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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns

I had a dream that Brock did that... I don't know what it's called, but that hair pull/throw thing that Bull Nakano did to Alundra Blayze in just about every WWF match they had. Anyway, Brock did that to Roman, and Roman fell to the ground and Brock was holding a rubber mask with hair attached. When he stood up, it was someone else, but I couldn't see who it was before I woke up.

Scooby-Doo ending to my wrestling dream, I guess.

Maybe it was...



So not worth it
So in Total Divas-verse WWE forbids talent (in this case: Paige) to get tattoos, because "brand" and "action figures" being wrong matters to them.

Now ignoring the fact that their male talent is covered in tattoo's, most notably their golden boy Reigns being one big tat and accepting there's a double standard and women are different.

Wouldn't your talent changing their appearance be a godsend for your merchandising? I mean, you can now make and sell a new doll to people, one that looks like your actual talent now that they changed their looks. You can print new posters and trading cards and all that bs. The whole reason John Cena keeps getting new colored t-shirts is so they can sell new dolls with his new gear, right? Wouldn't it then make sense to allow your talent to change their appearance often and radically so you can make even more cash on dolls?


So in Total Divas-verse WWE forbids talent (in this case: Paige) to get tattoos, because "brand" and "action figures" being wrong matters to them.

Now ignoring the fact that their male talent is covered in tattoo's, most notably their golden boy Reigns being one big tat and accepting there's a double standard and women are different.

Wouldn't your talent changing their appearance be a godsend for your merchandising? I mean, you can now make and sell a new doll to people, one that looks like your actual talent now that they changed their looks. You can print new posters and trading cards and all that bs. The whole reason John Cena keeps getting new colored t-shirts is so they can sell new dolls with his new gear, right? Wouldn't it then make sense to allow your talent to change their appearance often and radically so you can make even more cash on dolls?

They'd probably be better served by having a better batch of people actually creating merchandise, than altering looks to justify new merch. Though, I think if ladies want tattoos or different anything really, it shouldn't be an issue. Punk's tattoos shows that they'll work around branded tattoos if they wanted to.


Less than 1 day and 24 hours until a MGS V announcement!


I'm betting on a release date
for the official watch

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So in Total Divas-verse WWE forbids talent (in this case: Paige) to get tattoos, because "brand" and "action figures" being wrong matters to them.

Now ignoring the fact that their male talent is covered in tattoo's, most notably their golden boy Reigns being one big tat and accepting there's a double standard and women are different.
Reigns had his before he got his push. He didn't get it after the fact. That's the difference. I imagine Paige just recently got a figure as well so that just makes it instantly out of date.

Christian got shit for cutting his hair, and that made total sense.


Party Pooper
So in Total Divas-verse WWE forbids talent (in this case: Paige) to get tattoos, because "brand" and "action figures" being wrong matters to them.

Now ignoring the fact that their male talent is covered in tattoo's, most notably their golden boy Reigns being one big tat and accepting there's a double standard and women are different.

Wouldn't your talent changing their appearance be a godsend for your merchandising? I mean, you can now make and sell a new doll to people, one that looks like your actual talent now that they changed their looks. You can print new posters and trading cards and all that bs. The whole reason John Cena keeps getting new colored t-shirts is so they can sell new dolls with his new gear, right? Wouldn't it then make sense to allow your talent to change their appearance often and radically so you can make even more cash on dolls?

I know that collectors, and most likely Mattel were driven nuts by Punk constantly changing his hair/beard.

The lead-in time to make new figs is sometimes 8-10 months and stuff that has the "current" look is going to sell better.

Case in point, the first Stardust fig isn't out until Mid-May (debut was last summer!)

At least with Cena, they can plan that shit out so far in advance, the merch will match.


Reigns had his before he got his push. He didn't get it after the fact. That's the difference. I imagine Paige just recently got a figure as well so that just makes it instantly out of date.

Christian got shit for cutting his hair, and that made total sense.

Randy Orton didn't have Jax arms when he came out.

Hell, Undertaker had nothing on his arms when he came out.
I had to switch jobs to get the raise. Gotta look out for what is best for yourself.

