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March Wrasslin |OT| Road To WrassleMania

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Shitty show. Cena acts serious then smiles again at the end revealing it was all a bullshit act. Surprise, no brawl, no pull apart, nothing but garbage. The man said it himself. He isn't going anywhere for a long time, so what's the point of continuing to watch?
lol that was such a meta promo, he basically explained to everyone why he will factually win business wise.
I didn't think it was possible, but somehow WWE got away with having no confrontaton whatsoever between their 3 biggest matches in the Wrestlemania build, two of them at all, and the WWE title for three weeks. Wow.

Yea, that is so shit

e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fn6evTlk0EM (Austin - Rock WM 17)

Simple fucking buildup

Or, if for a match that is based on a personal feud:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rczcIhZYdQU (Austin - Rock WM 19)

Of course having JR helps immensely.


My Member!
Seriously, I'm done with this shit after Sunday/Monday. I'm sure they'll have a rematch to announce the night after Wrestlemania for either next year or Summerslam or whatever.

Wrestling is dead, it really is. I don't even know what the fuck happened for it to get to this point, it's as if every single person backstage or with any knowledge of the history of wrestling forgot everything single thing to build a show. This, for three months, from the Rumble to now really - it's all been shit.

Instead of building a feud with action and crazyness, they basically just have the philosophy now, that less is more, and absolutely nothing is perfect. It's all so empty, pretty damn sad.
It's stuck on this still frame:

welcome back...welcome back

That last promo was horrible.
It's fine, great to be back. And I will never leave
unless I get BS banned again
-Pyromaniac- said:
lol that was such a meta promo, he basically explained to everyone why he will factually win business wise.
That was so amazing I was laughing my ass off.


What an anticlimax to end the show on.

Such a weird Raw in general. The GM Match got by far the most time.

Jericho once again only via satellite and gives a weirdly abrupt promo. Punk only talks for 10 seconds in a backstage interview.

There's no real story for Bryan/Sheamus.

Only a video package for Taker/HHH but I guess they were running out of things to say for that match.

Best part of the show by far was Cody's promo,
Rock and Cena weren't terrible but it's the same stuff they've been saying for weeks now.
What an anticlimax to end the show on.

Such a weird Raw in general. The GM Match got by far the most time.

Jericho once again only via satellite and gives a weirdly abrupt promo. Punk only talks for 10 seconds in a backstage interview.

There's no real story for Bryan/Sheamus.

Only a video package for Taker/HHH but I guess they were running out of things to say for that match.

Best part of the show by far was Cody's promo,
Rock and Cena weren't terrible but it's the same stuff they've been saying for weeks now.

Worst part is that Wrestlemania will DO a million + buys and Vince will think he has struck gold.
I can't believe there was no Cena/Rock pull apart brawl.

This build is like the ultimate ANTI-build. Wrestling 101: What to Do If You Want To Create No Hype.
I can't believe there was no Cena/Rock pull apart brawl.

This build is like the ultimate ANTI-build. Wrestling 101: What to Do If You Want To Create No Hype.

You know, wrestling started going down the shitter when Steph was put at the helm of creative. Her and those soap opera writers basically have no fucking clue what they are doing. Now it's even worse because they are even admitting the product is shit in promos like they did tonight. Thanks for telling me wrestling isn't cool Cena. That makes me want to watch it even more!


You sensed more personal tension from Kevin Kelly from all of the Hermie insults The Rock threw his way than you sense from Cena before the "biggest WrestleMania main event" ever.

Think about that for a second.

Nelo Ice

Well from the looks of it, I made the right decision to skip Raw. I'm also going to be missing Mania since I have work all day on Sunday.
Horrible boring feuds...But i honestly the believe the matches will deliver. The card is just to damn good to fail. I'm going to miami friday. My first mania since wm20 =)

i dont care what people think of limp bizkit now

but MY WAY is part of wrestling history, they are the attitude era. that video is wrestlemania for me. everytime it pops up in some shit radio station all i see is this promo
I know what you mean.

The scene of Austin and Rock slamming beer cans together with that song will always represent the height of my wrestling fandom. It's been all downhill since then though.
@joeystyles said:
As for promos, @JohnCena and @TheRock saved the best for last.I'm as jaded a Pro Wrestling fan as there is and I cant wait for #WrestleMania

This guy turned into such a corporate shill fuckface.
Keeping people apart is actually one of the better ways to build buy rates. Why pay for the PPV if Jericho & Punk or Hunter & Taker or Rock & Cena have been physically pummeling each other for weeks on end? You guys must not remember the early days of Raw or the original WWF Superstars with local talent fighting the Superstars while the only build to PPV matches was in The Kings Court or The Heartbreak Hotel or in a little split screen promo while one guy was walking to the ring...


Somebody want to feel me in on the Big Show joke? I don't watch Raw.

Cody cut a promo saying Big Show will become a verb meaning to fail, or choke, or an insulting noun. It ended with "I gotta take a Big Show".

It seems to have caught on quick
Keeping people apart is actually one of the better ways to build buy rates. Why pay for the PPV if Jericho & Punk or Hunter & Taker or Rock & Cena have been physically pummeling each other for weeks on end? You guys must not remember the early days of Raw or the original WWF Superstars with local talent fighting the Superstars while the only build to PPV matches was in The Kings Court or The Heartbreak Hotel or in a little split screen promo while one guy was walking to the ring...

You must not remember the Attitude Era.

In any case, you can't put two guys who say they hate each other, want to win this match for weeks in a row and not have any physical confrontation. You can't have a build up to a personal fight like that.
So, everyone who retires from wrestling betrays the business. That's a nice message to send to anyone who might have been interested in the Hall of Fame. But Cena has no plans to betray the WWE; I guess he expects to go out like Raoh from HnK with one massive energy fist-pump towards the sky? Either way, harsh words from Cena - except he's smiling near the end, so it's all warm snuggles and fuzzies!

I can't believe I ran home to catch the last segment of Raw. That's 10 minutes of my life, gone; I'd say 15, but my eyes kind of glazed over near the end. I think I'll skip Wrestlemania and just skim over WrassleGaf's reactions to get the gist of the event.
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