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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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Fave Five Tag Teams

5. Vicious and Delicious (Buff and Norton)
4. Money Inc (IRS and Ted DiBiase)
3. Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and Alex Wright)
2. Freebirds (WCCW era)
1. Road Warriors/Legion of Doom

Lots of old shit in here, but I loved the shit out of Money Inc. Rotundo was always great in the ring, despite Stro saying he sweats too much (so does Baptister) and DiBiase was always excellent. I always felt DiBiase was underrated in-ring. Great dude.

Dancing Fools are A+ dude, WCCW's Freebirds era was incredible if you've ever seen footage of when they're heels. The stuff on the Network so far is only their face run, which is not really doing it for me.

And nobody can fuck with the Road Warriors.

IRS was pretty decent in NWA. As IRS on, I think he's amazingly boring. The sweating thing bothers me so much. How can a man sweat so much not doing anything? How can a man losing so much water weight per match always look flabby?



Realistic? The whole obsession with huge heavyweight wrestlers was primarily because they were 'larger than life', not because they just looked like your average joe. Size has nothing to do with making a match believable or realistic, two things I'd never attribute to a Buff Bagwell match.

He comes off like he knows what he 'should' be saying as a wrassler but doesn't understand the thought process behind it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He comes off like he knows what he 'should' be saying as a wrassler but doesn't understand the thought process behind it.

Well, it depends if his mother was sitting in on the interview with him or not.

IRS was pretty decent in NWA. As IRS on, I think he's amazingly boring. The sweating thing bothers me so much. How can a man sweat so much not doing anything? How can a man losing so much water weight per match always look flabby?


Rotundo and Barry Windham were a fuckload of fun to watch too. Goddamn.


So not worth it
Realistic? The whole obsession with huge heavyweight wrestlers was primarily because they were 'larger than life', not because they just looked like your average joe. Size has nothing to do with making a match believable or realistic, two things I'd never attribute to a Buff Bagwell match.

Agreed, perceptions have changed from the 90's pretty much all over. Big and muscles aren't even what people call ideal body types by any stretch of the imagination. (Sorry Sunny).

Right now, people are way more into general fitness and I think that translates to wrestling, where people get into regular sized guys that do cool moves way more than they get into big power wrestlers.
Fave Five tag teams?

1. Holy Demon Army (Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue)
2. Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr.
3. Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody
4. Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa
5. Miracle Violence Connection (Steve Williams & Terry Gordy)
Realistic? The whole obsession with huge heavyweight wrestlers was primarily because they were 'larger than life', not because they just looked like your average joe. Size has nothing to do with making a match believable or realistic, two things I'd never attribute to a Buff Bagwell match.

I think my favourite story about wrestlers complaining about smaller guys was Triple H saying Angle was too small to be a believable champion. Someone responded by asking him "Do you really think you could beat up Kurt Angle?" and then Triple H basically just shut the fuck up about it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Agreed, perceptions have changed from the 90's pretty much all over. Big and muscles aren't even what people call ideal body types by any stretch of the imagination. (Sorry Sunny).

Sometimes you're wrong all day, Aiii!

Fave Five tag teams?

1. Holy Demon Army (Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue)
2. Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr.
3. Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody
4. Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa
5. Miracle Violence Connection (Steve Williams & Terry Gordy)

Stan Hansen and Brody are so fucking good together, I just love seeing old footage of them destroying people. Brody is so delightful to watch, I love how huge he was and how crazed he looked. Never did "get" the Funks though.

Steve Williams and Gordy were fucking awesome too. Just brutalizing fools left and right. Gordy always looked like a fatass but it was STRONG FAT that he was using, and Williams looked like such a mean motherfucker. Goddamn.


So not worth it
The Ultimate Warrior announced on Twitter that Linda McMahon will be inducting him into the WWE Hall of Fame this year. He wrote:

"Fortunetelling pundits lack the integrity it takes to figure me out. I'm honored @Linda_McMahon accepts my request to introduce #wwehof2014."

"For all the Medicinal Marijuana users & ADD crowd w/ half-ass functioning brains: Introduce=Induct. One more time. Induct=Introduce. Got it?"

Odd choice.


I'm more interested in who's going to come on after Warrior to translate Warrior's speech for the rest of the audience.

