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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns

Ultimate X was pretty fun. The comedy worked well and no one took stupid risks. Great hype throughout every segment for the World title match. Joe-Aries wasn't much, but I liked Spud's title win. The Magnus-Bram brawl was a thing. Didn't really do much for me. The KOs 3-way was fantastic. Kong can't do much, but this was about as good a match as you're going to get with her.

Storm and Matt had a really stupid garbage match. It started with basic stuff and then they did a superplex chair bridge spot and a tack bump. Both meant ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and Matt shouldn't be taking stupid bumps at this stage in his career. Storm took the tacks and they got nothing out of it. It was a kickout and not even a dramatic one. Just such a stupid match given what TNA is and what the talent is really getting out of it money-wise.

Lashley-Angle was amazing. They gave it the biggest-match intro to date in the DA era. They started with logical wrestling stuff that worked to each man's strengths, and built to things like Germans. Loved the 2.9999 count off the spear. The hype for this match had it pegged as a great match and it was a step above that. The big intros helped and each man busted out new things here. Kurt did a crossbody, while Lashley went for a frog splash. The finish was great too - they built to each ankle lock, and then finally the grapevined ankle lock was once again the last bullet in the gun he needed to win. This was a great main event that was worth going out of your way to see - I'm glad I recorded it so I'll have an HD copy forever because if it was Kurt's last World title win, he did his damndest to make it a classic.


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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
http://femmezuigiri.tumblr.com had a lot of words about #givedivasachance and it's worth reading.

“Women’s wrestling is moving up from what is seen as the mid card ‘bathroom break’”

Monday Night RAW starts and it’s my weekly internal debate of “Do I sit through three hours of poorly booked wrestling or do I follow my twitter feed and live off the recaps from my followers?” I decided to give it a shot to see if Vince was actually going to follow through with his vague promises.

#GiveDivasAChance started trending on twitter 2 weeks ago and it still shows no sign of going away. The WWE tries really hard to be on the ball in terms of staying current, so every week Michael Cole will address anything related to the promotion that is trending on twitter. It popped up during RAW as a result to the Divas match clocking in at less than a minute; that’s right, we have male “Superstars” who have longer entrance sequences on the show than the women were allotted to fight a complete match. Despite all this, the announcers stayed mum. Fast forward to the next day and we see good ol’ Mr. McMahon tweeting the following:

Does Vince hear us? Is he actually going to take a chance to let us influence the narrative of his product or are we going to see a small glimmer of hope and just slide back into the way it’s been. Their current motto is “WWE: Then. Now. Forever.”; if that doesn’t show a resistance to change, I don’t know what does. Take a skip ahead to last Monday, Michael Cole was given the go ahead to address the hashtag which was trending yet again. He addressed it on air by mentioning that it was trending, but nothing further than that. It seemed your typical RAW with drawn out matches and in ring babbling and added in celebrity appearance since Wrestlemania is just around the corner. This week’s celebrity was Wiz Khalifa who got EIGHT minutes of airtime. The Divas got five minutes total. A five minute match isn’t that atrocious, it’s at least four minutes more than they got the week prior… except this was combined between two matches.

Vince McMahon heard our cry, we kept watching and he “Gave the Divas A Chance” by letting the women have more than one match one the show… but they needed to combine both matches to be shorter than an adequate men’s match. To put some icing on this bittersweet cake, partway through the second match featuring Naomi and Natalya, their husbands (Tyson Kidd & Jimmy Uso) started brawling at ringside and the cameras followed the men. What you’re telling us, Vince, is you hear us but you don’t care.

Who knows if this is a tipping point for WWE in how they treat women, but we need to remember that the buck doesn’t stop with them and they aren’t the end all be all of wrestling. This problem has trickled down to indie level promotions as well. Unless a promotion is all women, such as SHIMMER, League of Lady Wrestlers and Valkyrie, or it’s a women’s event as an exception, it’s extremely commonplace for there to be one women’s match on a card… if any are included at all. Bonus points if your sole women’s match is intergender! There are more than enough talented wrestlers who aren’t cis men that can be booked on your show; what’s the harm in mixing things up?

