behind the scenes though.
I felt unsafe watching Scott Steiner. I felt like I had to change the channel sometimes because he scared the shit out of me. That he might hear me booing him, track me down irl, and murder me.
THAT is a loose cannon.
What is Scott Steiner up to these days anyway?
It was!
The hilarious part about the preview is you can catch me totally losing my shit when Bailey does the SSP kneedropMike Bailey looked impressive.
Aerostar is the real deal. When it comes to dives, he might be the most fearless luchador out there today. Definitely one of the most unique.
What is Scott Steiner up to these days anyway?
So Sting has three more appearances left in his deal this year. Aside from WrestleMania, I guess he's on the next two RAWs?
If Scott Steiner was wrestling in WWE today there would be an anti-Steiner thread in OT, and a petition to ban him from existence.
I hate the Headbangers. I hate them so fucking much.
I thought you said the Headshrinkers at first and I was gonna say you and I are going to have some words.
Straight Shooting Saturdays: Yokozuna is quite possibly the most protected act of the entire New Generation era despite losing the belt twice at Wrestlemania. He was over as hell and if he had kept his weight closer to say Umaga/Earthquake he would have been a great act through the Attitude Era. Man just loved to eat though.
Those were some quick eliminations right at the beginning. They talk about a Wrestlemania payday, but some of these dudes got paid for like 4 minutes of work.
Banzai Drop is the most protected finisher in WWE history. FACT.
Banzai Drop is the most protected finisher in WWE history. FACT.