Winner winner chicken dinner. The $2,000/seat ticket purchasers are suckers who will swallow and spend and bitch and spend and whine and spend some more. They should be abused like the masochistic abused whales that they are and NEVER pandered to. (Except by Triple H who will pander to them non-stop in his bid to get NXT over nationwide and crush the indy promotions.)
It's the casual fans who should be catered to. That and the whimsy of Vince McMahon's sense of humor. What a delightful old man he is!
I know that Vince seems to be happy enough driving ahead at what he's doing now given the feedback from what he feels really counts is positive (Summerslam is already sold out right? That is probably a Reigns main event) but how long until those Network numbers just don't start adding up? If Raw ratings stagnate at the level they are right now, does the TV deal they have even change? They "hit" a million but that isn't near the level where the Network is a viable service to replace the old PPV model right?
Basically how bad has it gotta get till we see Vince start pushing smark appeal buttons or is he just gonna ride this out till he's done.