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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns


I went through a similar dark age after Bryan got injured. I had no one on the product that I cared about. NXT saved me from going completely dark from wrestling.

I'm back now though, and have plenty of angles to care about on the main roster.....even if they are shitty.
June 2002 - Retrospective (part 1 - no gifs)

* It's King of the Ring month (and the month where Austin quit WWE).
* TNA's first weekly PPV
* ROH look to crown a champion
* A bunch of Random Indies continue to try and be ECW/WCW replacements


I didn't really see much of WWE from this point on, so most of this is 'new'. So while it might not be a real retrospective, it's interesting to see these events with foresight/hindsight.
I remember at the time not really liking the RAW Stage change at the time, but I really like it now (certainly compared to the boring modern design).

Benoit has returned from injury and somehow seems instantly more threatening than before he disappeared over a year ago. Eddie Guererro and Benoit have teamed up to gain revenge on Austin.

Stone Cold really does have little direction other than Flair benching him, Austin going to bars to drink and getting jumped by Benoit & Guererro. Also that bloody 'What!?' chant, while it was funny back in the day it's annoying as hell. It seems odd that people would 'WHAT?!' during an Undertaker promo. Despite all of this Austin is still one of the most popular people within the WWE right now.

Ric Flair as GM of RAW is damn good. However, as Bootaaay has mentioned before, he's still just another 'evil authority figure'. Austin has to fight Flair to 'Get off the Bench' in an 'OLD TIME WRASSLIN' MATCH'; if Flair wins Austin is benched for the rest of his career. Again this is just another rehash of Austin v McMahon, but the fans seem to love it.

The 24/7 Hardcore Title is still a think and it's pretty popular with the crowd (even if the hardcore action is pretty tame compared to other things I've seen recently in 2002 - thankfully). There have been so many title changes with it I'm not going to list them. Stevie Richards is the main focus of the title though. Tommy Dreamer is doing this strange thing where he eats and drinks gross stuff. It makes no sense. Raven is floating between commentary and lounging around backstage. He had a little conflict with King over the quality of his commentary, but it never went anywhere. I think he's been relegated to Sunday Heat.
The 24/7 Hardcore Title sums up the area perfectly for me, it works because of the crowd. The actual matches are terrible, but it's so fast and furious (and stupid) that the college crowds love it. It's strange to see Bradshaw in this strange Cowboy/APA crossover phase, even stranger to know that a few years later he'd turn into JBL the Business Man.

2002 NWO is terrible, but it's strangely fun to watch. I can't decide if it's a total parody of how stupid the NWO was in WCW with people joining and leaving or not. The only thing that makes it worthwhile is Goldust's desperate attempts to impress Booker T and join the NWO. Booker T and Goldust's chemistry is amazing. X-Pac is prancing around with Kane's mask, after the NWO put him out of action. I can't even remember seeing that happen. Big Show is just Big Show with an NWO shirt, and Kevin Nash is phoning it in.
HBK makes a return as the newest member of the NWO, I think this is his first appearance since his lame GM role. Crowd are super happy to see him, but he looks odd as a member of the NWO, but it's cool to see Shawn Michaels & Diesiel reunited.

RVD is one of the few people to come out of the inVasion angle looking strong. The last 12 months he's been pushed to the stratosphere, but it's felt organic and fun to watch. His feud with Austin over leadership of the Alliance and affection of Vince McMahon was great. Now 12 months on RVD is IC Champion and putting on crazy matches. Last month he beat The Undertaker for the title and the crowd went nuts, sadly Ric Flair reversed the decision due to The Undertaker having his foot under the ropes.
Last month I was treated to Lesnar destroying The Hardyz in various matches (1v1s, 1v2s, 2v2s with Heyman as tag partner) - great stuff. Now it looks like it's going to be RVD v Lesnar/Heyman.

The Hardyz are being emo.

Diva matches skirt between Bra & Pantie matches and some decent actually wrestling matches. At one point there's a match where Trish and Terri wrestle in their bra & pants - for no reason. It's pretty cringy listening to King on commentary during any of the matches. Even 2002 Trish is putting on some great matches, and even did a deadlift powerbomb on Terri in one match.
Molly is teamed up with Regal as 'The Virgin Molly'.

