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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns


Ten years of the exact same Cena feuds over and over and no one ever coming out better for having been in one with him, even Rock.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think, since the end of New Generation, the amount of wrestlers I genuinely like has drastically shrunk every year. And it's depressing. Like I've already stated my feelings on the Attitude Era roster, but I think about everyone who's come and gone in the WWE since 'Cena's era', and it's a small fucking list of dudes I would consider some of my favorites.

Unlike New Generation or early 90s WCW where it's like 'man, they don't have that many guys on the roster in total but I REALLY fucking like the 'main' guys who they got.'

If young me had to buy toys from each of those eras. I'd have ALL the golden age toys, a bunch of variants of the same dudes in the New Generation era and WCW Bill Watts era, and like 25 Austins and 12 Brets from Attitude. Then from The 'Ruthless Aggression' I'd just have like 3 Kurt Angles and 1 Umaga.


Someone on XBL just told me Austin was shove down our throats just as much as Reigns!

That's basically true, but the difference is that it was a persona the fans liked and were basically behind before they started pushing him huge on TV. They say WM13 is what made Austin, but the dude was over way before that.


That's basically true, but the difference is that it was a persona the fans liked and were basically behind before they started pushing him huge on TV. They say WM13 is what made Austin, but the dude was over way before that.

Yeah but Austin was at least built up. He went through the mid-card.

O yeah he also said that NXT is propaganda used to hype up wrestlers, but once they hit the main roster you see how trash they are.

XBL full of marks confirmed


Austin was already getting cheered when he was supposed to be a heel tho.

Reigns is the opposite.

I don't know how they thought Austin would get heel heat in matches with shits like Savio Vega and Marc Mero. They probably would've cheered Hitler over those two dildos.

O yeah he also said that NXT is propaganda used to hype up wrestlers, but once they hit the main roster you see how trash they are.

If he's specifically talking about the Ascension, he probably has a point.

Austin also had the Bret feud

That was post-KOTR though, he was already on fire by then.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
but Marc Mero was stupid over in WCW. For some reason. Not our proudest moment.

And Savio Vega is a Puerto Rican hero!
Yeah but Austin was at least built up. He went through the mid-card.

O yeah he also said that NXT is propaganda used to hype up wrestlers, but once they hit the main roster you see how trash they are.

XBL full of marks confirmed

I mean... Bo Dallas is nowhere near as funny, innovative, or clever a gimmick as Full Saill thought it was.

In and out of NXT.
Bo Dallas could have been Honkey Tonk Man 2014. He had a goofy gimmick and the personality to pull off being really annoying about it. Shoulda gave him the IC title and let him keep it through all sorts of shenanigans. Not everyone has to be Cena level. Instead he lost to R Truth and then disappeared

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The Bo Dallas gimmick would have been the most short-term gimmick in wrestling history. It would lose its wings as soon as someone exposed to Bo that he was annoying and people didn't buy it. If you had told Honky Tonk Man that, he would still be doing an Elvis impersonation. It wouldn't have destroyed his gimmick because he reveled in being a piece of shit. Bo Dallas would be a duplicate of the weekly Stephanie McMahon 'earnest' 'we believe in youuuu' promo she does to babyfaces.


Bo Dallas could have been Honkey Tonk Man 2014. He had a goofy gimmick and the personality to pull off being really annoying about it. Shoulda gave him the IC title and let him keep it through all sorts of shenanigans. Not everyone has to be Cena level. Instead he lost to R Truth and then disappeared

He's coming back to be Bo Wyatt after Bray turns into Underbrayker.
About to watch to watch the raw where austin/michaels team up against owen/bulldog for the titles and LOD faces neidhart and pillman. Hopefully it'll be fun.
wwf in the 90s:

sex symbol male stripper shawn michaels comes out dry humping the ropes while wearing a shirt of Homer Simpson sitting on the couch in his underwear.

