2017: WWE makes contact (with Bayley)
2018: Bayley climbs to the mountaintop
2019: Bayley is solidified as the face of the women's division
2020: Bayley defeats a Monster of the Week, a la Hogan in the '80s
2021: Bayley is over 30, a little mom-ish
2022: Bayley's biggest fans are becoming adults
2023: The Bayley Demographic, now fully grown and six years into Trump's presidency, becomes cold and cynical
2024: WWE continues to milk the increasingly waning Bayleymania
2025: Bayley turns on the WWE Universe and Hollywood Bayley emerges; Stephanie McMahon is elected President of the United States
2026: After a year of watching Hollywood Bayley's reign of terror from the rafters, Aurora Rose defeats the now disgustingly elderly Hollywood Bayley at Starrcade