Shibata vs Juice is up, I really enjoyed it, felt like I was sitting in the audience because of the static camera and no commentary.
if you don't feel like watching it or cant, the winner wasShibata
Why do japanese fans insist on yelling the competitors names during a match? They aint even saying anything other than screaming out their names.
DUH MELTZ has an interesting tidbit about next year's Wrestlemania...
DUH MELTZ has an interesting tidbit about next year's Wrestlemania...
DUH MELTZ has an interesting tidbit about next year's Wrestlemania...
ripShibata vs Juice is up, I really enjoyed it, felt like I was sitting in the audience because of the static camera and no commentary.
if you don't feel like watching it or cant, the winner wasShibata
Sandow was so boring in the ring, as vanilla as you can get, I'd rather watch someone outright bad.
Why do japanese fans insist on yelling the competitors names during a match? They aint even saying anything other than screaming out their names.
Why do japanese fans insist on yelling the competitors names during a match? They aint even saying anything other than screaming out their names.
Why do japanese fans insist on yelling the competitors names during a match? They aint even saying anything other than screaming out their names.
If the WWE Women's tournament thing ends up like the CWC and they pretty much let everyone do what they want, we would end up getting something pretty amazing from Io Shirai and Kairi Hojo.
I mean, I doubt will get those insane Ganso bomb spots and crazy shit of that nature, but we will still get an amazing match.
After that, well.
Is there a roster for this? I think some of the UK women have done stardom matches so they may be up for the harder style.
NJPW looks nothing like a sport lmaoBecause NJPW is more like a sport than a spectacle/show. So they're cheering on the wrestlers like you would a player or fighter.
Is there a roster for this? I think some of the UK women have done stardom matches so they may be up for the harder style.
Is there a roster for this? I think some of the UK women have done stardom matches so they may be up for the harder style.
If the WWE Women's tournament thing ends up like the CWC and they pretty much let everyone do what they want, we would end up getting something pretty amazing from Io Shirai and Kairi Hojo.
I mean, I doubt will get those insane Ganso bomb spots and crazy shit of that nature, but we will still get an amazing match.
After that, well.
NJPW looks nothing like a sport lmao
Also, Rusev is out with shoulder surgery and Nakamura is expected to start on the main roster very soon.
Peyton, Billie, and liv are so damn awful and don't know how they are on tv currently, they would be on the roster for a year or two and then be cut.Billie Kay and Peyton Royce are probably getting called up whenever they do the next draft at the latest so that's two spots, Liv is almost certainly going to be called up too and Asuka is likely gone soon as well though I kind of don't want her to leave now with Kairi and possibly Io coming in. Still, there's Heidi... Ruby Riot, Kimber Lee, Nixon Newell and Evie that will also be showing up on NXT TV before long and there's still several others we either haven't seen on NXT TV yet or haven't been utilized very much never mind who might be signed from the tournament. There's a lot of women never mind still all the guys to the point where maybe NXT could use more time.
Swagatha Christie has got the moves
Peyton, Billie, and liv are so damn awful and don't know how they are on tv currently, they would be on the roster for a year or two and then be cut.
Swagatha Christie has got the moves
"Chikara dances"? C'mon, son.I see the Chikara dances are still alive and well. Been seein this one for years.
Billie Kay and Peyton Royce are probably getting called up whenever they do the next draft at the latest so that's two spots, ready or not Liv Morgan is almost certainly going to be called up too, hell I wouldn't be surprised of Mandy Rose gets brought up too and Asuka is likely gone soon as well though I kind of don't want her to leave now with Kairi and possibly Io coming in. Still, there's Heidi... Ruby Riot, Kimber Lee, Nixon Newell and Evie that will also be showing up on NXT TV before long and there's still several others we either haven't seen on NXT TV yet or haven't been utilized very much never mind who might be signed from the tournament. There's a lot of women never mind still all the men that have yet to debut to the point where maybe NXT could use more time or we're going to be seeing less development talent that are still works in progress in anything other than jobber roles.
Or they could start putting some of the women together into tag teams which could help some giving more women TV time though that could be a division that would go no where without something happening eventually on the main roster.
#ItUsedToBeGoodCan't watch Bret/Austin without the goat Bret promo
<3 1997
More like Nintendon't! JabronieI'm so glad today is my last final for the quarter, so now I can focus on what's important: kideo games! Nintendo! WRASSLIN! WOOOOO
I will miss getting to experience wrassleGAF in the wee hours of the morning, though.
More like Nintendon't! Jabronie
Bioware: A Cautionary Tale on why you can't staff your video game company entirely with interns.
I mean holy SHIT.
Who looks at that and thinks it's acceptable.
Personally these weird, Uncanny Valley, Invasion of The Body Snatchers looking freaks would take me out of the story.IT"S NOT ABOUTUTT THE GRAFIXX IT<S ABOUT THE STROY LIKE SHTFU ME:A IS GREAT
those people
Personally these weird, Uncanny Valley, Invasion of The Body Snatchers looking freaks would take me out of the story.
But that's just me.
hell yeah.
To celebrate Stone Cold Steve Austin Day, everyone should watch Bret/Austin from Mania 13. The true beginning of the Austin era.
Oh yeah I don't really care, I just find it funny more than anything. I'm talking about the devs more than anything, don't know how they can be proud of that.I mean it's fine, people can like whatever they want really, as long as they don't go full delusional I really don't care
I love a ton of bad games/movies, but i'm not pretending they're great...
I think I saw the same scene during a hardcore title match.
I'll make my prediction.
WM31 - Lesnar
WM32 - HHH
WM33 - Taker
WM34 - Lesnar II
WM35 - Cena
The big question is this: who's Roman going to face after all these legends are out of the picture?