they'll obviously put another demo up for free later, don't know why people think they won'tI want to try that FFXV demo, but I don't want Type 0. To hell with your dumb practices Square.
they'll obviously put another demo up for free later, don't know why people think they won'tI want to try that FFXV demo, but I don't want Type 0. To hell with your dumb practices Square.
Someone's in town tonight for Raw...The Vigilante Stang
they'll obviously put another demo up for free later, don't know why people think they won't
Even if they just put the demo up for $15, a lot of people would probably buy it. Seems an easier way to make money.
Caved and bought Cities: Skylines yesterday, was gonna wait for a sale, but fuck it. Already know this will be my addiction for a while. So much good stuff in there, certainly amazing considering the price compared to EA's SimCity.
I guess it's only inevitable with more attention on the UK indies as of late, but promotions need to find a balance between protecting their property and providing the best options to their paying customers. There's always going to be an element who are never going to be paying customers, regardless of whether they have access to a show or not.
Don't know why you'd wait for a sale. I know you're not poor, and it's released at a budget price.
It's more that I buy too many games to begin with and I kind of want to finish some games first before buying new ones. So waiting on a sale seems like a good excuse to put off buying games.
As you can tell, I'm failing hard at this approach.
Nothing to start a week quite like waking up to new Kendrick. God is good, gentlemen.
Nothing to start a week quite like waking up to new Kendrick. God is good, gentlemen.
God may be good, but that album ain't.Nothing to start a week quite like waking up to new Kendrick. God is good, gentlemen.
God may be good, but that album ain't.
Thier are people selling the ff15 demo for 30$, and the sad thing is someone will buy it.
Man, I'm not feelin it at all. I'm really trying. If J Cole released in this shit people would be talking about how boring it is. I'm ok with continuing to jam GKMC.come on friend.....
Man, I'm not feelin it at all. I'm really trying. If J Cole released in this shit people would be talking about how boring it is. I'm ok with continuing to jam GKMC though.
I've no complaints about ICW's On Demand service, and I think Rev Pro's Vimeo based one is the absolute perfect solution. Buy once, gives you option for stream or download links forever. In a world of Steam and the iTunes/Amazon/Google Play's of the world, single expiration downloads on unstable servers need to die in a fire.I'm looking at you PROGRESS/PayLoadz
People brought MGS Ground Zeroes and that was a $39.99 demo!Thier are people selling the ff15 demo for 30$, and the sad thing is someone will buy it.
Yep I went digital because somehow neither Target or Gamestop had a copy of GTA V for PS4 some how. I figured it'd skip the secondary install or at least be quicker than the PS3 disc version. I was incorrect.'m assuming you bought it digitally? (Welcome to why the digital future sucks balls)
The main thing about next-gen GTA5 that pisses me off is that you still need to do the goddamn secondary install when you launch the game.
Good to know its a GTA thing and not a PS4 thing.That's all on GTAV, the download on that is ridiculous and it won't even let you play anything until the whole thing is downloaded. Most games you're ready to go in 30-60 minutes because it'll download the rest as you play.
Yep I went digital because somehow neither Target or Gamestop had a copy of GTA V for PS4 some how. I figured it'd skip the secondary install or at least be quicker than the PS3 disc version. I was incorrect.
Good to know its a GTA thing and not a PS4 thing.
People brought MGS Ground Zeroes and that was a $39.99 demo!
How. I did everything in a few hoursIt was fantastic and I put over 40 hours into it.
How. I did everything in a few hours
It was fantastic and I put over 40 hours into it.
Nothing to start a week quite like waking up to new Kendrick. God is good, gentlemen.
Wait, what? Has he said he's going to be on Raw or something? Do I have to watch it now?
EDIT: Fuck, forgot about that music Kendrick
I rented it from Gamefly and beat the main part in about two hours. They're plenty of side things to do for completionist.It was fantastic and I put over 40 hours into it.
It was fantastic and I put over 40 hours into it.
This is great. Context?
Those dirty damn rats.....
It's at Amazon, Best Buy and Gamestop for like the next week....though Gamestops starts on the 18th.
What's wrong with making something free?
What's wrong with making something free?
Because it's not free to everyone
Not sure I follow the actual problem
Basically it's....
to early adopters.
At least make the actual season pass free or discounted for a limited time for the people who already gave you their money.
Because you'd make money. You're going to lose money giving the pack away for free in bundles like this. If you temporarily knock down the price for the season pass for the early adopters you're more likely going to get impulse buys from people and you're likely going to get people who would not normally jump in to jump in (thus you'd get money you'd otherwise never get).