The match was good as hell before all of this random shit came out of no where o_0...
The match was good as hell before all of this random shit came out of no where o_0...
The question is, did the red faced idiots actually do anything to progress anything meaningful?
The question is, did the red faced idiots actually do anything to progress anything meaningful?
The question is, did the red faced idiots actually do anything to progress anything meaningful?
I guess they started a feud with Hansen and the returning Ray Rowe. But calling that meaningful is a stretch.
So what was count on super kicks by Young Bucks?
You're gonna have a great time, pal. Enjoy!Any Wrasslegaffers going to the NXT Live event in Cleveland on Friday, March 6th? Going with the girlfriend and two other friends. SUPER EXCITED. Unless the email is bullshit, pretty much all the major NXT peeps will be there, except perhaps Neville, who is shown for the Columbus event, but not for the Cleveland one. I really hope he's there.
It's been... a long time since I've been to a live wrestling event. I was 11 years old. The year was 1995. The event was... In Your House 5: Season's Beatings in Hershey, PA.
NXT is definitely the best thing about the WWE, and I figured I'd never get to see a live event of it.......
Total Divas John Cena is the best person that exists on this Earth
Total Divas John Cena is the best person that exists on this Earth
Is Raven a potential WWE HOF candidate?
You're gonna have a great time, pal. Enjoy!
Is Raven a potential WWE HOF candidate?
Is Raven a potential WWE HOF candidate?
Do you think Butterbean is blacklisted as well?
what did he do?
Murdered Bart Gunn.
What did he work himself into saying? Did he say something about hitting it first?Jay Lethal was shooting on Phil Brooks tonight, guys.
A young HBK threatening a cameraman.
Anyone else on Wrasslegaf watch Broad City? It's become one of my favorite shows.
Pray for me. Might turn into a Bronie watching these toons with the 2 year old.
Total Divas John Cena is the best person that exists on this Earth
What did he work himself into saying? Did he say something about hitting it first?
I wonder if Bork Lesnar is going to hold up Vince McMahon on his way out the door.
It'll be nice to have a full-time champion, even if it's Roman Reigns.
Will be even better if he beats Seth too in the cash in match. Having Steph and Trips nightmare evening be even worse.. HeheI wonder if Bork Lesnar is going to hold up Vince McMahon on his way out the door.
It'll be nice to have a full-time champion, even if it's Roman Reigns.
"I won't take hand me downs from Samoa Joe, Danielson, or CM Punk. But CM Punk can have my hand me downs."
Only qualm I have about the whole thing really is that the tickets we have are general admission and standing room only. I'm wondering how early we should get there to make sure we can see shit! Hah
The tickets for seats literally sold out in just a few minutes, as I was attempting to get some. But eh, these were only $20 each with all fees.
Weird question: Do people bring signs and shit to events that aren't televised? Should I be representin' the WrassleGAF? Should I try to start a legit shook chant? Should I also try to hang out with Bull Dempsey?
Bit harsh. Shouldn't he be shilling for some medical thing on the weekly ROH show?