Really, Jim Johnston should be the guy who inducts Warrior since one of the first and only positive things you consistently hear about Warrior is that his intro was over as fuck.


Neo Member
so I'm confused, is Jeff Hardy supposed to be a character from this?


seriously that show freaked me out so much when I was a kid, it was in that post70s acid tinged stable of creepy ass dark psychedelic kids TV

did this make it out of the UK?? weird.

would rather Jeff was dressed as this guy


Fave Five tag teams

1. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard
2. Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham
3. Hart Foundation
4. Steiners up to around 1996
5. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko

Honorable mention to Demolition, Dancing Fools/Boogie Knights, the Fabulous Rougeu Brothers (even though I hate the Mountie).

Dream team: The Destroyer and Lou Thesz
I'm more interested in who's going to come on after Warrior to translate Warrior's speech for the rest of the audience.

Really, Jim Johnston should be the guy who inducts Warrior since one of the first and only positive things you consistently hear about Warrior is that his intro was over as fuck.
Warrior entrance with theme music has to be in the top 5 of all time.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fave Five tag teams

1. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard
2. Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham
3. Hart Foundation
4. Steiners up to around 1996
5. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko

Honorable mention to Demolition, Dancing Fools/Boogie Knights, the Fabulous Rougeu Brothers (even though I hate the Mountie).

Dream team: The Destroyer and Lou Thesz

Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard were some hard fucking dudes.

Surprised to see Hart Foundation on there.


Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard were some hard fucking dudes.

Surprised to see Hart Foundation on there.

I hate Anvil as a singles guy or tagging with anyone besides Bret or Owen, but he and Bret together were perfect. I hate the Mountie, but really enjoy him in the team with his brother and in the Quebecers.
Stan Hansen and Brody are so fucking good together, I just love seeing old footage of them destroying people. Brody is so delightful to watch, I love how huge he was and how crazed he looked. Never did "get" the Funks though.

I much prefer Brody in tag matches and, as you said, he was so, so good when paired with Hansen - I find his singles matches to run by the same formula for the most part (other than that 60 minute cage match draw with Ric Flair in St. Louis) and they aren't generally good by my standards, but Brody was just a force of nature. No one really did it quite like him and the crowds went absolutely fucking nuts for him, so it's hard to deny him as a talent. He just wasn't like anyone else and only Hansen could really keep up with him, but for my money Stan was the far more versatile wrestler of the pair.

As for the Funks, I'd recommend checking out some of their matches with Jumbo & Baba in the late 70's/early 80's if you haven't seen them before. I'd be hard pressed to name any better tag matches from that era.

strobogo said:
Dream team: The Destroyer and Lou Thesz

Yeah, that would've kicked a ton of ass.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I hate Anvil as a singles guy or tagging with anyone besides Bret or Owen, but he and Bret together were perfect. I hate the Mountie, but really enjoy him in the team with his brother and in the Quebecers.

He was best when he was the muscle used when Bret's technical wrassles couldn't get the job done. When he was used like that he was good.
I promise you it isn't a gimmick. I really do enjoy Impact and their shows in the UK have been really entertaining. Raw is 3 hours long and all the important things can be seen in under 45 minutes most weeks. Impact is 2 hours long and every segment has a purpose and moves story along. It's not always the best stories but they are stories, which is more than I can say for WWE. I still enjoy the wrestling of NJPW, PWG, the Joshi leagues and a few others more than TNA, but as far as weekly wrestling shows go, Impact is consistantly more entertaining than Raw and Smackdown.

Ok, I get that Raw is 45 minutes of content stretched to 3 hours, and Impact's 2 hours might seem brisk in comparison. But then why TNA, which inevitably disappoints because Russo's still writing the show, instead, of ROH, which only lasts an hour each week, and won't at least be let down by the actual matches?

I'm not a huge ROH fan, but if I wanted an alternative to WWE's weekly programming (and NXT doesn't count for this discussion), I'd probably choose ROH over TNA, if only because ROH doesn't have the stink of Russo around it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Come on, I know you like muscles, but we can objectively state that the beauty ideal for men has moved from big and muscles in the 80's to mid-90's to lean and ripped at the moment.

Doesn't make it right.

