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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns


This ended a match in 1974.


Love the realism of something like this and wish there was a promotion that still focused on this kind of pro wrestling. If you had a group of guys who believed in what you were trying to do with your promotion, I don't think it would take much to re-educate an audience that a lot of these moves are really painful and energy-draining.
The thing with highly technical catch as can wrestling is that there should be more to a professional wrestler than that. Sure, it's great when a wrestler can do that but not EVERY wrestler should. I find a lot of guys forget that.
remember when every match graphic was the wrestler doing some sort of short 'imma gonna beat you up' that they'd repeat two times and sometimes it just looked awkward

like this


I always loved The Rock's little bit of business with him threatening to smack whoever the hell was off-screen (probably Coach).

Also, this is my first time post here after lurking this thread for quite a while. Be gentle.


That is fantastic, Alucard. I contend that it is the lack of blood and unprotected chairshots that has destroyed the storytelling potential of pro wrestling.


The thing with highly technical catch as can wrestling is that there should be more to a professional wrestler than that. Sure, it's great when a wrestler can do that but not EVERY wrestler should. I find a lot of guys forget that.

For sure. You should still have your bruisers, your hit and run speed guys, and your dirty cheaters. There needs to be variety. Not everyone should be trying to emulate the same guy or hybrid of guys.


I agree that blood, when used sparingly and saved for the right moment and feud, can take a feud to another level. The EC3 and Spud match last night got that extra push because of Spud getting as busted open as he did. Not sure how I feel about unprotected chair shots, though. If it's possible to make them safe, sure, but if we're concussing guys just to get a storyline over, no way.

Mind you, I think today's trend of chairshots over wrestlers' backs looks pretty weak.
For sure. You should still have your bruisers, your hit and run speed guys, and your dirty cheaters. There needs to be variety. Not everyone should be trying to emulate the same guy or hybrid of guys.

Two other major issues with that kind of style is that one it doesn't "gel" well with other styles, so a wrestler known for being a hoss or a high flyer would have to change how they wrestle in order to accommodate.

Second is that the technical style doesn't focus on big offense; it's more like a chess game where one wrestler is trying to outhink the other. It can be great to watch but when you're trying to sell two guys in a feud who hate each other and tear each other limb from limb, it doesn't make sense that they would engage in a slower, more scientific match.


I agree that blood, when used sparingly and saved for the right moment and feud, can take a feud to another level. The EC3 and Spud match last night got that extra push because of Spud getting as busted open as he did. Not sure how I feel about unprotected chair shots, though. If it's possible to make them safe, sure, but if we're concussing guys just to get a storyline over, no way.

Mind you, I think today's trend of chairshots over wrestlers' backs looks pretty weak.

I'm not saying we should have unprotected chairshots regularly. But as a way of getting heat on a feud? Awesome.

Besides, they're pro wrestlers. They signed up for this shit.
Nostalgia is a funny thing, it can paint even the more unlikely of things in a more positive light that it may actually deserve.
On that note enter Wrestlemania 22.
Back after the events of WM20 (which now has my favourite WM main event funnily enough) I fell out of watching wrestling for a spell and I didn't return to watching WWE regularly until around Summerslam 2005.
So firstly WM22 was my first return to driving down the road to Wrestlemania in 2 years, secondly this was the first WM event I watched live as opposed to a VHS recording the following morning which never really led to me fully watching the event I'd had to tape. Oh and there's a thirdly as well, I somehow had friends interested in watching the E in 2006 of all times thus we all stayed up into the early hours of the morning watching the Chicago crowd across the pond deflate upon Trips hand slapping the mat.
This basically gave WM22 the perfect storm of factors to be wholly memorable to me and kicked off my own streak of live mania every year.

But how good actually is WM22 looking back now? Well thanks to 9.99 I've taken another full look.