Ever since the brand split Bubba Ray Dudley has had one hell of a singles push, and it's strangely decent. The crowd are loving it, even if he's just Bubba Ray Dudley minus a tag team partner. He's probably the first person to ever suplex Brock Lesnar too.

The Winners of Tough Enough 2 were announced - Linda & Jackie. Remember those?

The one thing I notice is that everyone seems to have a reason to be fighting each other, and there's so many different people appearing on TV every week. Sure the WWE still has it's core roster, but they drop fringe talent in and out of broadcasting and makes it all seem fresh. The roster split really did help with this.

The Undertaker is the Champion and he just fights anyone, anyone who he thinks are disrespectful. Last month he fought Hogan, RVD & HHH and he starts June off by kicking the crap out of Tommy Dreamer (who is throwing up into a bucket... and eats it). Ah, Jeff Hardy drop kicking The Undertaker into the bucket of Tommy Dreamer's vomit... I vaguely remember this.
HHHs isn't really doing much, which is nice as we all know what's around the corner... and I didn't even watch HHH's 2003 domination.

Did you know Debra is a Class A contract reader? Well she is, she discovered a poorly written sentance in the contract between Austin & Flair which means whoever loses has to become the winner's assistant. WHAT?!

It's odd seeing Vince McMahon on Smackdown and not on RAW, even if he is the same guy. Only this time he hates Hogan, and not Stone Cold Steve Austin. Smackdown opens up with a 20 Man Battle Royal for a #1 Contendership against The Undertaker at King of the Ring. It's a pretty star studded Battle Royal, which is surprising. Hulk Hogan is still super over, the crowd are loving everything he does and buying into all his mannerisms. Anyway the Battle Royal ends with a good old double elimination between Hogan and HHH.
Hogan & HHH have a 1v1 match to see who'll face Undertaker. HHH wins, and Hogan poses with HHH at the end. Oh man that 2003 Super HHH is already forming, it's like Dragonball Z. Crowd love it.

Hardcore Holly has returned from training people on Tough Enough 2. I had forgot he was even around during this time, I didn't really miss him. In fact, I'm not sure I ever really missed him or found him interesting except for that one time he cut his back open on ECW. Oh... seemingly I forgot that Angle did a moonsault which broke Hardcore Holly's arm at some point, putting him out of action for 2 years. Oh. Anyway, Hardcore Holly is the toughest guy on Smackdown, according to Taz. Also he has a metal plate in his arm! So much upside.
I'm absolutely enjoying every minute of Kurt Angle. He lost his hair to Edge at Judgement Day, but it grew back over night... so he claims. It's not a wig. Nope. Not a wig. Angle has that strange ability to be goofy as hell, lose a lot, but still be considered a threat at any time. It's a shame at in current times it'll take something of a miracle for him to get recognition in the WWE again. However, in 2002 he's damn amazing and he hasn't even hit his heights yet.

The Billy, Chuck & Rico Storyline has been going on for a number of months, I still find it odd this storyline ever happened. Yet, the WWE Crowd love it. I saw a bit of Rico in OVW before he was called up, he played a model gimmick and did it well. Not too sure on his Stylist Gimmick, but it's playing a role.
Rikishi is back, and no one cares he did it for The Rock anymore. He's the WWE Tag Team Champion with Rico, after Rico was selected as Rikishi partner by McMahon in a troll move that back fired... but yeah, everyone loves Rikishi again as he dances. Not as much as the first time, but still. Rikishi just feels like the ultimate example of something that worked in that 99-01 period where everything was shit hot and the WWE could do no-wrong.

The Hurricane is still awesome, he's had trouble with some random letters - turns out they're from Nidia. Remember Nidia? I didn't, and even after I saw her again... I still don't. Seemingly Nidia and The Hurricane had sex at some point, and Hurricane dumped her. So Nidia wants revenge. Her new boyfriend is Jamie Noble, Boy. So obviously Noble and The Hurricane must fight. It's interesting to see the The inVasion cast offs start to slowly come back into the frame.

