They've already been hammered in here. You're WAY late.
I'm never late.
They've already been hammered in here. You're WAY late.
Still a few tickets left for anyone interested:
Womens wrestling is moving up from what is seen as the mid card bathroom break
Monday Night RAW starts and its my weekly internal debate of Do I sit through three hours of poorly booked wrestling or do I follow my twitter feed and live off the recaps from my followers? I decided to give it a shot to see if Vince was actually going to follow through with his vague promises.
#GiveDivasAChance started trending on twitter 2 weeks ago and it still shows no sign of going away. The WWE tries really hard to be on the ball in terms of staying current, so every week Michael Cole will address anything related to the promotion that is trending on twitter. It popped up during RAW as a result to the Divas match clocking in at less than a minute; thats right, we have male Superstars who have longer entrance sequences on the show than the women were allotted to fight a complete match. Despite all this, the announcers stayed mum. Fast forward to the next day and we see good ol Mr. McMahon tweeting the following:
Does Vince hear us? Is he actually going to take a chance to let us influence the narrative of his product or are we going to see a small glimmer of hope and just slide back into the way its been. Their current motto is WWE: Then. Now. Forever.; if that doesnt show a resistance to change, I dont know what does. Take a skip ahead to last Monday, Michael Cole was given the go ahead to address the hashtag which was trending yet again. He addressed it on air by mentioning that it was trending, but nothing further than that. It seemed your typical RAW with drawn out matches and in ring babbling and added in celebrity appearance since Wrestlemania is just around the corner. This weeks celebrity was Wiz Khalifa who got EIGHT minutes of airtime. The Divas got five minutes total. A five minute match isnt that atrocious, its at least four minutes more than they got the week prior except this was combined between two matches.
Vince McMahon heard our cry, we kept watching and he Gave the Divas A Chance by letting the women have more than one match one the show but they needed to combine both matches to be shorter than an adequate mens match. To put some icing on this bittersweet cake, partway through the second match featuring Naomi and Natalya, their husbands (Tyson Kidd & Jimmy Uso) started brawling at ringside and the cameras followed the men. What youre telling us, Vince, is you hear us but you dont care.
Who knows if this is a tipping point for WWE in how they treat women, but we need to remember that the buck doesnt stop with them and they arent the end all be all of wrestling. This problem has trickled down to indie level promotions as well. Unless a promotion is all women, such as SHIMMER, League of Lady Wrestlers and Valkyrie, or its a womens event as an exception, its extremely commonplace for there to be one womens match on a card if any are included at all. Bonus points if your sole womens match is intergender! There are more than enough talented wrestlers who arent cis men that can be booked on your show; whats the harm in mixing things up?
Womens wrestling is moving up from what is seen as the mid card bathroom break and I will continue to bitch and moan until people like Vince are sick of hearing me and actually make an effort to change. Lets see if this trend continues and whether or not its a genuine effort, or if theyre just pandering to keep us quiet. had a lot of words about #givedivasachance and it's worth reading.
What do you think? Is this the start of something better? Or is it just to keep people occupied for now and then will be given up on? had a lot of words about #givedivasachance and it's worth reading.
What do you think? Is this the start of something better? Or is it just to keep people occupied for now and then will be given up on? had a lot of words about #givedivasachance and it's worth reading.
What do you think? Is this the start of something better? Or is it just to keep people occupied for now and then will be given up on?
I like you krae_man, you have your priorities in order.Good Stuff. I'll get home from work around 10pm Wrestlemania Sunday. I can watch the main event live and go back and watch the rest of Start from the beginning and fast forward through the crappy skits.
Did they mute the Nikki Bella chants is what you're saying
The main event of Wrestlemania is an absolute must watch match. It might be the most important match of this decade.
Sunny, i just got word that the Dragon Lee vs Kamaitachi mask vs mask match was great and Dragon Lee is still fucking insane
Nothing will change and it's going to be super depressing. had a lot of words about #givedivasachance and it's worth reading.
What do you think? Is this the start of something better? Or is it just to keep people occupied for now and then will be given up on?
Will Nikki Bella chants go back to being muted, or are they slowly allowing the cheers?
Nothing will change and it's going to be super depressing.
I'm kind of undecided. It's good business to cater to the other HALF of people you've been ignoring and we've seen a bunch of things in games and comics finally start stepping the fuck up. Could WWE be next? I think there's a good chance.
Yeah, don't link it or anything that would only make sense.Oh god I found a huge collection of Wrestling Isn't Wrestling gifs
fixing the divas's division is gonna take a lot of work because the fans have been trained to not care for so long, and i honestly don't know if vince is willing to invest that much time into it
Sunny is right. Max Landis is a fuck face. Fuck his shitty video.
The video is FnP at it's finest. Why don't you like it?
Finishing up the Raw before WM30 and damn I totally forgot about the Shield vs New Age Outlaws and Kane match at AM
Also they keep hyping up the Battle Royale. Too bad they forgot about it less than a month later
Apparently Chrome's gif affliction has been cured. I can't say for sure but it seems a bit zippier.
Please don't start posting 40 mb gifs though (looking at you Alucard lol).
"Pedro Aguayo Ramírez, better known as "Perro Aguayo Jr." or "El Hijo del Perro Aguayo" died early on Saturday at the Del Prado Hospital after being transferred from the Municipal Auditorium which was part of the Luchist billboard and faced Rey Mysterio Jr.
Immediately paramedics treated him and transferred to hospital where about 1 am he was pronounced dead.
The medical reports that whiplash was the cause of death."
Oh man, Perro Aguayo Jr. died after an accident in the ring with Rey tonight
Sounds like he was trying to avoid a 619 from Mysterio, but caught it in the face and was knocked out. I don't think anyone realised it was so serious at first, goddamn. This is terrible, can't imagine how Rey must be feeling. had a lot of words about #givedivasachance and it's worth reading.
What do you think? Is this the start of something better? Or is it just to keep people occupied for now and then will be given up on?
I bet femmezuigiri (if that is their real name) watches Raw each week regardless.
Monday Night RAW starts and its my weekly internal debate of Do I sit through three hours of poorly booked wrestling or do I follow my twitter feed and live off the recaps from my followers?
If it's that bad just stop watching, no one is forcing you to sit through 3 hours.
FUCKOh man, Perro Aguayo Jr. died after an accident in the ring with Rey tonight
Sounds like he was trying to avoid a 619 from Mysterio, but caught it in the face and was knocked out. I don't think anyone realised it was so serious at first, goddamn. This is terrible, can't imagine how Rey must be feeling.