Kane & Big Show vs Chris Masters & Carlito for the tag team titles
Back in 2006 who'd have thought Kane and Show would still be tag teaming and feuding in 2015?!
The more things change the more things stay the same (insert Cena joke here), this match is basically a rather amusing squash opener where you just watch Carlito and Masters get flung all over the ring with nary any offense.
No really it's fun for that reason, why I could watch these two crush midcarders all day long, you know like the Royal Rumble 2015 for instance.

Money in the Bank ladder match
Rob Van Dam vs Shelton Benjamin vs Ric Flair vs Finlay vs Matt Hardy vs Bobby Lashley

This second outing for the once annual spot fest falls into a strange spot, it's not nearly as messy as say the overpopulated WM26 match but seems to lack much spark.
Like even now having rewatched it the main thing I feel like pointing out is how terrified Lashley appears to be having to climb the ladder, Flair soars up with more grace and speed than the gingerly clambering of Lashley who looks completely out of his element.
Poor Lashly doesn't even fall off the ladder with much grace either taking a Van Dam chair dropkick to the back when climbing causing him to sort of warble in pain before kind of flopping off awkwardly.
Well anyway its entertaining enough by simply being a MitB match but between the much stronger outings at WM21 and 23 this one is pretty weak.

JBL vs Chris Benoit for the US title
My first instance of noticing that the WWE network tries to hide Benoit matches from the event markers, I feel like this makes Benoit stick out even more.
JBL is one of those guys who had a character I enjoyed but didn't really do well in matches without a stipulation, still you had the ever reliable Benoit here to help pull things up to a match worthy of being on a decent episode of Smackdown I guess.
So basically nothing special here except JBL's limo entering from under the raising ramp It's like Thunderbirds or something.
Also forgot that Jillian was JBL's manager for a bit.

Edge vs Mick Foley
I enjoyed the heck out of this match at the time, I've rewatched it a number of times which has taken some of the sheen of this encounter. In any case I remember that this was more hardcore a bout than I was expecting from that stipulation, seeing that it was WM I figured the ceiling for violence was barbed wire bat but we get tacks and the rare WWE sighting of the flaming table.
Watching it now it does feel a bit too much like a succession of hardcore spots as opposed to a match that fully flows but both men are on point here, I will always love Foley's barbed wire "armour" to defend against the spear, just brilliant. Edge also sells his more brutal spots with an enjoyable sense of horror, really emphasizes the idea of him being dragged into Foley's element which makes his win seem all the stronger.
Foley has to be the best loser in WM history, always coming up short to a loud ovation.
Arguably the best match on the card, guess Foley did get his Mania moment after all.

Booker T & Sharmell vs The Boogeyman
At this point I think WWE were still under the idea that the Boogeyman could work, now lack of ability aside I'll always appreciate how much the man threw himself into the go nowhere gimmick, he is at least suitably mad though unfortunately cack in ring.
Though what Booker T did to end up in this short and not so sweet match at WM of all places I have no idea, pretty much a waste of the Book Man here.
On the other hand without this match we wouldn't have the backstage segment where he runs into all the freaks like footlicker Snitsky, Pirate Burchill and Oprah-Dust so silver linings and all that.
So what's the deal with the worms anyway?

Trish Stratus vs Mickie James for the Women's title
Back in the days where you might actually get a solid women's match at WM instead of a cram everyone on the card tag match or celebrity fluff. I forgot how delightfully mad Mickie was in this feud, I also forgot her skirt attire, oh my.
Oh WWE network, you can't trick me, I remember the botched ending to this match and Mickie's gesture after her unorthodox counter to the Stratusfaction. Makes me wonder if they made this match cleaner than it actually was, well in any case surprisingly decent.

The Undertaker vs Mark Henry in a Casket Match
Some of Wrasslegaf seem to be pretty fond of old Henry these days, indeed the Hall of Pain run was surprisingly good, perhaps even great for some. Shame that's pretty much the only strong stint Henry had and here's a reminder of why it took years for me to care about anything involving him. Thoroughly bland big man match like it was transported out of Taker's mid nineties run.
Taker's dive over the casket looks nice though.