Talking of castoffs, it's a shame to see WWE drop the ball with Christian. He really was better than Edge when it came to natural charisma and mic skills. Edge was so woodern and seemed really uncomfortable during his initial solo push a few months ago. However, the female fans loved him more, so that's all that matters. Anyway, we all know Christian would go on to TNA and become a legit main eventer for them (and then return to WWE to become a legit midcarder with concussion). Continue the theme of castoffs, I'm legit shook to see Val Venis still knocking around in 2002 - albeit with cut hair. He does have a sweet looking reverse/inverted Figure Four Leglock though. I sort of remember him becoming Chief Morley at some point, assisting Eric Bischoff as GM.

Edge injured himself last week in the cage match against Angle, he tore up his shoulder when he speared Angle from the top of the cage. So he's going to be out of action for a while, the crowd don't like it. I don't really care, as Edge as a face is really bland when he's not be a Surfer Dude. It also makes me realise that he goes on to be one hell of a heel, and that's something I would never have thought possible at this point in time. Anyway he says he doesn't get injured a lot, but he's hurt and has to take time off BUT WHEN HE COMES BACK HE'LL WIN THE WWE UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONSHIP!
We know that one of those things is true. He'll go on to get injured again and be gone for a long time... again.

Chris Jericho is sort of just floating around without much to do. I can't really remember when he first leaves WWE, but it feels like it should be soon. Ever since he lost the WWE Undisputed Title he hasn't really done anything. I can't remember one meaningful thing he's done, other than calling himself 'King of the World'. So even though Edge has told everyone he's leaving for a while, Jericho smashes up Edge's shoulder with a chair. He Jericho has done something!

Remember Maven? Well he broke his leg, but Torrie Wilson has the hots for him. Tajiri isn't a fan of Maven though, he used to be dating Torrie Wilson but 'lost' her in a fight for ownership. How times have changed... I miss Tajiri being the man servant for General Manager William Regal. For some reason Tajiri has natural funny charisma about him, and it worked so damn well with Regal. Anyway, because Maven broke his leg he's currently in hospital, so Torrie has paid him a get well visit... for some reason she deep throats a Banana and then takes off her shirt. Tajiri is in the hospital stalking Torrie, but gets caught up in a medical emergency when he's mistaken for a doctor... yup, seriously. It's funny though, I'd probably hate it if it was current WWE, but it's funny as it's 2002.
So it's suggest that Torrie has given Maven a Blowjob and Tajiri has found them! Oh my.

Lance Storm. Billy Kidman. Yup those two are still around.

Teddy Long is 2002's Black Ref. He's the loudest ref I've ever heard. You'd think he was a manager in a past life. Teddy Long does that annoying 'I know this isn't the pinfall so I'll hover my hand over the mat on count 3' count.

FAVE Five WWE Wrestlers - June 2002

1. Goldust
2. Hulk Hogan
3. Kurt Angle
4. Booker T
5. Brock Lesnar
I could have told you this before your purchase mate, Alberto signed a Non-Disparagement clause as part of his settlement. He couldn't legit shoot on WWE even if he wanted to.

And I understand that and all but usually KC has a way of making YouShoot a fun series but lately in efforts to get current stars, they skimp out on quality.


Viewership was even.

But viewership in and of itself is irrelevant. Ratings matter because it measures the percentage of possible eyes you can gather. Which means more people watched TV Monday this week than last week, yet none of the extra people watching watched Raw. There's a reason that ratings are the deciding factor when shows get renewed/cancelled and not viewership.

Well WWE already signed a multi year contract so they can't be canceled. Plus whats more important is the 18-49 rating. Raw won that on Cable beating Saul as well.

Viewership is down compared to last year over 300,000 compared to Raws after the Rumble. So the build hasn't helped but don't expect changes because they are selling out all the raw tapings other than this one in Iowa.
Well WWE already signed a multi year contract so they can't be canceled. Plus whats more important is the 18-49 rating. Raw won that on Cable beating Saul as well.

