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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns

The IC title is hopeless, it will never be elevated, the only thing the match is gonna do is devalue Bryan in the eyes of the fans, his pops are already getting considerably smaller
Damn bro, at least let the shit play out. Who knows, it might end up working. I didn't think I would EVER care about the US Title again and now it feels important as hell.
The crowd are giving up on Bryan, just according to keikaku. Also, Reigns is looking rather haggard;



Can't believe they are putting their best wrestler on a ladder match with a bunch of jobbers. It's even worse than before.

And people might be giving up on Bryan but they sure as hell aren't getting behind Reigns since he was being booed like hell during his match.

I don't even feel like commenting on the rest of the show really.


Damn bro, at least let the shit play out. Who knows, it might end up working. I didn't think I would EVER care about the US Title again and now it feels important as hell.

Being in a multiman match at WM means that you're not relevant enough to be in a big WM feud, being in the ladder match or battle royale basically means "we don't have shit for you & we want to squeeze you in the card anyway".

Thank god Rollins & Orton are having a big match at WM (despite how overbooked the feud is right now), otherwise I might skip WM altogether.


The Taker thing is kinda ridiculous. Here's the man that ruined your streak and made your main selling point into nothing. What are you gonna do, go after him for revenge like you did on Kane in 2004 and 1998? Resume your bad blood with Vince after you quit in 99?

Nah, let's go after a no-name. There's also no guarantee people will care about him in his current form, because him pinning Wyatt leads absolutely nowhere. He pins him, he's still 22-1 and he's gone the next day. WWE sounds really desperate.

They could make Lesnar wins against Reigns and after the match Taker shows up and pin him
(and Rollins uses the opportunity to cash-in and gets the title)


They could make Lesnar wins against Reigns and after the match Taker shows up and pin him
(and Rollins uses the opportunity to cash-in and gets the title)

Or have Taker be the reason Reigns wins. Or... Underbrayker, with his newly acquired powers after beating UT for good.


So there's a new Dragonball Z manga where Frieza gets resurrected. Could you imagine a WWE where you could just wish dead guys back to life?


Can't believe they are putting their best wrestler on a ladder match with a bunch of jobbers. It's even worse than before.

And people might be giving up on Bryan but they sure as hell aren't getting behind Reigns since he was being booed like hell during his match.

I don't even feel like commenting on the rest of the show really.

I dunno. Ziggler didn't come off like a jobber to me last night. To me, the real contenders are Bryan and Ziggler...and maybe Ambrose.


So not worth it
So there's a new Dragonball Z manga where Frieza gets resurrected. Could you imagine a WWE where you could just wish dead guys back to life?

I can imagine every fucking comment board being full of "WHY ISN'T WWE RESURRECTING CHRIS BENOIT?" comments.


AJ Styles interview. Talking about Samoa Joe, ROH, and the Styles Clash.

Chad Dukes Wrestling Show interview with AJ Styles
Host: Chad Dukes
Interview available at ChadDukeswrestlingshow.com

On the Return of Samoa Joe:
"Joe coming back to Ring of Honor is huge. He and I talked before he released his statement but I was excited about him maybe having the opportunity for him to come back to Ring of Honor because it's exciting to have a guy who you know works hard and can do unbelievable things and has a history at Ring of Honor. I'm excited to see the welcome he gets when he comes back, not just from the guys in the back, because I know they will welcome him, but from the fans waiting on him."

I think they're trying. You don't want to move too fast, you start to move fast and you make holes that cost you your company. I think they're doing the right thing in bringing in these guys, giving these dream matches that people want to see. To me it's not taking a step back, it's actually going somewhere having fun and having great

On the Styles Clash:
"The one thing I can't control is your head, that's up to you, and there's only one thing you can't do in the move is tuck it. There's no reason for you to do that. At the end of the day if they don't want to take it I have no problem not doing the Styles Clash, there are other things that I can do. But if the promoter wants it and everybody's cool with it that's what we're gonna do."


Yes. Now I just want to see coked up 80s Hogan at the DMV. 'WHATYA MEAN ITS EXPIRED, BROTHER?!'

I wish I could find that promo where he's talking about driving a cadillac and shit, I can totally picture him taking his driver's test like that.