Shawn Michaels vs Mr. McMahon
Somehow Shawn spent like 3/4 of the year embroiled in a feud with Vince one way or another. This was about as good as it could've been I suppose, a more aggressive HBK fights off Vinny Mac's shenanigans for an otherwise easy win, probably longer than it needed to be and the weapon/Ladder factor is hurt a bit by being on the same PPV as Edge/Foley and a MitB ladder match as well.
Vince being stretchered off with extended middle finger never gets old, see also jolly Vince unaware that Shane's face is currently the one occupying his backside, basically Vince is great at this sort of stuff.

Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio for the WHC
"Realize the size of my heart", damn this pre match promo is full of the Mysterio cheese, even the way he gets put back in the title hunt with Teddy Long's "but I damn sure can add to the match!" is just too much, I Dare You is and oddly catchy theme though, fits this match well.
Pretty quick Triple Threat that ends a bit too early to reach true top match status, It's fun, just the feeling it could've been a bit more. Angle basically wins twice but the match type works against him which is an interesting way to tackle the triple threat approach helping retain the main aspect of each participant (Angle: Wrestling Machine, Rey: Ultimate Underdog, Orton: Prick).
Rey's post match celebration is probably the highlight of his entire title run to put into perspective how crappy his reign actually was.

Torrie Wilson vs Candice Michelle in a Playboy Pillow Fight (huh?)
Two divas matches in one mania?! well I guess they needed to fulfil the eye candy quota diva match somewhere especially after daring to give us a proper women's match.
Why does Torrie have a little mutt? why was this a match again? you know Mickie's actions in the previous match made that one feel more risqué than this lingerie clad one.

John Cena vs Triple H for the WWE title
BOO YAY: The match
A standard WWE main event style match pushed up a notch thanks to the Chicago crowd making it seem more exciting than it was.
Cena hate in full effect, JR even pulling out the old love him or hate him line. Cena at this stage still feels like he wants to be over like his 2005 self, he's still the doctor of thugonomics, he still pumps up his sneakers and the gangster entrance feels like a desperate attempt to reach the Chicago crowd, heck they even had CM Punk as his mobster lackey!
Meanwhile HHH rises in his barbarian throne of the past where you can't take your eyes off the modern water bottle in Trips hand screwing up the whole visual.
Oh god this ending still bugs me, Triple H is right next to the ropes, JUST REACH OUT FURTHER! After spending what feels like an eternity next to the rope break Trips eventually taps and the crowd is hilarious to behold.
Like so much confusion, even the burying beast can't stop the Cena run, it's like the true realisation right here from the audience that "lol Cena wins" is going to be the status quo for the future.

Post WM Highlight Reel reminds me that Big Time was totally the best theme.
Anyway, this event ain't as good as my memories which is what I expected witnessing the card unfurl itself once more, 22 really benefited with me from its live circumstances.
Still it has a lot of varied matches, it still feels like Wrestlemania and there was much worse in that decade so it ain't great but it ain't bad either.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Don't bother doing chair shots if they're not going to be unprotected chair shots. Because 'jab to the stomach and hit over the back' gets zero heat.

Not saying you have to do head shots. I'm saying IF you're going to involve a chair, you have to go all the way because the foreign object was supposed to mean that you were THAT serious about winning or about how much you hate someone. You were willing to get that Zbysko hitting Bruno heat.
Didn't WM 22 also have no fire works at the end? I remember that really added to the whole derp feel of the finish.

It's ok, though, Triple H would get his revenge in two years when Cena wasn't allowed to kick out of the pedigree after a delayed pin.


There was a time when wrestlers would have their opponents hit them in the forehead with their knuckles in order to draw color the hard way because they cared about realism. Today's wrestlers just want to get their stuff in, soak up a couple of chants, and go play their kideos. Whatever.
remember when every match graphic was the wrestler doing some sort of short 'imma gonna beat you up' that they'd repeat two times and sometimes it just looked awkward

like this


I LOVED these. They make things look so, so much better than just promo pics. WWE be slacking in that regard.


