This is why nobody takes wrestling seriously.
This is why nobody takes wrestling seriously.
Jack Evans still wrestles?
At least he still looks like the token white guy in a 90's gangsta film.
Yes, after all the hard work WWE has done making wrestling finally be taken seriously, this promotion has brought it back down with a comedy tag team.
One does not exclude the other, friend Hasney.
True, but until they start simulating sex with a corpse, I'm willing to let something played for laughs slide.
@Fox318 John Cena is the worlds strongest man
Finally some evil training bits!
"John Cena trains for looks...I train efficiency and endurance in the ring."
That's not keepin' it kayfabe! Just wait until Vincent Kennedy McMahon hears about this! Mark Henry is going to run a clinic on that blue chipper come Wrestlema-
Oh, hi thread. Long time lurker, finally able to post-er, big fan. Also Kenny Omega is the greatest wrestler of our modern generation.
And you should all watch this, subtitles not necessary.
Finally some evil training bits!
"John Cena trains for looks...I train efficiency and endurance in the ring."
Finally some evil training bits!
"John Cena trains for looks...I train efficiency and endurance in the ring."
Yeah, he's doing well for himself in Mexico, I think that picture's old though - here's a gif of him doing some flippy flops in AAA last Wednesday;
I think Cena should lose and take a break.
Then Hulk Hogan brings him back.
Welcome and junk. Think we're going to need a fave five even if we will know whats number 1!
They form the New New World Order
So tonight's Raw.
If this is the Raw before Mania, I expect Sting to get laid out somehow if there is any chance of Sting beating HHH at Mania.
Roman will probably get squashed to sell the battle, and Orton will get beat down.
Should be the Authority running wild.
Latest WWE Ad campaign:
For The Hero In All Of Us
Odd to see Seth Rollins featured in an ad campaign about heroes.
My hands could destroy a man's face.
My kicks shatter bones.
Cena's still being pushed front and center while their new top star Roman Reigns lost in the shuffle of that vid with the rest of the midcarders...
Also, Kofi's in there, but no Big E or Xavier Woods. New Day breakup coming?
Oh damn, hmm. Too many to choose from.
1. Kenny Freakin' Omega
2. Minoru Suzuki
3. Katsuyori Shibata
4. Karl "The Machinegun" Anderson
5. Brockle Snar
At this point I'm barely even watching WWE, just catching as much NJPW/LU as I can. Has made me a lot happier. Probably not even going to bother watching Wrestlemania, honestly.
Is he working out in a prison yard?
Oh damn, hmm. Too many to choose from.
1. Kenny Freakin' Omega
2. Minoru Suzuki
3. Katsuyori Shibata
4. Karl "The Machinegun" Anderson
5. Brockle Snar
At this point I'm barely even watching WWE, just catching as much NJPW/LU as I can. Has made me a lot happier. Probably not even going to bother watching Wrestlemania, honestly.