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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns

Did anybody say Rey was at fault? No, they did not.
What's being criticized is the WWE using Rey's involvement in a tragic accident to sell Network subscriptions.

And deviating from a schedule to ensure that people don't mistake you for exploiting a tragedy for your own financial gain would NOT be stupid. It IS tone deaf.
Just substitute one of the 100 or so guys that are currently under contract and on your roster. It's not hard.

They've been making posts about Rey on the Network since yesterday into last night. Jesus, fuck. It's a really bad mistake, it's not some sinister carny plot.
I've come to the conclusion after a decade or so that Cesaro is allergic to good haircuts



I have a question.

Does Bray and Undertaker have a secret rundown at the NXT facility or at Mania to work on some spots, are they just expected to improvise, or do they just trust in them to hit a few main spots and they cover that on a phone call?
I believe Brock flew out to Texas to work with UT (Or did Taker fly up to Brock farm) something along those lines.
I believe it is something along the same lines.

Oh God - he looks like an indy version of Aiden English.

WWE does A TON of scummy shit - like twisting Warrior's words around to suit the Warrior Award, using Warrior's last promo AND HIS DEATH to sell Network subs, but they're not doing anything to exploit Perro's death. They had something on the schedule, let people know about it, and that's it. Now if they'd tweeted out "watch Rey slay the competition!" or some shit, then yeah - but they didn't.

DJZ always takes that bump.


Hijo del Perro Aguayo cause of death according to Mediotempo.com

So somewhere during the match he got whiplash that caused spinal damage that led to him having a stroke.

I said it before, it looked like he came up slow from his roll move thing and was not ready for the head scissors which I believe started the chain of events, and then that dropkick hit him like a car wreck.
Whether it was from Rey's delivery, or from him already being out on his feet and not doing his part he took it full.
He was already done when he hit the ropes.


If he doesn't want to go to the WWE as a wrestler I'd hire Lethal after retirement just as announcer with his Ric Flair voice. That stunt was too underrated.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Dump vs Masami was pretty great. Dump beats Masami with a microphone then cuts a promo then beats her more with the same microphone.
So at JAPW tonight, they did a 10 bell salute for Perro Aguayo Jr, which was promptly interrupted by Chris Dickinson.

To credit my buddy Will; there are Eskimos less desperate for heat than Chris Dickinson.
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