Absolutely shameful that this part of the Reigns family has been neglected during this build to make Roman strong and meaningful.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm going to echo Stro and say I don't care much for Brian Pillman and he's probably widely overrated in the grand scheme of things. I can name at least 5 better 'loose cannons' and his high flying was never anything spectacular. Most thing I liked about him was his selling and getting the piss kicked out of him by Austin.

Sounds like he was a really smart guy behind the scenes though.
I think the NOD was really lame, at least the one with Crush and Savio, but I don't hate Simmons/Farooq on the mic. He at least sounds passionate and coherent.

EDIT: lol there was some tech difficulties during an Undertaker backstage segment and he had to repeat his promo.

EDIT EDIT: Lawler just called Goldust a fag.


I'm going to echo Stro and say I don't care much for Brian Pillman and he's probably widely overrated in the grand scheme of things. I can name at least 5 better 'loose cannons' and his high flying was never anything spectacular. Most thing I liked about him was his selling and getting the piss kicked out of him by Austin.

Sounds like he was a really smart guy behind the scenes though.

Pillman was so stiff (not in the wrestling sense, but in the "he wasn't very flexible or graceful" sense) and awkward at times, but I love him. I really enjoyed his Loose Cannon look and wild antics. You and stro can s my d.

<3 you.


I loved me some Pillman. I think if he didn't buy the farm, he would've been pushing what he could get away with on tv. Plus I love love love raspy voices, so I really like his promos.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I felt unsafe watching Scott Steiner. I felt like I had to change the channel sometimes because he scared the shit out of me. That he might hear me booing him, track me down irl, and murder me.

THAT is a loose cannon.


I felt unsafe watching Scott Steiner. I felt like I had to change the channel sometimes because he scared the shit out of me. That he might hear me booing him, track me down irl, and murder me.

THAT is a loose cannon.

You know it!

What is Scott Steiner up to these days anyway?

Kind of a good question.

Just a quick search brings up...not much.

Only thing recent is that his lawsuit against TNA is going to court in June, but that was from last month.


PWG From Out of Nowhere preview.

Ricochet vs. Sydal looks insane.
It was!
Mike Bailey looked impressive.
The hilarious part about the preview is you can catch me totally losing my shit when Bailey does the SSP kneedrop
Aerostar is the real deal. When it comes to dives, he might be the most fearless luchador out there today. Definitely one of the most unique.


Let me tell you about Dragon Lee, who is fucking insane. He does a missile dropkick over the ropes to the outside. Kid is fucking crazy. I dont think he knows what the word fear is
I feel I shouldn't be surprised that fans are cheering Lawler and booing Goldust after calling Goldust a fag and implying his 5 year old is going to be sexually promiscuous, but this RAW is taking place in Evansville, Indiana, where according to the commentators Lawler was very popular.


So Sting has three more appearances left in his deal this year. Aside from WrestleMania, I guess he's on the next two RAWs?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Straight Shooting Saturdays: Yokozuna is quite possibly the most protected act of the entire New Generation era despite losing the belt twice at Wrestlemania. He was over as hell and if he had kept his weight closer to say Umaga/Earthquake he would have been a great act through the Attitude Era. Man just loved to eat though.


I was watching some parts of Owen's 1994 run. I think that's my favorite feud ever.

Straight Shooting Saturdays: Yokozuna is quite possibly the most protected act of the entire New Generation era despite losing the belt twice at Wrestlemania. He was over as hell and if he had kept his weight closer to say Umaga/Earthquake he would have been a great act through the Attitude Era. Man just loved to eat though.

He was an attraction because he could move that size fairly fast when he needed to. Between nerve holds anyway, heh. I always felt like where they went wrong with him was having him talk. He didn't say shit for years and then he goes face and he's all "yo cornette brudda I gonna slam you bonzaiiiii" and I'm like "when did he move to the hood?"

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I mark for the Samoan Spike, but I know some people don't. I always thought Umaga's hip smash should have been his finisher. That was one of the most violent looking moves I ever saw.


More impressive broken neck moment: Angle winning gold, or Austin pinning Owen?

ps: owen took a dive

[edit - or Akira Hokuto finishing that match with a broken neck]
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