How do people even make comments like that. I don't think I will ever understand.
Oh jesus they uploaded a bunch of Asuka gravure videos to the RealHero archive.
Oh jesus they uploaded a bunch of Asuka gravure videos to the RealHero archive.
Oh jesus they uploaded a bunch of Asuka gravure videos to the RealHero archive.
I still don't understand gravure as a concept, but you know, lol japan and all that.
It's basically a Playboy photoshoot but in video. It's not a "weird Japan" thing lol
I mean it's very specifically non-nude, but in a porn style, yes? I just don't really see the point
Depends I guess. Really, it's just erotic videos which you can find in every country.
Depends I guess. Really, it's just erotic videos which you can find in every country.
Here's a relatable for him: think a video version of Nuts or FHM magazine.
It's someone from here, probably HeromanHow do people even make comments like that. I don't think I will ever understand.
Drew got pulled from this show so....
It's someone from here, probably Heroman
You ever watch Babestation when you were a teenager? No? Just me...?I mean it's very specifically non-nude, but in a porn style, yes? I just don't really see the point
jfc the poster for Io Shirai's anniversary show.
Linked for Midnight WrassleGAF: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6cmanfU4AEkF62.jpg
jfc the poster for Io Shirai's anniversary show.
Linked for Midnight WrassleGAF: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6cmanfU4AEkF62.jpg
jfc the poster for Io Shirai's anniversary show.
Linked for Midnight WrassleGAF: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6cmanfU4AEkF62.jpg
Kairi is in the later stages of her career but Io is only 26. Wasting Io's prime years in gimped matches is such a shame.
I mean yes, but I also had the internetYou ever watch Babestation when you were a teenager? No? Just me...?
William Ospreay‏Verified account @WillOspreay 3m3 minutes ago
Watching freedoms road, it was really nice when the ref done his count and I didn't hear the number after or that 10 chant. Thank you
This makes no sense. Io is only a couple of years younger and she has a lot more miles on her. They're both much younger than Asuka too.
Kairi's miles are much harder on her. There's a reason everyone speculated if Kairi was going to pass the physical. She can still go, but she's clearly on borrowed time. Io has been much healthier and has gotten better each year. I still think Kairi is in her final years and Io is starting to peak physically, which is why it's shame she could waste those peak years having watered down matches with braindead booking. I don't feel the same lament for Asuka since she was past her prime when she signed.
Massive shots at the WCPW crowd.
Massive shots at the WCPW crowd.
jfc the poster for Io Shirai's anniversary show.
Linked for Midnight WrassleGAF: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6cmanfU4AEkF62.jpg
When these rumors surfaced, remember Kairi just took that stupid Ganso Bomb from the apron and ended up severely concussed. That added to everyone's worries/speculation about passing physical at the time.
Yeah that was...ill advised. She had concussion issues prior to that which makes that decision even more maddening. Although apparently a kick caused the concussion in that match, but that could be speculation.
But I'm not going to wring my hands over their safety in Japan. Not every female wrestler over there is broken down and some continue to thrive within the harder style. It's just the success rate is lower than men but that's common across borders. Also there's more than just sick bumps that separate the wwe style and joshi style.
Bryan is interested in doing CMLL and NJPW once his contract expires according to Meltz
Drew got pulled from this show so....
I do wonder how they're going to handle the major influx of female talent even if they're not able to get Io. Unless they have a female-centric show after the tournament, I would have to imagine that a handful of them would be stuck in Florida house show purgatory.
If he goes to NJPW it would be pretty huge and give a shit ton of exposure to New Japan.
But fucking hell, I don't think anyone would actually want to see Bryan wrestle Shibata or Ishii. It would be kind of awkward.
And CMLL is even more obscure than NJPW and harder to access out of NA and would probably be lost on a lot of people.
Besmirch? He just tweeted me you motherfucker! Book the match Seph, I want this motherfucker right now!You shouldn't besmirch Heroman, friend. It makes you seem defensive.
I do wonder how they're going to handle the major influx of female talent even if they're not able to get Io. Unless they have a female-centric show after the tournament, I would have to imagine that a handful of them would be stuck in Florida house show purgatory.
Shibata could do a semi-shoot style match like he had with ZSJ. The top New Japan guys are skilled enough to work matches without a bunch of heading dropping.
An idea:
Fire Tamina and Eva Marie. Let Nikki retire. That's 3 spots right there.
Well, I mean 2 of those spots are people that have vanished anyways so it's not like there's even a spot to fill. Speaking of which, why did Eva vanish?
Considering how slow they are to bring up female NXT talent, I'm curious to see how they handle all of them in the interim. Kairi is talented enough to be on the main roster yesterday, but her(and Io) have much worse English than Asuka. Candice La Rae is probably the only one to make the quick jump.
I do wonder how they're going to handle the major influx of female talent even if they're not able to get Io. Unless they have a female-centric show after the tournament, I would have to imagine that a handful of them would be stuck in Florida house show purgatory.
I think Eva bailed to make movies with Nicholas Cage or something.
Kairi and Io's English is bad, but they manage with those pajama party and tea time things, I guess.
They are going to be running a CWC equivalent for the women. Should be announced after or at the next Takeover.
Those pajama parties...
Their English can and will get better but even native speakers stumble with WWE's cookie cutter promos. But it's not like WWE are ignorant to it. They're in acquisition mode and if signees adapt then great, if not then they could care less.
205 Live-esque or just a tournament with no spotlight show afterwards?
Why do people say wwe botched the invasion?
Mia Yim left TNA.
Wonder if WWE offers her something
Is that who Sasha Banks was referring to?Mia Yim left TNA.
Wonder if WWE offers her something
More than likely an hour after NXT show for the tourny but I very much doubt they will get their own spotlight show once it wraps up.