British Monsoon
I think fan wise, the best thing to do for these is sign up for a month, binge on what you want, then cancel and re-up when there's a decent backlog to get through.
The SMASH one is a pretty good deal if you're buying their events every month, saves you a bit of money and gets you access to their (admittedly small) back catalogue.
Incidentally, did you see Smallman having a rant on twitter about that new promotion stepping on PROGRESS toes? I checked out their site, they're using a good amount of the same talent as PROGRESS, seem to be trying to create the same sort of atmosphere as PROGRESS and are running their debut show at the Islington Academy, which seemed a bit ambitious, not to mention right on the PROGRESS doorstep. They're also crowing a 'world' champion, which I find rather ridiculous for a new promotion.