So after refreshing my memory last night let me just remind you all about one of the best stupid matches in WWE history...
Right from the word go this match has some pretty bewildering booking.
Back at WM27, an event known for an event long forecast of shits there was one match that in the desperation to justify the event is looked upon sorta fondly and that match was
Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio Triple H vs The Undertaker.
Never before had a WWE style main event been so overwrought, Trips trying to one up his ol' chum HBK was never going to work the old fashioned way so instead he and taker beat the piss out of each other no holds barred complete with many segments of rolling around on the mat to sell the drama. A decent match for the live experience (plus this is the only way you get the Johnny Cash theme) but nothing I'd ever personally revisit unless you love seeing how much dead time can fit into one match. Regardless the night after mania WWE had whipped up about 5 different video packages of the match with WWE superstars like Christian being held at gunpoint to say "it was the biggest match in WWE history".
In any case the match ended with Taker winning so story over right? NOPE
In an amazing case of making logic leaps Mean Mark couldn't call his win a win because he sorta collapsed post match while Triple H was capable of walking out on his own two feet, thus giving us the flimsy arse Trips "He-uh won the battle but I won the war-uh".
Thus Undertaker goes mad in his shack presumably in Death Valley, sticking up pictures of the WM27 match like a deranged serial killer/stalker combo and dramatically cutting his hair watching reruns of his crippling defeat no matter how many times he's rewatching a match that ends with him gaining the pinfall no less.
Unfortunately for Taker, Hunter has transitioned to his COO role where as he so dramatically states to HBK leaves him with "REAL LIFE RESPONSIBILITIES!" and thus can't entertain the notion of facing Taker again, plus he already won guys.
For reasons I can't entirely recall the rematch does get set up with HBK as a ref and comes with the END OF AN ERA tagline and a cell to boot.
As for what era was ending I have no clue because it's 2017 and these two are still getting regular mania paydays.
They're pulling out the works for this before the match even starts, Jim Ross is here with his own entrance, Triple H enters via castle HSkull, Taker arrives in overdesigned western MMO armour and even the cell itself gets it's own music "but the memory remaaaaains!"
Considering how ridiculous the previous years match was regarding finisher fests and weapon shots you'd think they were out of tricks to create an epic, especially when the 27 is an epic in that kind of "we'll keep telling you it was until you begrudgingly accept it". And for the first 15 minutes or so the match is indeed a redux of that match only with visibility hindered for the live audience via a cell and palmtrees.
Then something magical happens, the participants start talking loudly, next thing you know they're bringing the out of ring soap opera drama into the match itself. Short of picking up the mic and cutting promos on each other you have Triple H repeatedly yelling to Shawn "END IT OR I WILL" while Taker is dramatically grabbing Michaels "grrruh, don't stop the match grrrrrumbl".
Each time one man smacks the other with a big move HBK starts overselling the action like it's SS05 and he's in the ring with Hogan, he's not selling moves, he's selling their emotional impact or something.
Because emotions are apparently running so high it's fair game to just shove Michaels across the ring or put him in hells gate, HIGH DRAMA.
This leads to one of the most ridiculous near falls in Taker mania matches as he gets superkicked into a pedigree, the kick out is SO EMOTIONALLY EXPLOSIVE Shawn recoils from his own count and twirls dramatically into the corner where he seats himself on the verge of tears clasping at his face like his parents are fighting again, this is officially the most ridiculous match in WWE history and it's being played completely straight.
You even get Triple H shooting backwards in fright from a Taker sit up at one point, you get Taker dribbling over HHH after he kicks out a tombstone, one of them is wailing on the other with a chair while Shawn stands dramatically still looking away from the action as if he's an accomplice to murder in a wrestling ring, it's so bad it's good.
Eventually the finisher fest reaches its conclusion as Trips fails to strike Taker with the hammer because he's just too drained that Taker can halt it with ease while pulling a look of fatherly disappointment in his son, HHH suitably responds like a kid telling Papa Taker to suck it with a crotch chop before eating the last finisher of the match.
After it's all over, after all the high drama and attempted murder action, all three man basically hug it out and leave like best mates, it's pretty bloody surreal, whatever kayfabe was left in mania just perished.
Taken as a whole it may be the most WWE match ever and I genuinely wonder if there'll ever be a match like it again, it's absolutely fucking stupid, it's not a 5 star match by any standpoint (shit, Kane vs Orton is probably a better match) yet it's such a fascinating piece of pro wrestling, I just can't ignore it.