The infrastructure of Ring of Honor is misinformed. There are men in positions of power, men who have been called "icons" and "pioneers" of this company who have perpetuated the idea that "internet popularity" and "ROH loyalty" are more important to success than talent and drive.
If Ring of Honor is truly committed to the sport of professional wrestling, they should stop the biased treatment given to these athletes and in turn, they must stop discriminating against those athletes who have sacrificed all to succeed in their chosen profession, even to the displeasure of those fans who embrace mediocrity.
Past Targets... Hanson, ACH, Matt Sydal, etcetera. Internet darlings given preferential treatment and more opportunities while others have been held back and OUT of Ring of Honor.
Future Targets... Champions. Chosen men given preferential treatment while others have been held back and OUT of Ring of Honor.
Restated... the champions who reign in Ring of Honor have proven the competition to be inferior.
These men are not unbeatable.
Supercard of Honor
We will make the change needed.