I'm giving them the chance. Partially cause I like the work/place most of the time, and partly cause I don't want to job hunt. But I will if needs be.

The award for 2015 "Unneccessary entrance theme of the year" goes to Tom Irvin, who came out to this at PROGRESS' ENDVR show yesterday:


He previously used the regular Swan Lake song as entrance music when he was doing a right wing UKIP gimmick, which is all but gone now due to his Twitter antics. #Geeze

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Randy Orton didn't have Jax arms when he came out.

Hell, Undertaker had nothing on his arms when he came out.

Those were both several years after they were on television and already had figures made. It's like people who give Yukes shit about their roster being outdated. Imagine Hogan gets his first big figure made and immediately cuts his hair so that the figure doesn't look right.


So not worth it
Reigns had his before he got his push. He didn't get it after the fact. That's the difference. I imagine Paige just recently got a figure as well so that just makes it instantly out of date.

Christian got shit for cutting his hair, and that made total sense.

Makes sense.

Christian paved the way for Y2J and Trips.
It sounds like she isn't seriously injured and Kimber's about as tough as they come, but still, that fucking chairshot was ghastly, even with her getting her arm up.

I was more concerned by the powerbomb into the bottom of the ringpost, though the shaky cam makes it hard to see if her head made contact.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The Dragon Gate show with Uhaa's last match in DG is up;


Also a NOAH show produced by Cho Kibou-gun;


There's a FnP ZSJ & Mikey vs Haste & Rock tag match early on, then struggle through a trio of bad singles matches (Saito, Ogawa, Maybach) to get to a surprisingly great Kenou vs Marufuji match and an excellent Morishima vs Sugiura main event. Worth a watch.

Thanks for this. Will watch.

So when does Samoa Joe join WWE and get rebranded as the 3rd Uso Joey Uso?

He's already been rebranded

So in Total Divas-verse WWE forbids talent (in this case: Paige) to get tattoos, because "brand" and "action figures" being wrong matters to them.

Now ignoring the fact that their male talent is covered in tattoo's, most notably their golden boy Reigns being one big tat and accepting there's a double standard and women are different.

Wouldn't your talent changing their appearance be a godsend for your merchandising? I mean, you can now make and sell a new doll to people, one that looks like your actual talent now that they changed their looks. You can print new posters and trading cards and all that bs. The whole reason John Cena keeps getting new colored t-shirts is so they can sell new dolls with his new gear, right? Wouldn't it then make sense to allow your talent to change their appearance often and radically so you can make even more cash on dolls?

You're overexplaining it. Women are held to different standards in WWE.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Law is a bad podcast but I listen to it almost every week.

Dan has always been kinda rough around the edges but he's straight garbage right now. He's great on classic reviews for old NWA or WCW shows, though.


Was cruising late night TV Saturday night and saw that the John Cena classic The Marine was on, so I watched some for laughs. I was impressed that he no sold just as much in that as he does in the ring, given the various heavy shots he takes and shrugs off like nothing. Disappointed he had almost no dialogue, because given the terribleness of the rest of it, giving him some would have been no doubt been gold.
Anyone going to RAW tonight? It's my first WWE ever since WrestleMania and I'm hyped as fuck, especially given WWE never visits my shit city (Newark) as often as I would like.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone going to RAW tonight? It's my first WWE ever since WrestleMania and I'm hyped as fuck, especially given WWE never visits my shit city (Newark) as often as I would like.

Make sure to give us a great crowd.


But gohan is cool

Gohan is absolute dogshit before the Buu Saga. He's a background character who acts as a deux ex machina in order to get the actually good characters out of a sticky situation all the time. Goku or Piccolo will be almost about to die, Gohan will cry and then OUTTANOWHERE the bad guy in order to buy the main character some time in order to win. Rinse and repeat until the Buu Saga where he actually becomes a character.

and doesn't need people to carry him.

The end of the Cell Saga is almost literally everyone carrying Gohan to victory because Gohan can't get the job done himself

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I hate Dragonball Z because it's a babby show, BUT, is Xenoverse actually good? Whether you're a fan or not, doesn't matter - just curious if that game's dope or no.
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