When is the DDT train match thing? At the anniversary show?
When is the DDT train match thing? At the anniversary show?
.Train Pro Wrestling on DDT Universe live April 16
10 way falls count anywhere on a train going from Nakano to Okawa. New wrestler enters the match and train at every stop.
When is the DDT train match thing? At the anniversary show?
Well of course notI don't think they ever called it the "crippler" crossface, at least.
If I had my way, I would have screamed at Cole to refer to it as the KILLER CROSSFACEWell of course not
Shut up JPIf I had my way, I would have screamed at Cole to refer to it as the KILLER CROSSFACE
I'm not meeting up with any of you.*gives Blue the stunner*
Speaking of which, is one of us gonna make a thread about the wrasslin'Mania GAF meet up?
6 * avatar
Who are you?I'm not meeting up with any of you.
Your daddy!6 * avatar
Who are you?
I'm glad you liked itYo pikma, that report.
Like whoa!!
You better meet up with me then, or else you aren't getting your fucking Olive Garden gift card!Your daddy!
Ricochet, Fenix, Pentagon, and Cage coming in to do the J O B to CZW originals
Zandig ends the night by tossing Pentagon off a trailer through barbed wire spiked explosives, and jumping off to elbow drop the remains
Olive Garden gift card eh? Pm me and we'll set this up.You better meet up with me then, or else you aren't getting your fucking Olive Garden gift card!
Zelda is too fucking good. There is no way I can go back to Horizon.
Zelda is too fucking good. There is no way I can go back to Horizon.
Zelda is too fucking good. There is no way I can go back to Horizon.
Is there any new news about the WWE's Women's tournament? I feel like they haven't said anything new.
Yeah...it's pretty much the best game ever released and that's a shoot ass shoot. I'm legitimately thinking about starting it all over again when I beat it, maybe buying the Wii U version as well and playing that one.
I still havent played it. I dont know if I should just get the Wii U version now or wait till I buy a Switch.
Never liked Zelda, so it makes things easier for me.
Is there any new news about the WWE's Women's tournament? I feel like they haven't said anything new.
http://squaredcirclesirens.com/wwe-planning-to-start-womens-tournament-in-may/According to f4wonline WWE has been contacting women talent for dates in mid-May for a taping for the beginning of a womens tournament on the WWE Network similar to the cruiserweight tournament.
Plans for this tournament have been in place since August of last year but WWE had not finalized on a date.
Over the past few months WWE has hired a plethora of womens talents such as Heidi Lovelace, Kimber Lee, Andrea, and Mary Dobson.
In April more female talent such as Isabel Lahela, Evie, Nixon Newell, and Demi Bennett will report to the WWE performance center and later will be joined by Kairi Hojo.
With rumors of talent such as Zeuixs, Shazza McKenzie, Scarlett Bordeaux, Deonna Purrazzo, Toni Storm, and Io Shirai coming to WWE soon this seems like a perfect way to introduce these talents to the WWE audience.
I don't hang around PC people. No one here has attitude like meQuit lying..😂
Fuck the Ember Moon. At least Berenato actually knows how to play her gimmick.
That's the super rkoThis shit isn't an RKO. Orton being so lazy in MSG.
Dammit someone got me marking out on the lower part of the gif.This shit isn't an RKO. Orton being so lazy in MSG.
Everything on Raw that's confirmed and not just stuff rumored/being obviously built toI got a friend keeps telling me that Mania is basically SD and i told him Raw hasn't confirmed their matches. How many Raw matches are currently on the card?
When's the last time Daria was on TV? They don't seem to have a place for her.GOD DAMN IT PUSH DARIA BERENATO.
Fuck the Ember Moon. At least Berenato actually knows how to play her gimmick.