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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns


How do we know that for sure, though? I mean, its not like Paul Heyman shooting is without precedent.

Its fully understandable for Vince to be on edge when giving Heyman a live microphone. All im saying is its a possibility, i dont know. Maybe he is shooting or maybe he isn't, its just a possibility to consider.



How do we know that for sure, though? I mean, its not like Paul Heyman shooting is without precedent.

Its fully understandable for Vince to be on edge when giving Heyman a live microphone. All im saying is its a possibility, i dont know. Maybe he is shooting or maybe he isn't, its just a possibility to consider.

I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter, friend.


Smackdown Spoiler:

Dean Ambrose vs. Stardust starts the Intercontinental Contenders Gauntlet Match. Stardust is eliminated in a quick match. He attacks Ambrose after the bell. R-Truth is the next man out. He beats up Stardust and kicks him out of the ring. Ambrose hits a quick Dirty Deeds and Truth is eliminated. Luke Harper is out next. He ends up eliminating Ambrose. Daniel Bryan is out next to a big pop. The crowd was super into this match. Bryan applied an awesome submission at one point but Harper elbowed out. Bryan ends up eliminating Harper by submission. Dolph Ziggler is out next to another huge pop. They go at it. Ziggler and Bryan play off the hot crowd. This went back and forth with neither man getting the upperhand. The end had many near finishes but Ziggler won out of nowhere with a Zig Zag.

* Bad News Barrett comes out and cuts a promo. He nails Ziggler in the face, blocks a running knee from Bryan and hits Bryan with the mic. Barrett stands tall after giving both men a Bullhammer.

This sounds good. It also seems like they are hinting at
Bryan winning the belt and him and Ziggler feuding after Wrestlemania.
Smackdown Spoiler:

This sounds good. It also seems like they are hinting at
Bryan winning the belt and him and Ziggler feuding after Wrestlemania.

Was this the final match of the night? Reigns is no longer working double duty on Raw and Smackdown at least for matches anymore? Smackdown recap last night had him spearing Mark Henry during an interview segment and that seemed to be it.
Was this the final match of the night? Reigns is no longer working double duty on Raw and Smackdown at least for matches anymore? Smackdown recap last night had him spearing Mark Henry during an interview segment and that seemed to be it.

For a guy who's in the main event of Mania, he really isn't doing all that much. Just had the interview on Monday. Just had an interview last Friday. Was an afterthought in the main event last Monday to the Orton angle. The spoilers this week have him in a match on SD though. Just strange. You'd think you would want your next big superstar to be featured heavily going into his "crowning moment".


Was this the final match of the night? Reigns is no longer working double duty on Raw and Smackdown at least for matches anymore? Smackdown recap last night had him spearing Mark Henry during an interview segment and that seemed to be it.

Nope there is that six man tag where
Natalya tags back in and powerbombs Torito for the win. Natalya took the Tag Team Title from Kidd after the match and held it in the air.
. Amazing

Plus the Main Event of:

Reigns and Henry vs Rollins and Kane with a hint of Randy Orton run in


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
I find it interesting that I am rooting for a rumored WrestleMania scenario that still involves Cena winning a belt. Vince has fucked up so bad that I want Cena to win in hopes that Bryan and Lesnar also leave with straps. I want Cena to win. fuck...


Smackdown Spoilers:

* Roman Reigns comes out to kick off the show. There were some boos and "you can't wrestle" chants. Mark Henry interrupts and cuts a pro-Reigns promo. Seth Rollins interrupts with Kane, Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble. Kane rips on Reigns and Rollins teases cashing in at WrestleMania 31. Rollins says Randy Orton will not be here tonight due to security not letting him in. Kane announces himself and Rollins vs. Reigns and Henry for the main event.

* Paige vs. Brie Bella is next. AJ Lee is on commentary and Nikki Bella is at ringside. Paige wins a quick match after a roll-up out of nowhere.