People want weaklings. It's a sense of entitlement. "Why should the popular and cool people all be people whose physiques I can't attain? THAT'S NOT FAIR!"
Lockdown was a good PPV until the final 40 minutes which consisted of the two main events. Heck, even most of Joe/Magnus was going well until the finish, and the main event had some good spots before overbooking 101 kicked in.

Really, go back and watch the stuff before the final two matches. There was a lot of good stuff. Unfortunately, people will only focus on the negatives and keep posting the "LOL Joe in a hole" pic. Mind you, the final two matches left a sour taste in my mouth too, but I'm choosing to focus on the good.

That's great and all, but people buy/watch PPVs for the Main Events. The Main Event is supposed to be your pay-off.

Go back and watch what happened to WCW. WCW used to have SMOKING undercards that would often have put Lockdown's undercard last night to shame in comparison. Then they'd roll out shit-tastic, overbooked, crap Main Events. And that's why they went under. This is no industry secret. Yet TNA is repeating the same booking mistake that led to WCW's failure.

If I'm watching MMA, yeah, I can excuse a bad main event if there were some good undercard fights. Because it's real. Things happen in real fights. But wrasslin' is scripted. There's no excuse if WWE or TNA fucks up a Main Event, barring an injury to one of the performers, because it's a fucking work.

I really don't know why you'd go into so much trouble to try to defend that PPV. The top two matches on the card, were WRITTEN that way. There's no excuse.
Fave Five tag teams

1. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard
2. Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham
3. Hart Foundation
4. Steiners up to around 1996
5. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko

Honorable mention to Demolition, Dancing Fools/Boogie Knights, the Fabulous Rougeu Brothers (even though I hate the Mountie).

Dream team: The Destroyer and Lou Thesz

Something about how WWF/WWE just didn't get tag teams for a while, sort of got them in the early 90s with the Bulldogs, Strike Force, Hart Foundation, Money, Inc., forgot about them as we went to GANG WARFARE, sort of remembered them again during the Edge & Christian/Hardy Boyz/Dudley Boyz/World's Greatest Tag Team stretch, then forgot about them again.

Fave five tag teams:
Hansen and Brody - a couple of bruisers with a legacy so profound I'll list the Japanese tribute team of Minoru Brody and Takan Hansen in honorable mention.

The British Bulldogs - a team that got the power moves/aerial attacks dynamic right, and a continuing inspiration to tag teams that I enjoy like the Generation Next team of Roderick Strong and Jack Evans

The Wild Samoans - another duo of bruisers, ugly, mean, and nasty

The Steiner Brothers - another couple of physical, stiff bastards

Miracle Violence Connection (Steve Williams & Terry Gordy) - just on the name alone, you had to love this team.

Honorable mentions:
Bruiser Minody and Takan Hansen
The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark)
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard
Sometimes you're wrong all day, Aiii!

Stan Hansen and Brody are so fucking good together, I just love seeing old footage of them destroying people. Brody is so delightful to watch, I love how huge he was and how crazed he looked. Never did "get" the Funks though.

Steve Williams and Gordy were fucking awesome too. Just brutalizing fools left and right. Gordy always looked like a fatass but it was STRONG FAT that he was using, and Williams looked like such a mean motherfucker. Goddamn.

Bootaaay and Vince, Takan Hansen and Bruiser Minody approve.


The Wild Samoans - another duo of bruisers, ugly, mean, and nasty

Headshrinkers/Samoan Swat Team were 100% better than the Wild Samoans. Guys were just from an era where heel meant doing nothing but chokes and biting. I'd say the Islanders and even 3 Minute Warning were better than the Wold Samoans.


Fave Five tag teams

1. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard
2. Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham
3. Hart Foundation
4. Steiners up to around 1996
5. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko

Honorable mention to Demolition, Dancing Fools/Boogie Knights, the Fabulous Rougeu Brothers (even though I hate the Mountie).

Dream team: The Destroyer and Lou Thesz

You forgot the Nasty Boys.
Headshrinkers/Samoan Swat Team were 100% better than the Wild Samoans. Guys were just from an era where heel meant doing nothing but chokes and biting. I'd say the Islanders and even 3 Minute Warning were better than the Wold Samoans.

