Fuck fake fighting is good shit.
There's literally no reason to even have daylight savings anymore.
It's to punish people with kids and cats, as their sleep patterns get fucked up.
I have both. Am cry.
Even farmers don't like it because it messes with cows milking routines, for example
It's to punish people with kids and cats, as their sleep patterns get fucked up.
I have both. Am cry.
All about that extra hour of light. Even if it fucks up everyones sleep pattern.
I have fallen down the carniest of youtube holes... Triple H Wrestlemania entrances.
Its amazing
Will Brock and gOLDberg be a short match at mania? Isn't it meant to be the last match too?
I predict it will be longer and more competitive than what we've seen from Goldberg so far, but it won't go longer than 10 minutes. Other matches will get the 20+ main event time like Taker vs Reigns and KO vs Jericho and maybe one or two others.
Will Brock and gOLDberg be a short match at mania? Isn't it meant to be the last match too?
You want a youtube hole you can't crawl out of because it's endless? Search for Steve Harvey on Family Feud. You'll thank me later.
I predict it will be longer and more competitive than what we've seen from Goldberg so far, but it won't go longer than 10 minutes. Other matches will get the 20+ main event time like Taker vs Reigns and KO vs Jericho and maybe one or two others.
I think that's about right.
So how about JonTron, eh?
All about that extra hour of light. Even if it fucks up everyones sleep pattern.
Such a shame, I enjoyed his content.
Never trust people with questionable facial hair my friends
Never trust people
So how about JonTron, eh?
Think that'll be the last match though?
Ok, I went down the steve harvey youtube hole, and ran into... TNA wrestlers in Family Feud...
...whut? >_>
I guess I'm shocked it's taken people this long to realize the dude is a racist prick. He's been saying offensive shit since he was on GameGrumps
To recap (and I'm sure this is not all of what JonTron said), JonTron said, in what he thought was perfectly fine for a debate:
- Foreigners dilute the gene pool
- Black crime in America is the same as in Africa (like, he fuckin' brought this up TWICE)
- Racial issues can be summed up via mixing different colors of paint
- Statistical data means nothing because Clinton lost the election
- Destiny wants to kill black people
- Black Lives Matter is a violent organization
- the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man
- Tribalism is a valid theory
- Immigrants are destroying every single country they are let into
- America is gonna become Mexico
- Racism is over
- Muslims are organizing to make it seem like Christians are protesting abortion clinics
And Destiny didn't even fucking ask the most obvious fuckin' question: "If you're so concerned about immigrants, why do you keep bringing up blacks?"
Never trust people.
So how about JonTron, eh?
The secret with cats is to get an automatic feeder. Don't change the timing when the time changes and you're golden.It's to punish people with kids and cats, as their sleep patterns get fucked up.
I have both. Am cry.
Here is Sid Vicious, Dutch Mantell and Kevin Nash (as MASTER BLASTER STEEL) vs actors from GLOW on Family Feud.
Jericho should of read thisNever trust people with questionable facial hair my friends
I'd bet you probably started a shrine in your closet for him.Who did it. I'll find them and take care of them.
EDIT: In a non-hospitality sense.
Why doesn't Baron Corbin get in trouble for attempting to murder Dean Ambrose
Why doesn't Baron Corbin get in trouble for attempting to murder Dean Ambrose
Why doesn't Baron Corbin get in trouble for attempting to murder Dean Ambrose
March 13th: Now is the time we've all been waiting for- the PROGRESS vs. EVOLVE matches have been set for the WWN Supershow on April 1st at 8pm EDT. There will be four bouts. Without further ado the contests are:
EVOLVE vs. PROGRESS Match #1 - EVOLVE Title Match (If Sabre Jr. Retains At EVOLVE 80)
EVOLVE Champion Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Mark Haskins
PROGRESS vs. EVOLVE Match #2 - EVOLVE Title Match (If ACH Wins Title At EVOLVE 80)
PROGRESS World Champion Pete Dunne vs. ACH
Ethan Page with The Gatekeepers vs. Jimmy Havoc
Travis Banks & TK Cooper with Dahlia Black vs. Chris Dickinson & Jaka
Clarence fucking Mason, my man.He's got the best lawyer.
Evolve vs Progress card:
Looks good, but still glad I'm going to NXT.
Never trust people.
Cool, sounds good! Shame NXT double booked them.