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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns

The thing about the internet is that it's hard to convey emphasis, so there's a fine line between "wow these guys is really enthusiastic" and "wow these guys are being elitist snob shits." That always rubs me the wrong way. Nothing wrong with being into a show, but is it good on its own merits, or is it good because it isn't [thing we hate this week]?

Conversely, there's also a bunch who I'd classify as "elitist snob shits" who watch nothing but WWE (while complaining endlessly about it) and shit all over anyone trying to tell them that perhaps, just perhaps, there's some wrestling outside of their precious Universe that's of a better quality.

I'll take enthusiasm over ignorance every time.


Conversely, there's also a bunch who I'd classify as "elitist snob shits" who watch nothing but WWE (while complaining endlessly about it) and shit all over anyone trying to tell them that perhaps, just perhaps, there's some wrestling outside of their precious Universe that's of a better quality.

I'll take enthusiasm over ignorance every time.

Fair enough. I don't like it from any source/base tbh.


Actually been out of the loop on Lucha for a while, just forgot about it.

This might actually be the first casket match I enjoyed
even though as a kid I did enjoy every heel being needed to take out the Undertaker at the Rumble

I even enjoyed Big Rick. How odd.
Fair enough. I don't like it from any source/base tbh.

If there wasn't such a negative attitude towards the current WWE product, I don't think you'd see people pushing alternatives as aggressively as they do. It's the same as in 2005 when the WWE product was absolutely in the shitter and ROH fans got a bad rap for going on about how much better ROH was.


If there wasn't such a negative attitude towards the current WWE product, I don't think you'd see people pushing alternatives as aggressively as they do. It's the same as in 2005 when the WWE product was absolutely in the shitter and ROH fans got a bad rap for going on about how much better ROH was.

Well if you guys would just accept Roman as the savior of the industry, everyone could get along real properlike.


lol @ Micro Machine Bryan

I'm fucking sick of WWE trying to live off the success of the attitude era. Every special on the network is attitude era recaps. Show me some Ruthless Aggression era shit. No one was watching then. We might find a recap more interesting then the 18th montage about HHH invading WCW.
Benoit was the reason I watched during that era.


Well if you guys would just accept Roman as the savior of the industry, everyone could get along real properlike.


Iv'e accepted it already but, it doesn't mean I have to like it.
Well if you guys would just accept Roman as the savior of the industry, everyone could get along real properlike.

I just can't do it - you could forgive Hogan's shortcomings because he was so over. Roman's just another "love him or hate him, at least he gets a reaction" Cena-like douche who must get over at the expense of everyone around him. Which, is kinda played out at this point.

Is it so hard to find a guy the crowd likes as much as Vince? I guess so.


I just can't do it - you could forgive Hogan's shortcomings because he was so over. Roman's just another "love him or hate him, at least he gets a reaction" Cena-like douche who must get over at the expense of everyone around him. Which, is kinda played out at this point.

Is it so hard to find a guy the crowd likes as much as Vince? I guess so.

As the Cheap Heat guys so excellently put it, if the crowd didn't want Roman Reigns to become the next John Cena, they'd stop treating him like John Cena and start greeting him with silence. "Cena sucks" made John Cena. A half-dead crowd would have ended it.


Reigns also comes off as an entitled ass (perhaps even like an entitled Millennial) in interviews. Unlikable to the core.

That's really my thing with him. I heard him on the power bombcast and was like, "wow, fuck this guy." It would be different if he was like 2% body fat calling people slobs or something that played into his gimmick, but "I'm a dick in a vest" is his gimmick so I'm not sure how you play up to that.
As the Cheap Heat guys so excellently put it, if the crowd didn't want Roman Reigns to become the next John Cena, they'd stop treating him like John Cena and start greeting him with silence. "Cena sucks" made John Cena. A half-dead crowd would have ended it.

Eh? Aside from Royal Rumble thats exactly what happened. I know all the reports say that he's over at house shows but on RAW Reigns gets like 1/4 the reaction Cena does good or bad.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
About to catch up on Rey de Reyes...no idea who any of these undercard lucha dudes are, except for Gran Apache.

The Blue Demon Jr match ended up making me go to bed. Though just based on dope looks, the match afterwards with the Satanists beating up the BMX Motocross white guy was fun, but sloppy.

I'm a sucker for satan.
Reigns is going to get murdered by Brock and the crowd at WM and Raw. Brock is going to come off as the company's biggest face. Everyone wants to cheer for him.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I refuse to believe this is true

too sweet me bro

Let me cut through the bullshit in this, because there's a lot. Just taking the words apart says all you need to say.