Headshrinkers are probably better than Wild Samoans, but I saw the Wild Samoans first, so they left a bigger imprint on me.
Lockdown was a good PPV until the final 40 minutes which consisted of the two main events. Heck, even most of Joe/Magnus was going well until the finish, and the main event had some good spots before overbooking 101 kicked in.

Really, go back and watch the stuff before the final two matches. There was a lot of good stuff. Unfortunately, people will only focus on the negatives and keep posting the "LOL Joe in a hole" pic. Mind you, the final two matches left a sour taste in my mouth too, but I'm choosing to focus on the good.

If anything, the bullshit in the final two matches will look good in video packages for the next few months, and will hopefully be used to launch some interesting angles. At least, I hope so.

It's easy to bash TNA when all you do is wait for the bad stuff and the negative reactions to jump onto just to be part of the LOLTNAwful crowd. It just sucks when people do it while dismissing the good the company is doing in other areas. And why? Because they didn't even watch the event themselves but instead waited for the negative reactions towards the stuff that IS TNAwful, and jumped on board to be part of the crowd.

Criticize TNA for the crap they do badly, which is a lot sometimes, but don't discount everything they do as bad...because it's not all bad.
Once again Alucard I agree with a bunch of what your saying. You're right about people only focusing on the bad. I mean everyone was posting on Joe going through a hole (I get it though) but Manik and Tigre Uno had an incredible match and I only saw like three post about that. I enjoyed the last match although I felt there was too much talent in that ring for it to come out the way it did. I expected more from them (Roode spine buster on everyone was awesome, Aries brain buster on the chair was great, Willow debut could have been cool but no one thought to catch him so it came out a little flat, Bully Ray being Bully Ray)

But I think TNA should focus on putting up a great show top to bottom. I know they can do it and by the looks of their attendance I don't think they can really afford to have overbooked ending after overbooked ending. I mean people here know I love TNA but Abyss out of nowhere soured it for me. They were having a solid match up until that point. I guess they want to extend the Joe/Magnus feud a bit more but they probably could have come up with something better. Maybe I just want to see a clean heavyweight champion defense match from WWE or TNA. It's been a while. Anyway can't wait to see the fallout this Thursday.



X2! Signed to compete! From rohwrestling.com:

"Wrestling fans around the world were shocked by the announcement that Ring of Honor and New Japan Pro Wrestling will be running two joint shows in May of this year. The first will be “Global Wars” and will take place Saturday May 10th at the Ted Reeve Arena in Toronto, Canada. The second will be “War of the Worlds” on Saturday May 17th at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. New Japan’s top wrestlers will be making the trip overseas for these massive events. Over the next few weeks rohwrestling.com will be announcing the names of the New Japan stars that will be competing at these events, with the first one being

The Current IWGP Heavyweight Champion, “Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada!

Okada is a two time IWGP Heavyweight Champion for New Japan, and will bring the title with him to Ring of Honor for his debut with the company. Okada has already made a name for himself inside North America, but has yet to compete inside an ROH ring.

His accolades in New Japan speak for themselves. Aside from being a two time champion, Okada is also a former winner of the G1 Climax Tournament, and the New Japan Cup. The most impressive of his New Japan successes is his current reign as champion where he has already surpassed 330 days with the title.

Okada’s brash personality as “Rainmaker” is sure to clash with the talent on the ROH roster, as it does with the talent on the New Japan roster. His arsenal of moves that includes a devastating lariat and a submission named “Red Ink” makes him a tough opponent for anyone on the ROH roster. Stay tuned to rohwrestling.com for announcements on who the New Japan talent will be competing against.

You only have two opportunities to see the IWGP Heavyweight Champion live and in person in North America. Tickets have sold quickly, but seats are still available for “Global Wars” and “War of the Worlds” on May 10th and 17th in Toronto and New York City. Don’t miss these epic once in a lifetime events."

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Honestly I don't think Joe not fitting in the hole is something people are hung up on because it's TNA. Any PPV with that sort of thing...everyone would focus on that. Because it is ridiculous and insane.


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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Minoru Suzuki says that if he wins the New Japan Cup he's demanding a winner-takes-all 3-way match between himself, Okada & Tanahashi.

Fun, but unrealistic. Suzuki telegraphing he won't win NJ Cup.
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