Viewership is down compared to last year over 300,000 compared to Raws after the Rumble. So the build hasn't helped but don't expect changes because they are selling out all the raw tapings other than this one in Iowa.

It's not about WWE being cancelled. Vince always has and always will respond to bad ratings. Even when they aren't up for a new contract. He's always been that way.


FGC Waterboy
Viewership was even.

But viewership in and of itself is irrelevant. Ratings matter because it measures the percentage of possible eyes you can gather. Which means more people watched TV Monday this week than last week, yet none of the extra people watching watched Raw. There's a reason that ratings are the deciding factor when shows get renewed/cancelled and not viewership.

It also may mean that WWE's core viewership is pretty much the same for this WM season.

The only hope this brings me is that WWE may do something crazy either at WM or at the Raw Post WM (I think and have thought since the RR that the plan is to have Reigns turn heel w/ Heyman if Lesnar does not re-sign, or Lesnar destroys Reigns if Lesnar does re-sign).


Just saw Sting and Orton's bit after Raw, and again, why the hell wouldn't you let Sting cut that promo ON Raw? You're putting it on the network, so it's not like you're hiding it from people. This company...
I remember how the main story in the first svr was choosing Torrie Wilson, Sable, Stacy Keibler, or Trish Stratus to have weird shower sex with

Especially weird since I was playing with Taker
So, apparently there were two new signings to wwe

Jasmin Areebi


and Chris Atkins



Re-watched last week's Lucha Underground main event. So good. Really wish El Rey was available in more places and that LU could grow at a quicker rate. Ah well.

this guy's got #thelook. and he's Australian too, so between Emma, him, Murphy, and the other other woman they signed, they've got a stable brewing
June 2002 - Retrospective (part 1 - no gifs)
Fun trip back down memory lane there.
Reminds me how odd it was that the Undisputed champ would effectively have two feuds on the go at once, one main and one mini feud for the other brand.
2002 is the last of true goofy Kurt, honestly I never enjoyed him quite as much afterwards though they were right to push his character in a more serious direction.

Booker T and Goldust were just plain fun in segments, I was watching the networks recent countdown on odd couple tag teams and it was great seeing them high up on the list even after all these years.


Ruthless Aggression pulled no punches...

refs trying to kill themselves, necrophilia, incest...THE WORKS

You forgot hot Lesbian action, hymen's being penetrated and from 2005 the classic Kurt Angle wanting bestiality sex with Booker t's wife.

Thank god I missed those years.

Smackdown tonight will contain this:

WWE has announced that there will be an Intercontinental Contender Gauntlet Match on Thursday's SmackDown with Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose, R-Truth, Stardust and Luke Harper.

The IC title feud is basically the main event of Smackdown right now.
remember that time wwe had a rape storyline
Everything about that storyline amazes me that it ever actually happened, like it ends with old man Al Wilson having a sex induced heart attack and a funeral brawl which says it all.
All of this for two of the non wrestling divas at that.
i think hes really shooting, and vince is trying to keep him in line

He isn't shooting for goodness sake. WWE didn't even want FANS DRESSED AS THEIR OWN WRESTLERS on the show. They're doing it as a rib on Heyman and it's getting great reactions and making his promos more compelling, so they're keeping it going.

WWE breaking up lana and rusev at the peak of their hotness is such a fucking WWE thing to do. They pulled Ambrose off TV just as he was on fire. They pulled Orton off TV right around the same time RKO OUT OF NOWHERE got attention. Didn't they also try to pull Punk off to film some shitty movie just as he was on fire too?

For goodness sake, THEY AREN'T BREAKING UP LANA AND RUSEV. She is shooting a movie. Ambrose was pulled off TV for a movie as well. They're not trying to sabotage their shows by removing hot acts, but movies have schedules and even WWE ones don't allow folks to work on TV regularly.
The ruthless aggression era is like if the guy behind crazy asshole bossman ran every storyline

What exactly is the Ruthless Aggression era? It was a phrase for maybe a year, and that term was never used to describe the era in its time. It was more WWE trying to retain as much of the Attitude era vibe as possible while pushing a lot of new talent.
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