That would be dope.Imagine Vince McMahon taking a backstage picture like this with Kane after Badd Blood '97. >___>
That would be dope.Imagine Vince McMahon taking a backstage picture like this with Kane after Badd Blood '97. >___>
For a move that slams an unprotected face into the canvas I always found the styles clash to lack impact with something of a cumbersome setup so I'm okay with this.At this point I think like nearly everyone AJ has done a Styles Clash on has kicked out of it. It's seen more like a signature with the Phenomenal Forearm being the true finisher.
its me im here
being affable, presentable and charming on the morning talk shows
doing charity work for the homeless in ireland
selling loads of merch to the smarks and kiddies
having average matches
being vanilla as fuck
but vanilla is a lot of people's favorite flavour
Kane only needs one photoshoot and that's with the belt.Imagine Vince McMahon taking a backstage picture like this with Kane after Badd Blood '97. >___>
That would be dope.
You guys do realize HHH is gonna go over right
Guys, Authority HHH sucks, he has been beaten like so many times yet he stills comes back.
That's a 10/10 look right there, friends.
I agree.
Vince as a commentator was never anything special but THAT'S GOTTA BE KANE is one of the best calls ever.
No Kane is best kaneI agree.
Sephzilla, please rechristen the B+ Babbyweight Championship the Intercontinental Breakfastweight Championship. Thank you.
Vince as a commentator was never anything special but THAT'S GOTTA BE KANE is one of the best calls ever.
Gaming side and OT are sad right now. If it wasn't for WrassleGAF I don't think I'd visit the forum anymore.
On Kane: his debut was fun enough. It was some B+ stuff.
But then every time he had a match, it'd be like, oh, that's some B stuff. And then he gets beat by The Undertaker again and you're like B- stuff. And it just kept dropping precipitously like that until he settled on a D a couple months after his debut. And he's been a D ever since.
The only thing that keeps him from an F is that despite being extremely boring for the most part, he's big, he can move around alright, and he SOMEHOW keeps getting decent reactions (through 2007). I understand keeping him on the payroll even if I now almost always start fast-forwarding to the end of his matches 30 seconds in.
On Kane: his debut was fun enough. It was some B+ stuff.
But then every time he had a match, it'd be like, oh, that's some B stuff. And then he gets beat by The Undertaker again and you're like B- stuff. And it just kept dropping precipitously like that until he settled on a D a couple months after his debut. And he's been a D ever since.
The only thing that keeps him from an F is that despite being extremely boring for the most part, he's big, he can move around alright, and he SOMEHOW keeps getting decent reactions (through 2007). I understand keeping him on the payroll even if I now almost always start fast-forwarding to the end of his matches 30 seconds in.
Gotta counteract this disgraceful Kane bashing
Most lovable and humble man in the business.
Smarky arse Zach grading entirely on in ring abilities, this is sports entertainment fella
Gaming side and OT are sad right now. If it wasn't for WrassleGAF I don't think I'd visit the forum anymore.
But where's Katie Vick in that image, Nocturnowl?!
GOD DAMMITI'm not grading entirely on in-ring ability or he'd be a D out of the gate, pal.
Terrible!Surprisingly WWE cameramen weren't on the scene to snap shots of that fateful car journey home from Kane's wild night out partying, that deer in the road was the real heel.
Not many people know this, but I'm actually Nocturnowl's younger brother.
Based ZachOn Kane: his debut was fun enough. It was some B+ stuff.
But then every time he had a match, it'd be like, oh, that's some B stuff. And then he gets beat by The Undertaker again and you're like B- stuff. And it just kept dropping precipitously like that until he settled on a D a couple months after his debut. And he's been a D ever since.
The only thing that keeps him from an F is that despite being extremely boring for the most part, he's big, he can move around alright, and he SOMEHOW keeps getting decent reactions (through 2007). I understand keeping him on the payroll even if I now almost always start fast-forwarding to the end of his matches 30 seconds in.
Racist Randy wasn't going to allow that to happen.
You guys do realize HHH is gonna go over right
Gotta counteract this disgraceful Kane bashing
Most lovable and humble man in the business.
Smarky arse Zach grading entirely on in ring abilities, this is sports entertainment fella
Not many people know this, but I'm actually Nocturnowl's younger brother.
Against TakerI don't know if Kang of Kangs has ever lost 2 in a row.
Another A+ look for Kane here, friends.
I'm not usually into Bayley in that way, but that's p sexy. WHERE IS MENOME?
Zelda BotW is a big Part-timer.
Against Taker