TNA copied that around the time too, lol.

TNA started doing it around Victory Road 04, IIRC. They looked good too.
Hello LonelyVagrant. Fav five and do you like Layla?

Hmm...well, in no particular order:

1.Shinsuke Nakamura- I'm fairly new to the New Japan stuff but there was something about the look of this guy as well as his style that clicked with me immediately. He's so damn cool.

2. Sami Zayn/El Generico- I never seen people gather so strongly around a guy like him. He's one of those talents that lights up the ring and it'll be a shame if he gets to the main roster and do nothing with him. He was another one I wasn't too familiar with, but watched old videos of just to understand just the type of performer he is.

3. Daniel Bryan- Yeah, yeah, I love the goat. Truthfully, he should be in a better position in the WWE then he is, but he doesn't seem to mind it (yet). But technically, he's pretty sound in the ring and he actually made that Roman Reigns match tolerable. I hope to see more great matches from him.

4. AJ Styles- I never watched TNA, never watched ROH, and yet I knew this guy's name somehow. I've always heard people talk about how they wished he was in WWE instead of TNA or whatever, and I can see why. Truthfully, I think it's the Bullet Club angle that really made me like him. 2 Sweet me on that or whatever.

5. Kenny Omega- I'm only basing this on that Wrestle Kingdom 9 match I saw him in, and that ridiculous video of him pulling off Zangief's Ultra on a inflatable doll. Dude sorta wish everything in my book. Seriously though, I like his word (what I've seen so far)

Bonus one: Prince Devitt/Finn Balor. I'm trying to find the words to describe him without sounding hyperbolic. But I really want to see him wrestle on the main roster...and I really don't want to see him wrestle on the main roster.

And I kinda miss Layla.


I remember the only thing standing out to me from that Wrestlemania main event was Cena kicking out after being hit with a sledgehammer, and the crowd chanting "Fuck you Cena".

Also, fifteen days baby girls. Fifteen.
Nostalgia is a funny thing, it can paint even the more unlikely of things in a more positive light that it may actually deserve.
On that note enter Wrestlemania 22.

The last "great" WrestleMania from start to finish imo. Every year since has been "off", WrestleMania 29 being my least favorite Mania ever (still don't have it on blu-ray or dvd I rate it that badly lol).


What's going to happen is that the fans are going to cry as Roman Reigns pins Barack Lesnar in the middle of the ring.

They're going to cry. Grown adults, crying because Roman Reigns won. Crying. They'll cry. And cry. And cry. Then they'll go home. And cry some more.
Uhaa just done his pcw leaving thing

Nxt won't be long

Also a fan squared up to Rampage brown that's twice in a couple of weeks in the UK this sort of thing has happened; it's still real to me dammit
Hmm...well, in no particular order:

1.Shinsuke Nakamura- I'm fairly new to the New Japan stuff but there was something about the look of this guy as well as his style that clicked with me immediately. He's so damn cool.

2. Sami Zayn/El Generico- I never seen people gather so strongly around a guy like him. He's one of those talents that lights up the ring and it'll be a shame if he gets to the main roster and do nothing with him. He was another one I wasn't too familiar with, but watched old videos of just to understand just the type of performer he is.

3. Daniel Bryan- Yeah, yeah, I love the goat. Truthfully, he should be in a better position in the WWE then he is, but he doesn't seem to mind it (yet). But technically, he's pretty sound in the ring and he actually made that Roman Reigns match tolerable. I hope to see more great matches from him.

4. AJ Styles- I never watched TNA, never watched ROH, and yet I knew this guy's name somehow. I've always heard people talk about how they wished he was in WWE instead of TNA or whatever, and I can see why. Truthfully, I think it's the Bullet Club angle that really made me like him. 2 Sweet me on that or whatever.