So not worth it
You know, this Demott memo was send out in 2013 and includes this paragraph:
Demott constantly refers to Oliver Gray as Joel Pedophile which personally enrages me because I used to help a Psychology Professor in Los Angeles do lectures for sexually abused children. • When Dante Dash referred to his finishing move as the Davey boy, as it was utilized by the late Davey Smith who died tragically, Coach Demott makes the following comment, "The Davey Boy? What turning blue and dropping dead on the lawn?" • Coach Demott told student Enzo Amore that he hopes he dies. • Demott also told our entire morning class and Ricky Steamboat's class to kill themselves just days after we tolled the ring bell 10 times for the late Mike Graham a former star FCW wrestler, who committed suicide. • Coach Demott routinely bullies Enzo verbally as well as physically. I have seen Enzo on several occasions be slapped in the face by Bill. During one practice he decided to show Enzo how doing a slam wrong could hurt someone, so he picked Enzo up and dropped him without warning directly on his head and neck. He then decided that each time a student slammed his 100lbs heavy bag with bad form that student had to slam one of his peers the same way. Demott found this drill amusing yet each student was put at serious injury risk. • Demott has grabbed an injured David Harwood by his neck pulled him to the office door and verbally chastised him for standing by the ring during practice when he wasn't cleared, even though he was simply listening to a lecture by Ricky Steamboat. • Demott has kicked Memo Montenegro in the groin and laughed as he crumbled into a heap. Memo being a Mexican immigrant to the United States has a heavy accent, which Coach Demott constantly criticizes and makes fun of. • He routinely will attempt to bust students lip on the bottom rope when they stand to close to the ring. On several occasions he has punished students for mistakes in practice by making them bend forward putting their face near the ropes so that Coach Demott can bounce the rope off the bridge of their nose. • He routinely calls Gary Jackson a fat tub of goo, tells Osmund Cherry who is of African descent, to go back to Africa and most recently has made derogatory remarks about sexual preferences to Brandon Traven. • Coach Demott insinuated that Traven is gay and used the derogatory term "half a sissy" to make fun of him simply because he sat out practice and has had several injuries in the last couple months. This is not the first time he targeted Brandon either. In December I witnessed Coach Demott question Traven about a head injury in the trainer's room. After Traven explained that a blow to the head in practice had made him dizzy Demott slapped him in the head and left the room. • I witnessed a similar incident a few months ago when Alexander Russev was recovering from neck surgery. Coach Demott saw Russev wearing a NY Jets shirt at practice and not liking that sports team proceeded to physically grab Russev by the collar and rip the shirt off him. Russev was not cleared for any contact at that point and clearly showed physical pain after the incident. Following this incident a group of students were discussing how this sort of thing happened before with an injured Briley Pierce. Briley had a broken leg and Coach Demott kicked him in his medical boot. This happened before I was under contract but it nonetheless seems to fit a pattern of negligent and abusive behavior that I have observed with Coach Demott and is worth investigating further. • According to Oliver Gray, he was once told that if he sat out practice to rest a very bad low back injury that Coach Demott would pull him from the NXT tapings and from attending the Royal Rumble, even though the trainer had requested that Oliver sit out just one practice.

Yet this fucker remains employed... How? I can only imagine nobody else dared to confirm this statement, or the office never bothered to get things confirmed and simply went "oh, this is just the one guy complaining, everyone else is just fine."

I get Bill DeMott and the other coaches probably see him as some old-school drill sergeant or something, educating the rookies to learn respect for the ring or what not, but holy fuck it's 2015 and you can't do and say shit like this. Any of it.


I thought Raw was pretty good minus, you know, the wrestling. I loved the EAT SLEEP NO SHOW REPEAT sign.

Also this gif will be useful.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Sunny, did you ever buy that Sims 4 expansion that came out? Doesn't look that interesting to me, but I've kinda been looking for a reason to go back to the game.

I'm waiting on Cities: Skylines to unlock. Pls be good


could never
Seriously, why wouldn't you? Especially on Virgin Media where you can get up to 150mbit like everyone's idol Hasney has.

I already have fibre optic broadband, friend Hasney.

Think I'll give the network a shot and then buy the basic TV package with Virgin to watch Raw. Sky+HD is like £83 I'm sick of paying that much for so little shows I actually watch.
You know, this Demott memo was send out in 2013 and includes this paragraph:

Yet this fucker remains employed... How? I can only imagine nobody else dared to confirm this statement, or the office never bothered to get things confirmed and simply went "oh, this is just the one guy complaining, everyone else is just fine."

I get Bill DeMott and the other coaches probably see him as some old-school drill sergeant or something, educating the rookies to learn respect for the ring or what not, but holy fuck it's 2015 and you can't do and say shit like this. Any of it.

Yeah I posted a formatted version a few pages back.

Also relevant.



I dunno. Ziggler didn't come off like a jobber to me last night. To me, the real contenders are Bryan and Ziggler...and maybe Ambrose.

Let's not kid ourselves, Ziggler is glorified jobber, & it looks like Ambrose is heading into that direction.
I already have fibre optic broadband, friend Hasney.

Think I'll give the network a shot and then buy the basic TV package with Virgin to watch Raw. Sky+HD is like £83 I'm sick of paying that much for so little shows I actually watch.

That's the best route to go for. Provided you're happy with the content, the Network is good and works well enough.


I already have fibre optic broadband, friend Hasney.

Think I'll give the network a shot and then buy the basic TV package with Virgin to watch Raw. Sky+HD is like £83 I'm sick of paying that much for so little shows I actually watch.

Honestly, I'm just about ready to cancel Sky Sports and just stick with the network. Raw is pretty shit as it is (apart from last night, holy shit!
) and the decent stuff goes up on YouTube right after anyway.

Plus, NXT > WWE, so...


The wrestling was pretty bad overall on RAW, but it was good from a promo standpoint (mainly thanks to Heyman, Rollins and Stewart).
Why Alundra Blayze? Sure, Bull got busted with coke, but at least she never trashed the title.

I can barely recall her in WWF or WCW, outside of her title dump. Even the segment about how Divas helped beat WCW in Monday Night Raws, she barely gets 5 minutes of coverage. Having said that, I have no idea of any other Diva left to be inducted... maybe Sable? Luna?


could never
Goddamn Axel seemed so much more comfortable on Raw, he was much more into it and it showed. I'm loving this "I've been in the rumble for 32 days" shit man lol.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I can barely recall her in WWF or WCW, outside of her title dump. Even the segment about how Divas helped beat WCW in Monday Night Raws, she barely gets 5 minutes of coverage. Having said that, I have no idea of any other Diva left to be inducted... maybe Sable? Luna?



I can barely recall her in WWF or WCW, outside of her title dump. Even the segment about how Divas helped beat WCW in Monday Night Raws, she barely gets 5 minutes of coverage. Having said that, I have no idea of any other Diva left to be inducted... maybe Sable? Luna?

I'm not too sure either. A lot of the ladies either had short runs where they won belts and then left, like Bull, or they just didn't do much and wound up not leaving much of a mark, or not enough to be "hall of fame material." I'd imagine at some point they put Stacy and Torrie in there if they haven't already, but aside from that, no clue.

I know you're not calling the first lady of wrestling a diva.
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