I remember when these press conferences used to have fans that were so into it.
No audio at work :<
What's the point of this? Just a pow-wow of like "HEY WE're the WWE and we're in Miami for Wrestlemania and we're a good company!"?
In his prime, Rock was actually pretty damn skinny.Is The Rock bigger now (muscle wise) then he was during his prime in the WWE?
Is The Rock bigger now (muscle wise) then he was during his prime in the WWE?
Hey guys, did I ever tell you wrestling is fake?
In his prime, Rock was actually pretty damn skinny.
This whole feud is taking a Big Show on kayfabe.
You know, at least Cena sort of tried to make it look like he was annoyed The Rock's antics at the end. Very strange.
dont try so hard, it was so they could have pics for the papers , theres no saving teh build for the match only the match can save it.
You know, at least Cena sort of tried to make it look like he was annoyed The Rock's antics at the end. Very strange.
Hell, go look at Rock when he came back for Mania last year. He wasn't anywhere near as big as he got around Survivor Series.
There's no way this dude isn't on steroids.
I honestly just wanted a reason to post that screen cap.
That whole thing was awkward. Jeez.
Cena looks like grown up Ash Katchem.
Agree or disagree?
where's the leaked picture of the 28 set?
Cena looks like grown up Ash Katchem.
Agree or disagree?
NoRéN;36442612 said:I'm convinced that in order to prepare Rosa for her gimmick, Vince gave her a an English-Spanish dictionary, a list of 10 words, and a copy of West Side Story.
Hell, go look at Rock when he came back for Mania last year. He wasn't anywhere near as big as he got around Survivor Series.
There's no way this dude isn't on steroids.
http://www.blogtv.com/people/thestr0Hey, is the str0 Nostalgia TV stream still going anywhere?
No way in hell should he retire at this WM. He's had a buildup that barely includes him, and the match is largely overshadowed.Taker should go out 20-0.
Taker should go out 20-0.
Cena looks like grown up Ash Katchem.
Agree or disagree?