Sibersk Esto
Who threw him out of the ring, Chyna?
Who threw him out of the ring, Chyna?
Just watched the grave consequences match in LU and it was great. The presentation, using Mexican tradition "día de los muertos" (day of the dead); Mil Muertes being brutal, biting Fénix; the blood, it made sense in this match and gave it a special feel of brutality; the arena, loved how the brawled all over the arena; the casket, liked how they only used it when it made sense and did not tried to rush their opponent in the casket.
This past shows LU showed how you book a cage and casket match, they are feud enders, not just another match, you do not want to escape or finish the match early, you want to punish your rival.
I'm trying to watch this luchador casket match, Sunflower, because I believe it's important to support a company that uses blood in today's pussified day and age. But man, the terrible lighting makes it impossible to enjoy the wrestling and the blood.
bitch, don't talk shit about "The Lone Wolf Of NXT" Baron "End Of Days" Corbin
Data, Bootaaay, Vince, and others who care:
{NOAH} GHC Heavyweight Championship: (c) Naomichi Marufuji Vs. Minoru Suzuki (3/15/15)
And in HD too!
Data, Bootaaay, Vince, and others who care:
{NOAH} GHC Heavyweight Championship: (c) Naomichi Marufuji Vs. Minoru Suzuki (3/15/15)
And in HD too!
I'd say that this is worst attempt I've seen from out-of-touch old fucks to connect with Web 3.0, but then this happened.
I'd say that this is worst attempt I've seen from out-of-touch old fucks to connect with Web 3.0, but then this happened.
My services are always available WWE. And the only fee you'll have to pay is the Thunder In Paradise episodes that weren't released on DVD.
Poor Baron Corbin. I hope he improves since I really do like his theme and his look.
Wouldn't the rights to those still be owned by Lionsgate or whoever the fuck produced it?
So basically WWE needs to hire Bane.Oh, and watching that casket match posted earlier made me think. WWE should invest in a wrestler like Mil Muertes (doesn't have to necessarily be him). A beast, powerful, muscular masked wrestler. A heel masked character. Dark, brutal, mysterious guy. Think Brock Lesnar with a mask. Just thinking out loud here, but I think it would be awesome and can go far if done right.
People still have laser pens?I hope my seats don't suck. I'm scared since I seem to be beside the entrance.
Ya's haven't even posted the best ones.
But all I know is that Roman Reigns was everybody's favorite guy until the Royal Rumble. And then everyone turned on Roman Reigns. It's so funny how two days before, and the year before, everybody loved Roman Reigns. Everybody. All the fans did.
- We noted earlier this week via Reddit user MetsFan4Ever, who has broke several WWE stories in the past, that WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar was close to re-signing with the company and there was talk of keeping the title on him at WrestleMania 31. Then the idea would be to have John Cena take the United States Title and Daniel Bryan win the Intercontinental Title a a way to elevate both of those titles. It should be noted that this report is just a rumor for now.
MetsFan has posted an update and says another idea being tossed around is for Sheamus to make his surprise return in the Intercontinental Title Ladder Match at WrestleMania. According to this report, the feeling is that Sheamus will be cheered heavily but will "heel it up" throughout the match. At some point, Sheamus would cost Bryan the match and win the title.
This would then lead to a feud with a heel Sheamus vs. a babyface Bryan for the Intercontinental Title. It should be noted that this is another rumor but since his original report about WWE elevating both secondary titles, there have been signs from within WWE and from other sources that the reports could be true. He did add that this plan is less likely to happen than the original idea of Bryan winning the title but it is still being discussed
Is it just me, or is Reddit and MetsFan a rumour mill of the biggest bullshit?
"It might be, or it might not."
No shit, fucko.
People liked Roman when he was protected and, when that protection was taken away, people saw how limited he was. Don't blame the fans because creative decided to expose Roman way before he was ready. Also, Jericho is a fucking idiot. Everything about him since his "I'm the best in the world at what I do" run has been awful and only served to tarnish his legacy, especially whenever he opens his fucking mouth or reminds everyone that he's a 44 year old man pretending to be a 22 year old rocker. DOUCHE!
Jericho really has the ability of making me respect less every time he opens his mouth. Is pretty amazing really.
People liked Roman when he was protected and, when that protection was taken away, people saw how limited he was. Don't blame the fans because creative decided to expose Roman way before he was ready. Also, Jericho is a fucking idiot. Everything about him since his "I'm the best in the world at what I do" run has been awful and only served to tarnish his legacy, especially whenever he opens his fucking mouth or reminds everyone that he's a 44 year old man pretending to be a 22 year old rocker. DOUCHE!
Metsfan is just an attention whore and it's kinda pathetic that wreddit continue to play the role of his adoring public. I can't stand that place, it's the fucking worst.
Metsfan is just an attention whore and it's kinda pathetic that wreddit continue to play the role of his adoring public. I can't stand that place, it's the fucking worst.
Reminds me of Bossman taking a similar bump during the 1992 Royal Rumble.That time Vince Mcmahon almost fucking died
Not just Reddit, every copy/paste dirtsheet posts this as "WWE Insider metswhatever reports"
Turns out the guy worked as a creative assistent in WWE for like four months or something. Fair enough, it's a step above janitor, but still.
Is it just me, or is Reddit and MetsFan a rumour mill of the biggest bullshit?
"It might be, or it might not."
No shit, fucko.
This is actually a good idea and a feud I would be interested in seeing. So it's probably not going to happen.
Bryan needs to get some balls.
I'm trying to watch this luchador casket match, Sunflower, because I believe it's important to support a company that uses blood in today's pussified day and age. But man, the terrible lighting makes it impossible to enjoy the wrestling and the blood.
I'm trying to watch this luchador casket match, Sunflower, because I believe it's important to support a company that uses blood in today's pussified day and age. But man, the terrible lighting makes it impossible to enjoy the wrestling and the blood.
It didn't bother me too much but I will admit there were times I wish I could see better, when they were outside of the ring. Which happened a LOT.