- It appears WWE is really still bitter over The Young Bucks turning down a tryout in 2014. We’ve noted how WWE has applied to trademark the “too sweet” hand gesture, which is used by The Young Bucks and New Japan Pro Wrestling’s popular Bullet Club stable.
So it "appears" - but isn't necessarily the case. And WWE is trademarking something their dudes did. Non-news.

We also noted how Mark Henry apparently took a shot at the brothers during his SmackDown segment with Roman Reigns last week as he said you “young bucks” haven’t been anywhere, talking down to Reigns.
This is a common term, especially for someone from Texas like Mark. More speculation without anything behind it.

Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter noted on his message board that people within WWE report the line by Henry was indeed done to take a shot at The Bucks.
Does this mean anything? "Did he do it on purpose? I don't know. Maybe? It sounds like the kind of thing Vince would do. I don't know."

Back in February, WWE posted a “Fury” video on YouTube that was the “Superkick Party” edition. There was some chatter that this was also done to take a shot at the brothers and apparently that is the case. The term “Superkick Party” has been used by The Bucks for some time now.
Another thing that means nothing. It's gaining traction due to the Young Backs, sure - but it's now a part of pro wrestling itself. That's like saying Okada's Tombstone is a tribute to the Undertaker.

We heard a few months back that the superkick move and the word “superkick” was being used on WWE TV a lot more. WWE has had restrictions on the move because it was once considered to be the sacred move of Shawn Michaels. There was talk within WWE that when The Bucks turned WWE down last year, WWE decided to up the use of superkicks in matches.
Riiiiight..."there was talk within WWE" - go fuck yourselves.

End of the day this is written to get people talking, not reporting a single goddamned

Reigns is going to get murdered by Brock and the crowd at WM and Raw. Brock is going to come off as the company's biggest face. Everyone wants to cheer for him.

I don't know about murdered - it would be smart on WWE's end to (and I sigh to myself saying this because people really, REALLY overuse it thanks to a little lardass) make Roman look strong, but not dominant. Brock is going to go into a monster babyface run after Mania and make some serious, SERIOUS merch money as the God-King Kal Lesnar.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Lucha Underground Casket Match is up and I implore everyone (because I guess I'll beg) to enjoy it. It's pretty excellent. And yes, I realize it's weird saying Mil Muertes is in a MOTY contender but...there it is. Played his part wonderfully.


It's very, very good.

Jamie OD

Lucha Underground Casket Match is up and I implore everyone (because I guess I'll beg) to enjoy it. It's pretty excellent. And yes, I realize it's weird saying Mil Muertes is in a MOTY contender but...there it is. Played his part wonderfully.


It's very, very good.

Great match. Reminds me of Puerto Rico's violent brawls (unsurprising since Muertes has been there before). If you like violent wrestling this should be right up your alley.


Lucha Underground Casket Match is up and I implore everyone (because I guess I'll beg) to enjoy it. It's pretty excellent. And yes, I realize it's weird saying Mil Muertes is in a MOTY contender but...there it is. Played his part wonderfully.


It's very, very good.

Yup. Feel like a top-tier original ECW match, especially with Muetes being involved but everything manages to play to his strengths and hide his weaknesses. Even with all the hype the match is getting in the thread, I was still taken aback with how good it actually was.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Great match. Reminds me of Puerto Rico's violent brawls (unsurprising since Muertes has been there before). If you like violent wrestling this should be right up your alley.

For sure. When a match makes me say "Oh shit I think he went too far..." and it's just according to keikaku, well, I'm in the mark zone and it's great.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Kojima's not great at making games, he's an idiot. He has a good team. Nothing of value would be lost without that stupid misogynist piece of shit.


Don't care, just as long as my collectors MGS V is delivered (which it will be obviously) and Silent Hills is made, Kojima can do what he likes after that.
Kojima should join WWE creative.

Everyone who has a simalar gimmick to a old wrestler will now be their children and even though Brock Lesner is leaving after mania they will replace him with Keifer Sutherland while still calling him Brock Lesner


Watched NXT last night. Loved the change of atmosphere and the building. Hated that they did commentary remotely. They never get the crowd levels right doing that. It always feels more hype when they do it there.

Loved the Breeze vs Kallisto match. I always loved to see Kallisto pull out the running hand-stand-rana.

Kevin Owens killed A-Ry, and I actually enjoyed a Big Cass match this time....how you doin'.

Next week is going to be MOTY worthy.
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