WrassleGAF poster entertainers just used to be better, you know? All the ones today are garbage.
Roman eliminated Takee from the Rumbled and yelled This is my Yard now.
It is now Mania season so Taker wants revenge
He was supposed to lose at Survivor Series as he was originally just a one PPV spectacle
I get why they would be fighting but he didn't come out to call reigns out. He scared Braun away, Braun leaves, then Taker heads for the ropes to immediately exit the ring. It was Roman who steps out and furthers the agenda with his "hey, Braun called ME out" rather than Taker come out with "Reigns, you cost me a chance at the title".
Was weird. I wonder if someone flubbed their cue.
WrassleGAFposterentertainers just used to be better, you know? All the ones today are garbage.
Damn harsh man
What does that say about you?WrassleGAFposterentertainers just used to be better, you know? All the ones today are garbage.
WrassleGAFposterentertainers just used to be better, you know? All the ones today are garbage.
no-one has ever said
Beefy, excelsiorlef and OwensIsNow popped in here around the same time, right? I might be completely wrong, but that's how I remember it.
I remember when the new kid was Menome, when he was a joyful little wrestling fan who adored Damien Sandow, before all the... Filth.
Braun's weakness is old guys. The two times I can remember him backing down were against Big Show and now Taker. And, if you take in consideration that he didn't attack Foley that one time, it would make it three times.
My dreams were broken when Sandow was released and I realised the world of wrestling was rotten to the core. Therefore, I decided to wage a war on the filth the only way I knew how: By pointing it out.
But what about my man OwensIsNow??
But what about my man OwensIsNow??
Sephzilla, I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anybody about my match performance. Not so much for myself, but I am so respected, it would damage the community to hear it.
The greatest night in GWF history
Lets be real, this place went to shit the second you guys pushed Sunny to take a year-long account ban bet AGAINST HIMSELF.
That's on you, friends.
Offer constructive criticism, Aiii. You're speaking vaguely and I don't know how to course-correct.Lets be real, this place went to shit the second you guys pushed Sunny to take a year-long account ban bet AGAINST HIMSELF.
That's on you, friends.
WHY AM I GETTING BOOED? You're clearly the bad Authority heel here, Seph.
Heroman and I are having some communication issues. Breaking up each others finishers!
And of course Seph would book himself on the house show smdh
Zach continues to embarass himself. That way, our epic battle will never happen. Sad!
Menome: I'm eating a banana and some nuts right now.
Hah, you mean like a penis?Menome: I'm eating a banana and some nuts right now.
Happy bday Beefy my boy
Happy birthday Professor Beef.
Happy birthday, Beefy!
Oh, happy birthday, Beef, have a good one.
Also: Happy Birthday to "MMM BEEFY!"
Hah, you mean like a penis?
I love it Maggle!