* Dean Ambrose vs. Stardust starts the Intercontinental Contenders Gauntlet Match. Stardust is eliminated in a quick match. He attacks Ambrose after the bell. R-Truth is the next man out. He beats up Stardust and kicks him out of the ring. Ambrose hits a quick Dirty Deeds and Truth is eliminated. Luke Harper is out next. He ends up eliminating Ambrose. Daniel Bryan is out next to a big pop. The crowd was super into this match. Bryan applied an awesome submission at one point but Harper elbowed out. Bryan ends up eliminating Harper by submission. Dolph Ziggler is out next to another huge pop. They go at it. Ziggler and Bryan play off the hot crowd. This went back and forth with neither man getting the upperhand. The end had many near finishes but Ziggler won out of nowhere with a Zig Zag.

* Bad News Barrett comes out and cuts a promo. He nails Ziggler in the face, blocks a running knee from Bryan and hits Bryan with the mic. Barrett stands tall after giving both men a Bullhammer.

* They air a second backstage segment with J&J Security making sure Orton doesn't get in the building.

* Cesaro, Tyson Kidd and Natalya vs. El Torito and Los Matadores is next. Natalya and Torito look to start but Kidd tags in and stops it from happening. Natalya tags back in and powerbombs Torito for the win. Natalya took the Tag Team Title from Kidd after the match and held it in the air.

* Roman Reigns and Mark Henry vs. Seth Rollins and Kane is next. Henry's music hits but he doesn't come out. The big screen shows Henry laid out backstage. Rollins and Kane come out while Reigns is left alone in the match. Rollins and Kane have J&J Security plus extra members of security at ringside. They start putting the beatdown on Reigns early. The whole arena is screaming for Orton. Reigns fights back as the crowd pops for him. He hits a Superman punch on Rollins and a spear on Kane for the win.

The crowd went nuts. Rollins came in the ring but Orton's music hit to more huge pops. Orton came from behind and beat up everyone but Reigns. Everyone took a RKO except Rollins, who escaped. SmackDown ends

Sounds like a decent show plus this guy makes Kansas City sounds like a hot crowd.
RAW was extremely entertaining this week. I think some of you are too jaded. Even worse is some of the people who do watch it and do nothing but complain. You didn't like anything over those three hours...but watch it all every week?

I don't get it either, but it's a universal trait of a lot of people on the internet who are filling some kind of emptiness in themselves to come into their mini-reality of choice and be the smartest people in the room. Maybe kind of like I'm doing right now by making this post at all. Huh. Looks like I've got something to think about.
Currently watching OSW's review of Stone Age Smackdown; it's entertaining and loaded with trivia
WWE want WB to re-draw the whole thing cause of CM Punk.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
How do we know that for sure, though? I mean, its not like Paul Heyman shooting is without precedent.

Its fully understandable for Vince to be on edge when giving Heyman a live microphone. All im saying is its a possibility, i dont know. Maybe he is shooting or maybe he isn't, its just a possibility to consider.

"Guys maybe wrestling is real!" Don't be THAT mark.

For goodness sake, THEY AREN'T BREAKING UP LANA AND RUSEV. She is shooting a movie. Ambrose was pulled off TV for a movie as well. They're not trying to sabotage their shows by removing hot acts, but movies have schedules and even WWE ones don't allow folks to work on TV regularly.

That...isn't the problem. They're three shows away from Wrestlemania where the guy she's a valet for is fighting the biggest star in the company and she's probably more over than her wrestler.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
i'm just shocked its still acceptable to use the term "mark", in 2015.

triggered me in all kinds of ways

I'm sorry you were on the receiving end of that hateful slur, friend.


Roman Reigns interview with Rolling Stone

You shot back at the crowd last night. Is that something you're comfortable doing or have you been instructed to do that?

That's just an instinct thing. That's not something you learn in a warehouse or people can tell you. If you're a Daniel Bryan fan, I'm all for that. The more people Daniel Bryan will bring into arenas, the better. The more people I bring in, the better. But when I'm talkin', shut the hell up and let me talk.
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