I thought we were past the body shaming, friends.
Punk may not be huge, but Seth Rollins has taught us that sometimes great things come in small packages.
The sport of Ultimate Fighting is due for another icon who can ignite the public's imagination in the power of proper form and technique. I believe Punk can be that icon.
Ministry Taker?Glad Taker's gotten rid of the stupid Rob Swire-esque beard though. Always looked dumb to me.
Of the brief amount of AAA I've watched on YouTube recently, he stood out to me as the most talented performer on the roster.
I thought we were past the body shaming, friends.
Punk may not be huge, but Seth Rollins has taught us that sometimes great things come in small packages.
The sport of Ultimate Fighting is due for another icon who can ignite the public's imagination in the power of proper form and technique. I believe Punk can be that icon.
It is amazing how much just coloring your beard can make you younger.
Undertaker looked so much better a few years back. This photo's from 2010.
Actually, just kidding. This was taken two hours ago. Dude looks primed.
BUT WRASSLEGAF TOLD ME HE WAS A BROKEN DOWN OLD MANUndertaker looked so much better a few years back. This photo's from 2010.
Actually, just kidding. This was taken two hours ago. Dude looks primed.
Ugh... Now that I've watched another video of that match I'm wondering if Perro Aguayo Jr. suffered some kind of spinal injury from the headscissors Rey gives him right before the dropkick. :/
RIP Hijo Del Perro Aguayo.
Of the brief amount of AAA I've watched on YouTube recently, he stood out to me as the most talented performer on the roster.
Even thought he match was shitty as fuck (par for course with Cane), Taker's return was dope at WM20
Undertaker looked so much better a few years back. This photo's from 2010.
Actually, just kidding. This was taken two hours ago. Dude looks primed.
Also, come back bean![]()
Here's the piece I wrote about Jimmy Havoc, check it out friends and let me know what you think;
The Rise & Rise of Jimmy Havoc
Network is showing last years Hall of Fame. I didnt remember this but who the hell thought it was a good idea to follow Jakes speech with a Hornswaggle spot. So wahjah.
IIRC, they thought Jake's speech was depressing, so they sent the little people out there to "lighten the mood".
suzuki cares not for you nwa belts
Watching some stuff from the past few years. I can't believe they gave the Shield their first loss on a random Smackdown. All that build and all the teams they beat, and you burn that off on a show nobody was watching? Would have meant so much more had the Wyatts been the first to do it at EC.
RIP Hijo Del Perro Aguayo.
Of the brief amount of AAA I've watched on YouTube recently, he stood out to me as the most talented performer on the roster.
RIP Hijo Del Perro Aguayo.
Of the brief amount of AAA I've watched on YouTube recently, he stood out to me as the most talented performer on the roster.
I have a feeling Taker is going to squash Bray dead to make him look strong for next years Sting match.Taker probably has a huge chip on his shoulder from last year. He looked like frail shit last year and his match with Lesnar sucked because he got knocked out early on. He's probably going to be a machine against Wyatt.
Watching some stuff from the past few years. I can't believe they gave the Shield their first loss on a random Smackdown. All that build and all the teams they beat, and you burn that off on a show nobody was watching? Would have meant so much more had the Wyatts been the first to do it at EC.
Wasn't there a story going around that The Shield didn't shake Big Show's hand or something stupid like that, and Vince wanted to break them up due to that?Dean said they wanted to break up the Shield so much times before it actually happened, so their first loss could have been a lot worse than happening on just a random Smackdown. He even said Vince wanted Cena to get that first-win glory (albeit on PPV).
After reading and listening to many WWE stories, this seems like a reoccurring theme with Vince. He just randomly decides to do things like "Hey, lets do Brock vs Stone Cold on a random ass Raw for a KOTR QUALIFYING MATCH" or "Hey, lets do Triple H vs Batista on a random ass Raw because" or "Hey, lets have Roman's first loss be against Big Show on a random ass Raw"
Here's the piece I wrote about Jimmy Havoc, check it out friends and let me know what you think;
The Rise & Rise of Jimmy Havoc
"Let's have Charlotte randomly debut on Raw and have her get killed by Nattie in 2 minutes."
Vince is running a one-ring circus. And Cena is his ringmaster.When shit gets real, Vince always gets scared. He loves to live in his carny ass world of Black people dancing and clapping and little people making him laugh.
Suits me just fine. Get the good stuff out of the way before The Walking Dead finale.The tag title match has been confirmed for the Mania pre-show. Ladder match probably curtain-jerking.
People might be done watching the parts they want to see of Mania by 7:30
Potentially the next IWGP Heavyweight Champion. I wonder what Inoki would think, lol.
On WrestleMania 31 and his Intercontinental ladder match against six other superstars:
"I'm a bitter, chip-on-my shoulder guy who doesn't care about anybody else, but there's a little bit of that tiny wrestling fan inside me that gets excited to see Sting for the first time ever at a WrestleMania. Or to see if Undertaker's going to have his entrance or to see if I can go out there and, not just outdo myself and have fun, but it's like wow, millions of people watching, 80-something-thousand people are in attendance at this event. This is a huge monumental deal. And no matter how jaded or bitter you are, it's a very special thing, no matter who you are or what match you're in to, take a look out there for five seconds and look around and go wow, I'm a part of history."
On the backlash WrestleMania main eventer Roman Reigns has received from fans:
"All of those Shield guys, who came in protected, have done nothing but deliver, in my opinion, and I am a harsh critic of everyone. I wish I could be in the main event. I feel that I am better than Roman Reigns, but you know what? He hasn't wrestled as long as I have. And if he does anything that comes up short of delivering, I'll be all over his case and I'll be the first one to go on Twitter and go, 'Yup, told you it should've been me.'"
On his performance at the Royal Rumble:
"I was pissed. I was out there for a minute at the most and I was so disgusted with myself and so disappointed with the position I was in."
On how he deals with frustrations with his role in the company:
"You don't just go to your bosses and say, 'This sucks, I'm supposed to be winning everything.' If you have an awesome idea or a story, or something great, you go, 'Hey, how about we do this,' but when the story is not you, you have to find a way to make it work."
On attending the taping of the Justin Bieber roast:
"Martha Stewart kicked ass. She was great."
On balancing wrestling with his stand-up comedy career:
"I make sure to write every day, even if it's a little bit."
On adult website Brazzers recently making him an offer to sponsor his wrestling trunks:
"Twitter ranted about what I should do next. Brazzers offered me $10,000 and I could pick my partner if I would join them. So Brazzers has always been there for me."
Here's the piece I wrote about Jimmy Havoc, check it out friends and let me know what you think;
The Rise & Rise of Jimmy Havoc