Women’s wrestling is moving up from what is seen as the mid card “bathroom break” and I will continue to bitch and moan until people like Vince are sick of hearing me and actually make an effort to change. Let’s see if this trend continues and whether or not it’s a genuine effort, or if they’re just pandering to keep us quiet.

What do you think? Is this the start of something better? Or is it just to keep people occupied for now and then will be given up on?


Using Marvel Unlimited and I can't stop thinking how much better the Network's archive content would be if it was organized HALF as effectively as this.

I was also going to leave a big ass long-form post here dissecting Reigns' character since the Shield broke up and how I can only find one tiny little window where he was presented as a legitimately sympathetic and relatable character (pre-injury, when he was out for revenge for Dean) and wanting to be sold on why I should be cheering for him at WMPlay even after doing as HHH said on the Stone Cold podcast and "letting the story play out." But in the process of doing so, I sold myself on signing back up for the Network just to see Brock take him down a peg.

I mean "two big, badass dudes are poised to smash each other to bits" is far from the best possible story they could be telling here and the stakes haven't really been made personal AT ALL or really like something that feels Wrestlemania-tier, but Wrestlemania is just $10 now and comes with bonus NXT episodes. So I'm back in, because I get to eat junk food and cheer for a super mutant freak of a man to stomp the hell out of a guy I don't like. So fuck it, I'll be a good little mark. Put me down for THE BEAST.

I paid full price for Wrestlemania 27. As my first one. This won't even be in the same ballpark of awfulness even if they are being tone-deaf and stupid.

http://femmezuigiri.tumblr.com had a lot of words about #givedivasachance and it's worth reading.
What do you think? Is this the start of something better? Or is it just to keep people occupied for now and then will be given up on?

I think they just mined this one for a new catchphrase to play with for a bit and that's it.
http://femmezuigiri.tumblr.com had a lot of words about #givedivasachance and it's worth reading.

What do you think? Is this the start of something better? Or is it just to keep people occupied for now and then will be given up on?

Total divas is the priority, as long as it exist I don't think the women will get better. A good portion of the women need to be in NXT getting some training. It's not a time issue Its a talent issue, If they were smart they would have Charlotte and nattie tare down the house at summerslam.

Overall I think the decision needs a complete reboot, no graduale change will work.


Good Stuff. I'll get home from work around 10pm Wrestlemania Sunday. I can watch the main event live and go back and watch the rest of Start from the beginning and fast forward through the crappy skits.
I like you krae_man, you have your priorities in order.

The main event of Wrestlemania is an absolute must watch match. It might be the most important match of this decade.


If the WWE really wants to put the divas over what they need to do is build to another match with one of them vs. Steph and have Steph lose that decisively instead of the shenanigans that happened last time. I think AJ is the best pick because that's been something teased and clamored for since before there was a capital A in the Authority, but she's really not the only choice.

But as it stands now, Steph is the only one given notable screen time outside of Total Divas and the only one who is consistently presented as a strong, capable person to be taken seriously.

The main event of Wrestlemania is an absolute must watch match. It might be the most important match of this decade.

It really doesn't feel like it at all right now, but in the long-term you could easily be right.


Sunny, i just got word that the Dragon Lee vs Kamaitachi mask vs mask match was great and Dragon Lee is still fucking insane

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sunny, i just got word that the Dragon Lee vs Kamaitachi mask vs mask match was great and Dragon Lee is still fucking insane

He's SO young! Pretty nuts. I need to watch it sometime.

Currently watching Bull Nakano vs Aja Kong cage match in late 1990 at Stro's urging. It's a hard hitting mother fucking cage match with purpose. Godddddddamnnnnnn.

His review and gifs are found at:

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Nothing will change and it's going to be super depressing.

I'm kind of undecided. It's good business to cater to the other HALF of people you've been ignoring and we've seen a bunch of things in games and comics finally start stepping the fuck up. Could WWE be next? I think there's a good chance.
I'm kind of undecided. It's good business to cater to the other HALF of people you've been ignoring and we've seen a bunch of things in games and comics finally start stepping the fuck up. Could WWE be next? I think there's a good chance.

