Ninja Scooter
will his son Bobby induct him?
Oh pleaseTriple H vs. Seth Rollins; Same reason as above.
I guess GAF doesn't want Angle in any future WWE matches since is an old part-timer then.
They need to announce Vader next. If they're doing a celebrity induction it needs to be Ali or Lemmy.About mother fuckin' time.
The only two who deserves to be in a Hall of Fame is Angle and be Rick rude so yeah it better than most years.So this is the best HOF class ever right
WWE Championship: Bray Wyatt (c) vs. Randy Orton; I want Bray to Keep belt but it's WWE....
The only two who deserves to be in a Hall of Fame is Angle and be Rick rude so yeah it better than most years.
The only two who deserves to be in a Hall of Fame is Angle and be Rick rude so yeah it better than most years.
Huh?The same WWE that kept the belt on the Miz after Wrestlemania?
The same WWE that put the Universal title on Owens over Reigns and Rollins?
The same WWE that let AJ beat Cena clean at Summerslam?
The same WWE that let Bray Wyatt beat Cena clean two times in a row?
Forgot about the ROck roll Express yeah, DDP hell no.DDP and RNR express dont deserve it?
The only two who deserves to be in a Hall of Fame is Angle and be Rick rude so yeah it better than most years.
Look who posted that. Carry on.DDP doesn't deserve to be in the HOF? Why?
Elimination Chamber and Smackdown.
Wyatt pinned Cena at EC and the following Smackdown last month.
Of course the question here is, was all this just so he'd look strong when Orton beats him lol
I waa thinking of the first feud for some reason.He said let, not booked. Cena demanded to take the pin on SD, and Cena and Rock are the two people they can never say no to.
DDP literally saved the lives of WWE ex employees who were thought to be on death's doorstep for years that WWE tried to rehab multiple times. DDP did more than millions dollars worth of rehab programs on his own.
Even if you totally ignore DDP's WCW run, he's saved WWE's ass from some seriously bad PR
Forgot about the ROck roll Express yeah, DDP hell no.
DDP absolutely deserves it
DDP absolutely deserves it as well.
I don't particularly think sting is fame of famer and sting had a much much much h much better career then DDP ever had.DDP doesn't deserve to be in the HOF? Why?
There tons of athletes who do a ton of charity but that doesn't mean that they should go into a Hall of Fame.DDP literally saved the lives of WWE ex employees who were thought to be on death's doorstep for years that WWE tried to rehab multiple times. DDP did more than millions dollars worth of rehab programs on his own.
Even if you totally ignore DDP's WCW run, he's saved WWE's ass from some seriously bad PR
I don't particularly think sting is fame of famer and sting had a much much much h much better career then DDP ever had.
DDP hell no.
I don't particularly think sting is fame of famer
I don't particularly think sting is fame of famer and sting had a much much much h much better career then DDP ever had.
There tons of athletes who do a ton of charity but that doesn't mean that they should go into a Hall of Fame.
Is the entire Dangerous Alliance in at this point?
BREAKING: As 1st reported by @BleacherReport, "Ravishing" #RickRude will be inducted into the #WWEHOF Class of 2017!
We've now seen the days Bleacher Report is being touted as Real News
Is the entire Dangerous Alliance in at this point?
Not yetIs Heyman in?
There tons of athletes who do a ton of charity but that doesn't mean that they should go into a Hall of Fame.
Think Austin could grow back those his flowing golden hair from this "Stunning" days?
There guys in wcw I consider Hall of Fame , Hogan,Eddie, Benoit. With sting there was that one year where he was a the biggest face in the company but than he lost to Hogan where he never really the same ever again.So basically you just think WCW doesn't count?
Cause you've now defended a kinda ridiculous stance with an even more ridiculous stance.
DDP and Sting were two of WCW's biggest baby faces of all time.
Visiting sick kids isn't the same thing as pulling drug addicted banged up ex wrestlers out of the gutter, moving them into your home, getting them off drugs and getting them in shape.
Not to mention how many of the current WWE staff use DDP yoga. Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Bobby Roode, and Goldust are known ones.
The Rock said:Been following this man's wrestling career for years now. I'm very happy to see him (finally) in the WWE making a global name for himself.
Many wrestling and fight historians will attest to this, that at one time in 1970's, pro wrestlers were some of the biggest and toughest men on the planet. Well before UFC and MMA made its worldwide footprint, there was a hard core wrestling style derived from "Catch wrestling" which then spawned lots of shoot styles in wrestling training. Samoa Joe reminds me of that rare legit tough MF throwback style of wrestler.
Happy for him and his family. It's his time. He's earned it and one day we'll be referring to him as WWE World Champ. Keep kickin' ass Uso.
#SamoaJoe #FutureChamp #Backstage #RAW
There guys in wcw I consider Hall of Fame , Hogan,Eddie, Benoit. With sting there was that one year where he was a the biggest face in the company but than he lost to Hogan where he never really the same ever again.
There guys in wcw I consider Hall of Fame , Hogan,Eddie, Benoit. With sting there was that one year where he was a the biggest face in the company but than he lost to Hogan where he never really the same ever again.