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Hooooly shit, that Lucha Underground belt is incredible.
Also, here's the Mania week schedule;
The content listing came out for the Daniel Bryan dvd. It comes with an extended Journey to Wrestlemania Documentary and if you get the Blu Ray you get these stories:
Yes it is.Hooooly shit, that Lucha Underground belt is incredible.
Bootaaay witch evolve wrestling event or Mercury Rising do you recommend to watch Tommy End?
Oh he is now with Beretta? I liked him when I saw him for the first time here in wXw. Interested in seeing more.
Rocky Romero just reminds me of Chavo Guerrero. Decent but so boring after a while. Just feels like he's been doing the same shit forever.
That's my favorite Owen match but not my favorite Bret match. Owen had a good match with 1 2 3 Kid as well.
From left to right:
krae_man, standing: BillRiccio, mechashiva, non-Gaffer, ZeroRay, standing: non-Gaffer, sitting: non-Gaffer, djsandman, Breakyboy
Boots do you want me to let you know when you make grammatical errors? I don't know if that's what you want.
What's your favourite Bret match, the one against Austin? I'll have to root out the match against 1 2 3 Kid.
Normally I wouldn't give a shit about grammar in a forum post, but seeing as people were pointing out grammatical errors in my Havoc article that I then couldn't identify...fine, go ahead.
Oh, the ignominy of being corrected on the Queen's English by a gosh darn septic tank.
NoRéN;157139926 said:Yes it is.
Big tournament will start soon on Lucha as well so don't miss the next few weeks.
When something works together, it's "complement" - compliment is only used as a term that acknowledges approval and positivity.
Sorry, I just like to try to poop on you from great distances, YALL.
Remember that time we had a bunch of folks get together in Miami for Mania?
Good times.
Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle RR 2003.I can't remember the last time this question was asked, so I'll ask it. WrassleGAF, what is your favorite match ever? Whether it be because of the story, because of the action, or because you just like it irrationally.
For me, it has to be the Shawn vs. Taker match from Mania 25. Just two of the best ever going out and putting on a show. Super high stakes and great moments. Probably the last time before the end of the Streak that I actually thought it had a chance at ending.
I remember when a whole bunch of people were going to ROH/NJPW in NY and the only man with the stones to hang out was my main man FallingEdge
I remember when a whole bunch of people were going to ROH/NJPW in NY and the only man with the stones to hang out was my main man FallingEdge
...I knew that!
This is almost as bad when someone pointed out to me that I was writing "it's" all the time, regardless of the possessive rule.
And the matches coming up are good enough that even if people aren't sure why wrestlers are feuding it won't matter. Some set ups for future feuds as well.Also a lot of the current feuds and storylines are finishing up so now may be a good jumping on point if you haven't watched from the beginning.
Some people have wives and children to return to, friend.
Don't get old, and don't have children.
Aren't there photos to prove it? Not the photoshopped ones of you on his shoulders...
Alien 3>>>>Alien 2>>>>>>>>>>Alien>>>>>>>>>>>>Alien Ressurection
I...what fresh hell is this? Fincher and Cameron marks would be the only movie watchers who could feel this way.
Remember that time we had a bunch of folks get together in Miami for Mania?
Good times.
Alien was boring...Alien 3 was greatness. Charles Dutton fought a damn Alien with his own bare hands.
That alone makes the movie godtier.
Giantbomb interviews jim,Ross
you're on to me friend :/
What do you think of the new LU belt friend Alucard?
Definitely Austin/Bret.
I like a lot of Bret's matches though because his mind can pretty much work anything into something awesome. I like Bret vs Diesel a lot, I like Bret vs Booker T a lot, Bret vs Disco Inferno was very underrated, Bret vs Funk in 97
Bret vs Hollywood Hogan was really entertaining, but that might have been personal hype. Shame it ended in interference.
I haven't seen it yet. I'm assuming Puma will show it off this Wednesday?
I...what fresh hell is this? Fincher and Cameron marks would be the only movie watchers who could feel this way.
WWE.com has learned that Sting is in Los Angeles and will kick off Raw. What will The Vigilante have to say to his WrestleMania opponent, Triple H?
Alien was boring? Only a millennial would think this.
I find it really interesting that you've named a number of WCW matches, as Bret's entire WCW career is a complete blur to me. All I can remember is his fizzled out feud/interaction with Sting, which should have been amazing and the Goldberg incident.
Breaking News!!
Revolution Pro Wrestling have just launched a new weekly youtube TV show, check it out;
RPW TV #1 - featuring Doug Williams vs Marty Scurll & a 6-man cruiserweight scramble match
Additional seats for NXT Live! at the Event Center at SJSU this Friday have been made available! Get your tickets NOW before they are gone!
TICKETS: http://wwe.me/Kfg56
I just realized Sid is wearing sandals in this photo.
I don't know why.
And it looks like they're good ones too, I pulled up a $75 range ticket.
Lol, $75....I pay $20 for ring side in FL.
If there's a proof that opinions can be wrong is that post right there.
Breaking News!!
Hey, I'm a millennial and Alien is amazing. Don't put us all together. #BeAStar
The match listing for that Bryan DVD looks good, but it feels like it's missing something.
Oh, that's right. Got to make Roman look strong, so you can't include any of the Team Hell No/Random Guy vs. The Shield matches.
They're letting him talk?
Shame they don't have the Bryan vs Kaval match from FCW, that was an instant classic.
Would buy for these though:
American Dragon & Shooter Schultz vs. Brian Kendrik & Lance Cade
Austin, TX [SmackDown Taping] February 8, 2000
Jamie Noble vs. Brian Danielson
Velocity January 18, 2003
That alone makes this worth it.
New Hulk Hogan T-Shirt:
I would actually buy that one.
NoRéN;157145521 said:$20! Fuck, I'm jealous.