For what it's worth, they've done a good job at dragging Vince to modern times, although that's not saying much. If they can keep dragging him to the present and not let him crawl back to the past and avoid the fans, then things can look up.


fixing the divas's division is gonna take a lot of work because the fans have been trained to not care for so long, and i honestly don't know if vince is willing to invest that much time into it


If AJ's merchandise has been as popular and profitable as she alluded to her tweet to Stephanie then I think we can see a bit of change. When they see that having the women popular is a good business decision it will make giving them TV time a lot easier.


fixing the divas's division is gonna take a lot of work because the fans have been trained to not care for so long, and i honestly don't know if vince is willing to invest that much time into it

They're gonna have to be okay with having a dead or antagonistic crowd during longer diva segments for a while. if Erick Rowan or New Day can get the benefit of the doubt there, it shouldn't be a problem.

But will and should are different things, I guess.


Finishing up the Raw before WM30 and damn I totally forgot about the Shield vs New Age Outlaws and Kane match at AM

Also they keep hyping up the Battle Royale. Too bad they forgot about it less than a month later

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Finishing up the Raw before WM30 and damn I totally forgot about the Shield vs New Age Outlaws and Kane match at AM

Also they keep hyping up the Battle Royale. Too bad they forgot about it less than a month later

Yeah but it was actually pretty fun at the time.
If any of you own an XB1, you need to play Ori and the Blind Forest. I wasn't expecting much going in, and it absolutely blew me away. Highly recommended.
Oh man, Perro Aguayo Jr. died after an accident in the ring with Rey tonight :(


"Pedro Aguayo Ramírez, better known as "Perro Aguayo Jr." or "El Hijo del Perro Aguayo" died early on Saturday at the Del Prado Hospital after being transferred from the Municipal Auditorium which was part of the Luchist billboard and faced Rey Mysterio Jr.

Immediately paramedics treated him and transferred to hospital where about 1 am he was pronounced dead.

The medical reports that whiplash was the cause of death."


Sounds like he was trying to avoid a 619 from Mysterio, but caught it in the face and was knocked out. I don't think anyone realised it was so serious at first, goddamn. This is terrible, can't imagine how Rey must be feeling.


http://femmezuigiri.tumblr.com had a lot of words about #givedivasachance and it's worth reading.

What do you think? Is this the start of something better? Or is it just to keep people occupied for now and then will be given up on?

Nothing is going to change with Vince there. The women are just eye candy. Everything else is irrelevant.

wXw is actually trying again to build up their women's division after hitting some bumps on the road.
"Rey did a double dropkick on Aguayo and Manik to set up a double 619. Aguayo hit the ropes wrong and was knocked out and never woke up. Either brain hemmorage or cervical spine trauma it seems."

Damn, this is so awful. Condolences to everyone involved.


I bet femmezuigiri (if that is their real name) watches Raw each week regardless.

I'm not really sure how that has any bearing on anything raised in that blog. Maybe they enjoy the rest of the show but want something to change. Maybe it's something that's building up and if nothing changes, then will stop watching.

If you're not allowed to complain about watching parts of a program every week, this thread would be dead on a Monday night, even if some people to enjoy a lot of parts of the show.
Monday Night RAW starts and it’s my weekly internal debate of “Do I sit through three hours of poorly booked wrestling or do I follow my twitter feed and live off the recaps from my followers?”

If it's that bad just stop watching, no one is forcing you to sit through 3 hours.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Those Undisputed movies are fucking bullshit. I kept having people tell me, 'Oh watch those if you like Martial Arts movies.' And I finally watch them and they're crappy fakey fake looking bullshit.

They're like the indie wrestlers version of Bruce Lee, Donnie Yen, Sammo Hung, and Jackie Chan movies.


If it's that bad just stop watching, no one is forcing you to sit through 3 hours.

So the points raised in the post would be fine without that line, or am I missing something? Should the women of the biggest wrestling promotion in the world get a chance regardless of people watching, or not?

If we got matches the calibre of what we've seen out of the women on NXT, including from one currently on the roster who was against someone who's been busted down to NXT, why wouldn't that be seen as a win? I haven't watched Raw since before Fastlane, so does my opinion hold more weight?
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