I don't get sandbagging... in the end, you're hurting yourself.
Wrestlers aren't always the smartest types.
I don't get sandbagging... in the end, you're hurting yourself.
IIRR Holly was intentionally trying to screw up that powerbomb too, wasnt he?
Goldberg really did have the best spear
No way is Roman's spear better than Rhyno's.
Rhyno's body was built to gore people.
He really did. I think Roman actually has the best spear since Goldberg.
In terms of spears it's Goldberg > Roman > Rhyno > Edge
Goldberg really did have the best spear
i dunno about that. it seems to me Roman has nerfed his spear since the Shield days.
soon he'll do Edge's running hug
That one was awesome. Legit from outta nowhereI do agree with this though. His recent spears are nowhere near as good as this
There are so many women in the audience of these things.
I do agree with this though. His recent spears are nowhere near as good as this
This is the key to a spear. It's called "spear" not "blunt object running into someone". You are supposed to go through them, not into them.The thing that makes Goldberg's spear great is that it doesn't look like his goal is to tackle the guy. It looks like there is something he wants on the other side of a person so he just fucking runs through them and eliminates them from existence.
The thing that makes Goldberg's spear great is that it doesn't look like his goal is to tackle the guy. It looks like there is something he wants on the other side of a person so he just fucking runs through them and eliminates them from existence.
I feel like this was documenting a true turning point in Bret's life
Wait a minute, Wish Kids can survive? I thought you could only get wishes if you were 100% not going to make it?
I always liked how Monty Brown's Pounce looked.
Someone post Reigns spearing Big Show by the ring, that was a good spear.
Randy Orton vs Undertaker time! Always been a big Taker fan, he's probably #6 on my top wrestlers list.
Also wow at Orton's first theme. It's pretty wack. I do not remember it all either. Though the little bit of wrestling I was watching at this time was all Smackdown because I didn't have cable to watch Raw.
Fun fact: Orton was supposed to win that match until right before it happened. Taker wanted to give it to Orton, but the day of the show Vince changed his mind and gave it to Taker.
I could see that for sure, the promos they played before this match definitely made Orton look like a very credible thread to Taker. Plus he was the Legend Killer after all.