5. Kenny Omega- I'm only basing this on that Wrestle Kingdom 9 match I saw him in, and that ridiculous video of him pulling off Zangief's Ultra on a inflatable doll. Dude sorta wish everything in my book. Seriously though, I like his word (what I've seen so far)

Bonus one: Prince Devitt/Finn Balor. I'm trying to find the words to describe him without sounding hyperbolic. But I really want to see him wrestle on the main roster...and I really don't want to see him wrestle on the main roster.

And I kinda miss Layla.

We all do



Welcome friend
What's going to happen is that the fans are going to cry as Roman Reigns pins Barack Lesnar in the middle of the ring.

They're going to cry. Grown adults, crying because Roman Reigns won. Crying. They'll cry. And cry. And cry. Then they'll go home. And cry some more.
I don't see "balee dat" on your avatar, friend. What's up with that?
Didn't WM 22 also have no fire works at the end? I remember that really added to the whole derp feel of the finish.

It's ok, though, Triple H would get his revenge in two years when Cena wasn't allowed to kick out of the pedigree after a delayed pin.
No fireworks, just show ends with Cena's music and mass confusion.

Was that rematch Night of Champions or something? I vaguely remember it.

The last "great" WrestleMania from start to finish imo. Every year since has been "off", WrestleMania 29 being my least favorite Mania ever (still don't have it on blu-ray or dvd I rate it that badly lol).
Personally I'd give the last great from start to finish to Wrestlemania 24.
26 could've done it as well but fell short, good thing WM30 simply being okay was enough to break the streak of three poor mania events before it, I get the feeling 31 will be in line with them unfortunately.
What do you mean?

No fireworks, just show ends with Cena's music and mass confusion.

Was that rematch Night of Champions or something? I vaguely remember it.
It was the triple threat match at WM 24. Triple H hit Cena with a pedigree, went for the pin, Orton broke it up with a PUNT OUTTA NOWHERE to Triple H, and then pins Cena for the win for some reason. At the time, that was probably the weakest Cena had ever looked since his super push.


What's going to happen is that the fans are going to cry as Roman Reigns pins Barack Lesnar in the middle of the ring.

They're going to cry. Grown adults, crying because Roman Reigns won. Crying. They'll cry. And cry. And cry. Then they'll go home. And cry some more.

and then turn into raw the next night
So basically if Reigns holds the title officially at Wrestlemania, I win the bet.


Let me put my dormant photoshop skills to use. The only scenario that works against me is the restarted match scenario, since Reigns could win, but then get screwed over with Lesnar keeping the title for an extended chase.

But you know...


Don't bother doing chair shots if they're not going to be unprotected chair shots. Because 'jab to the stomach and hit over the back' gets zero heat.

Not saying you have to do head shots. I'm saying IF you're going to involve a chair, you have to go all the way because the foreign object was supposed to mean that you were THAT serious about winning or about how much you hate someone. You were willing to get that Zbysko hitting Bruno heat.

When's the last time someone did a chairshot to the head? Haitch smacking Bryan in the head while he was against the ringpost last year?
It was the triple threat match at WM 24. Triple H hit Cena with a pedigree, went for the pin, Orton broke it up with a PUNT OUTTA NOWHERE to Triple H, and then pins Cena for the win for some reason. At the time, that was probably the weakest Cena had ever looked since his super push.

Oh yeah, due to Super Cena booking I choose to believe it was a calculated rib on Cena, as Cena stared up at the lights stars all he could think was "but Orton said he'd score the pin on Hunter..."
What are you guys playing? I'm bummed I can't play this Cities: Skylines (My macbook is too old and I can't afford a new computer atm). I'm thinking of jumping in on some Suikoden on the PS3.

Checking out Backlash 2000, Debra is the first one to come out... She always had a milf thing going on... Fucking King, whistles at her tits. God she's a horrible ring announcer ha.
Checking out Backlash 2000, Debra is the first one to come out... She always had a milf thing going on... Fucking King, whistles at her tits. God she's a horrible ring announcer ha.

The Backlash main event should've happened at Wrestlemania. Weird booking decision. Maybe Austin's gut was even bigger at the time.

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