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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns


Becoming a bigger and bigger fan of both Bootaaay and Jimmy Havoc. Progress is just a fun damn watch and I really need to get to London and beg one of you UK gaffers to get me a ticket to one of their shows.

How much are their tickets? That sounds like a great idea. A flight to the UK is not that expensive and I could combine it with a short vacation. Hmmm....

Edit: yeah I could get to London for under 40€ if timed right.shit this might be doable some time.


Does Matt Sydal just work out and focus on his core all the time?


Where's the fat? Damn.
how's the Darewolf doing on the indie circuit?

according to his Talk is Jericho interview, the Adam Rose gimmick is what Dusty envisioned for Gabriel down in FCW. And he filmed his own vignettes for the Darewolf gimmick but they never used them (obvi). He showed Vince a 2-minute reel of him doing crazy stunts and daredevil stuff, and Vince's response was, "I didn't know you could juggle!"


Punk isn't going to be an MMA icon - he's going to do a fight, and he's not going to be in the title hunt. He's going to be a non-title headline guy and that's a good role for him.

I think youre underestimating Punk here. Why can't he be in the title hunt? Hes healthy, and hes training every day. Duke Rufus, from what i hear, is a highly respected, patient, and fair trainer. Under him, Punk could flourish. You've never even seen him fight. It's much too early to just say hes not going to be an mma icon. Punk seems to have a nasty streak, and everyone is underestimating him. I'm telling you, watch this guy.
Been thinking about which NXT guy will end up in the Andre. It has to be either Neville or Balor. For weeks everyone has thought Sheamus is winning it, so I think it's be fun if it came down to him and the NXT guy. Then the NXT guy wins. Gives a boost to a debuting guy and creates a ready-made feud and gives Sheamus a reason to turn heel. I think that scenario best fits Balor, but it could work with Neville too.

Of course, none of that will happen. Sheamus will win.
I really liked the past 2 TNA shows, both the EC3 vs Spud and Angle vs Lashley matches were pretty good, so for those (only one) that watch TNA weekly since when did the show became decent?


Been thinking about which NXT guy will end up in the Andre. It has to be either Neville or Balor. For weeks everyone has thought Sheamus is winning it, so I think it's be fun if it came down to him and the NXT guy. Then the NXT guy wins. Gives a boost to a debuting guy and creates a ready-made feud and gives Sheamus a reason to turn heel. I think that scenario best fits Balor, but it could work with Neville too.

Of course, none of that will happen. Sheamus will win.

Undertaker looked so much better a few years back. This photo's from 2010.


Actually, just kidding. This was taken two hours ago. Dude looks primed.

Good to see him looking better, though I can't imagine his match with Wyatt will be very long. Like others have speculated it's just a way for UT to get his heat back after the streak ending so he looks stronger going into
Mania 32 against Sting.

suzuki cares not for you nwa belts
WTF is up with all those belts? Also, NWA is still a thing?

Been thinking about which NXT guy will end up in the Andre. It has to be either Neville or Balor. For weeks everyone has thought Sheamus is winning it, so I think it's be fun if it came down to him and the NXT guy. Then the NXT guy wins. Gives a boost to a debuting guy and creates a ready-made feud and gives Sheamus a reason to turn heel. I think that scenario best fits Balor, but it could work with Neville too.

Of course, none of that will happen. Sheamus will win.
throw in some Regal to get a UK focused fued going on, it's be pretty fun if they went full Euro with thier threats and references.
I think youre underestimating Punk here. Why can't he be in the title hunt? Hes healthy, and hes training every day. Duke Rufus, from what i hear, is a highly respected, patient, and fair trainer. Under him, Punk could flourish. You've never even seen him fight. It's much too early to just say hes not going to be an mma icon. Punk seems to have a nasty streak, and everyone is underestimating him. I'm telling you, watch this guy.

Punk is going to be 38 and likely entering one of the most stacked divisions in the company. Realistically, his best bet is just being a showcase fighter in a semi-main event slot who brings in a lot of new eyeballs. Punk, unlike Brock, has no formal athletic background. Brock dominated as a relative rookie, but he also did so after being in competitive sports for many years and being at the highest level there.

The NWA is indeed still a thing. This New Japan partnership came along at the absolute perfect time for them too since they're giving valuable wrestlers something to fight for.
piece of shit

how I hate him

Get used to him. He's going to be main eventing Mania 33 against Roman.

NOAH belts have a pretty uniform design

Except for the Jr. singles belt which is blue for some reason and looks really ugly.

As stupid as the title was, the GHC Hardcore Openweight belt was really swank with the white strap. Kind of wish they'd bring it back, rename it the GHC TV title or some shit (since it wasn't even a Hardcore title in the first place despite it being in the name).


Punk is going to be 38 and likely entering one of the most stacked divisions in the company. Realistically, his best bet is just being a showcase fighter in a semi-main event slot who brings in a lot of new eyeballs. Punk, unlike Brock, has no formal athletic background. Brock dominated as a relative rookie, but he also did so after being in competitive sports for many years and being at the highest level there.

The NWA is indeed still a thing. This New Japan partnership came along at the absolute perfect time for them too since they're giving valuable wrestlers something to fight for.

I can't overlook Punk's extensive Brazilian Jiu Jitsu experience under what i hear is a member of the Gracie family, who are supposed to be legendary in Ultimate Fighting. And age is just a number, guys like Bernard Hopkins are almost 50 and still dominating his sport. Who is to say he wont do what Brock did? I think Brock showed everyone that professional wrestlers have a very real chance to do damage in Ultimate Fighting. Punk is a guy who doesn't take no for an answer, we have seen this in various interviews and stories. I believe he will do what is necessary to make a run at the title.


