He's delivering a diving clothesline to Orton's abs =/
Not sure why they would add garbage to ice cream, but I guess they're adding Battletoads to Shovel Knight.
Going by this Bryan is stronger than Brock because he took 2 to lose. If they keep the Brock they way he is booked it could take like 4-6 to beat him.
Not sure why they would add garbage to ice cream, but I guess they're adding Battletoads to Shovel Knight.
I wouldn't call Shovel Knight garbage.
I have never liked the spear as a main move.
I would, Shovel Knight tries too hard and comes off as a shitty shit shit.
Boots, I'm gonna go with Kawada but I'd better watch to make sure...
So, we're gonna put an offer down for a house this week. Super excited.
Seriously, first time buyers...GET A BROKER. Massive help with setting up house viewings and helping to understand paperwork and the overall process.
I love seeing dudes get speared.
Biggest problem with Roman Reigns' spear isnt really the spear himself its just his trademark move and finisher have the same damn set up.
The Young Bucks have a pretty good spear.
It should have more emotional resonance.
Good luck with it all! We had a guy help us out too, it was all totally free too, which I never understood. Helped us find the best mortgage for us and explained how it would all work.
I'm a bit bored of setups, trademark moves, finishers and 'Get Up Taunts' in general at the moment. It makes things a little too 'predictable'.
How could you change from the Arn/Ole/Tully/Ric line-up to the Luger line-up?
Luger was the Roman Reigns of the 80s/90s.
The Streak didn't really become the streak until....well. I don't know actually. The first ten years had to be all coincidence.
Yeah I agree with this. Watching old stuff on the network and its really interesting seeing people actually lose on random shit like a body slam or fading to a sleeper hold.
Also lots of dudes kicking out of pins just after the 3 count which is something you never ever see these days.
Taker said in an interview (maybe Larry King or something? it was forever ago) when asked what he wanted his legacy to be and he said he didn't really have much in mind, but it would be nice if he could retire having never lost at Wrestlemania and have that be it. It was years before they started talking about the streak.
I agree though. There are some old Samoa Joe matches in ROH where he beats Christopher Daniels while going for quick pins after some non-finishers when the muscle buster didn't get it done. Really nice touch.
The Punk and Joe shoot they talk about their matches and how Ricky Steamboat said not to spam finishers because it's dumb and ruins the impact once you hit your finisher.
...I guess Punk forget about that when he went to WWE a la Cena/Punk.
Kinda funny that, after The Streak did become a thing, there were stories about how Taker wanted it to be broken by[insert wrestler name here] (usually Orton) before he finally gave it to Lesnar.
Real talk - I'd rather have finisher spam than watching one wrestler dish out multiple finishers only to get beaten by one. Remember that Ziggler/Cena cage match where Ziggler hit every finisher known to man and then lost from one AA? Or Daniel Bryan doing a couple of finishers but then losing to one spear from Reigns? That shit infuriates me.
I can't see that being an accomplishment in any way.Reigns will have a better match with Brock than Goldberg did.
I think he looked at it as just a fun bit of trivia, but once it became something of value he thought about paying it forward. I think the long list of people he was willing to give it to just underscores how little ego he had wrapped up in it.
I never thought about it The Undertaker's amazing attitude towards putting people over until Siber mentioned it the other day. He really DOES make other people look good constantly. In 2002 he wins the title against Hogan, and then the next night on Raw he's loses to RVD in a title match (only for Flair to over rule the decision). Even the work the brief work he did with Maven was fun, and instantly made Maven 'famous' for that Elimination.
Good luck with it all! We had a guy help us out too, it was all totally free too, which I never understood. Helped us find the best mortgage for us and explained how it would all work.
I'm a bit bored of setups, trademark moves, finishers and 'Get Up Taunts' in general at the moment. It makes things a little too 'predictable'.
The Punk and Joe shoot they talk about their matches and how Ricky Steamboat said not to spam finishers because it's dumb and ruins the impact once you hit your finisher.
...I guess Punk forget about that when he went to WWE a la Cena/Punk.
Taker said in an interview (maybe Larry King or something? it was forever ago) when asked what he wanted his legacy to be and he said he didn't really have much in mind, but it would be nice if he could retire having never lost at Wrestlemania and have that be it. It was years before they started talking about the streak.
Stardust vs Goldust ?
I agree though. There are some old Samoa Joe matches in ROH where he beats Christopher Daniels while going for quick pins after some non-finishers when the muscle buster didn't get it done. Really nice touch.
That's one thing I love about NXT. They really protect the finishers. Instead of spamming them, they just don't hit them if they aren't supposed to win. Only one person has ever kicked out of the Red Arrow, for example.
They just worked so well together. I think it was some of the best work either of them did. They both helped each other so much in that program.IMO Undertaker also propelled Mick Foley into the status he's in today.
Yeah along those lines. Only it wasn't a "bad finish" back then, thats how most matches actually ended. Dudes kicking out right after the ref finished the count. It actually makes sense unlike now where a dude either kicks out at 2.5 or stays on the mat for 10 seconds.
And a lot of tag matches ending with the partner trying to run into the ring to make the save but not actually able to break the pin before the 3 count.