The only thing Baron Corbin should be doing around WM 33 is getting elbow deep scrubbing some toilets at the local Wendy's

Roman Reigns faced the same kind of adversity and look where he is, i expect "The Big Bad Wolf Of NXT" Baron "End Of Days" Corbin to go far in this business

I can't see how they have a case here. By all accounts Rey was doing his moves properly, it was just a freak accident.
i don't think it's against Rey, but against the promotion and medical staff for not handling the situation properly
How much are their tickets? That sounds like a great idea. A flight to the UK is not that expensive and I could combine it with a short vacation. Hmmm....

Edit: yeah I could get to London for under if timed right.shit this might be doable some time.

Tickets aren't expensive, you just need to get in quick.


Been thinking about which NXT guy will end up in the Andre. It has to be either Neville or Balor. For weeks everyone has thought Sheamus is winning it, so I think it's be fun if it came down to him and the NXT guy. Then the NXT guy wins. Gives a boost to a debuting guy and creates a ready-made feud and gives Sheamus a reason to turn heel. I think that scenario best fits Balor, but it could work with Neville too.

Of course, none of that will happen. Sheamus will win.

Its gotta be Neville, he doesn't have anything going on, been in NXT for ages, can do some crazy spot to get himself some spotlight during it and then get eliminated by Kane or something. Balor could be the NXT champion by that time anyway and I'd say that Trips could get a veto for "his champion" on bringing him just to job out.

They wouldn't waste Balor's first WM appearance on this right? I've imagined just how fucking cool his first singles WM entrance could be.
i don't think it's against Rey, but against the promotion and medical staff for not handling the situation properly

Even that probably won't end well. Nobody in-ring knew what to think of what transpired, and something like 30 seconds later the match was over. Should have been a lot less, but the workers were probably assuming he was just knocked out. And you can't fault them for the medical staff, because they were busy tending to others who were hurt in previous matches (including someone else who had a spinal injury).


How has Baron gotten this much hate with such a short time wrestling?

Its just a joke that keeps on going and going.

He had a bad match with Bull Dempsey and was exposed. So now he is back to doing squash matches on NXT while doing long matches on the house shows. Breeze beat him on the 2nd Ohio show.

So people will probably do a stupid freak out when he is one of the other 4 in the tournament when everyone knows Neville is winning it.


How has Baron gotten this much hate with such a short time wrestling?

Unconvincing look and presence for a guy that is meant to have the look and presence. He was doing a bunch of squash matches and the first real match he had at Rival was a really downer that ended way too quickly, lending credence to the theory that he can't actually wrestle that well for extended periods. If him and Bull had a really violent, intense 15 minute brawl I think people would be more accepting of him but alas, it was not to be. Also people think that Vince is going to put a rocket on him because he kinda fits the "Vince guy" archatype. I don't see it, he isn't roidy jacked up, isn't Samoan, isn't freakishly tall and his "intense" demeanor doesn't really come across well on TV (he looks confused to me and when he starts nodding his head I imagine he's figured out some incredibly simple problem that had been bugging him for days). Plus he can't even get over with the supposedly idiot Full Sail fans (except for a few shrieking banshee women) who will cheer for anyone.

Lots of people can't get over his stomach face. Cutting that much weight is going to do weird things to your body I guess.


Why I miss the memo on this surge of Baron hate? I thought it was just ribbing because he's meh...not Roman Reigns tier of hatred?


Been thinking about which NXT guy will end up in the Andre. It has to be either Neville or Balor. For weeks everyone has thought Sheamus is winning it, so I think it's be fun if it came down to him and the NXT guy. Then the NXT guy wins. Gives a boost to a debuting guy and creates a ready-made feud and gives Sheamus a reason to turn heel. I think that scenario best fits Balor, but it could work with Neville too.

Of course, none of that will happen. Sheamus will win.

I don't think the NXT guy will win. It'll be like debuting Rusev at the Rumble.
I can't overlook Punk's extensive Brazilian Jiu Jitsu experience under what i hear is a member of the Gracie family, who are supposed to be legendary in Ultimate Fighting. And age is just a number, guys like Bernard Hopkins are almost 50 and still dominating his sport. Who is to say he wont do what Brock did? I think Brock showed everyone that professional wrestlers have a very real chance to do damage in Ultimate Fighting. Punk is a guy who doesn't take no for an answer, we have seen this in various interviews and stories. I believe he will do what is necessary to make a run at the title.

Brock wasn't the first guy to show that pro wrestlers could do well in MMA - Ken Shamrock did that 20 years ago, and used wrestling to pay for his MMA training. Punk has NO ATHLETIC BACKGROUND, while Brock was a world-class athlete for the majority of his life. Moreover, Punk is entering a more talent-rich division than Brock was. Punk having a take no prisoners attitude has gotten him far, but that doesn't mean it can make up for him being inexperienced in the UFC.

Dave Batista had far more training than Punk and had been training in hand to hand combat for years before doing even a low-level fight, and he looked like shit. Luckily, for him, like with Punk, it was a bucket list thing. With Punk, he's also out to show that he can make a shitload of money without WWE. Punk having extensive BJJ experience is nice, but that's only one aspect of MMA and being Gracie-trained means next to nothing realistically. Can Punk do well? Sure - but him just beating some tomato can or shot former name doesn't mean much unless he looks good.


So the biggest money feud in WWE history (or so I'm told) Rock vs Austin started over the IC belt

How the fuck is the IC belt now in the shitter? Surely it only makes things hard to have to make up some dumb storyline reason to feud instead of just saying "I WANT THAT PRESTIGIOUS BELT FRIEND". Why devalue the belts? Is it Cenas fault again
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