Sibersk Esto
Who is this Zaun goober?
Who is this Zaun goober?
Well the Undertaker is looking pretty good. This pic is from yesterday. He seems to get younger before Wrestlemania:
You should of asked him how he keeps that hair looking golden like his WCW days. Man he looks like he never agesI just got Charles Robinson's autograph. I'm in heaven.
Did you tell him you post about wrestling on a message board?
"There's this guy named Serpentine who always..."
You should of asked him how he keeps that hair looking golden like his WCW days. Man he looks like he never ages
Woohoo! It begins!![]()
Omg guys!!
* stares demon akuma style¡HarlequinPanic!;157602034 said:*rides in on razor scooter*
Killer Instinct's still the best fighter, brahs
*rides off on razor scooter*
¡HarlequinPanic!;157602034 said:*rides in on razor scooter*
Killer Instinct's still the best fighter, brahs
*rides off on razor scooter*
You should of asked him how he keeps that hair looking golden like his WCW days. Man he looks like he never ages
People complaining about console exclusivity seems stupid to me, especially when a game is exclusive to a console that's running away with a sales lead. Maybe I'm just old school but if there was a game for a system you didn't own, you bought the system it was made for.
The problem meta fans have with Reigns is that his success was predetermined by the WWE front office. This is the great dichotomy of pro wrestling: When something great happens in real sports, people say, “It couldn’t have been any better if it were scripted.” But in wrestling, any evidence of predetermined storytelling is taken as a shortcoming. Any obvious projection of the forthcoming plotline, any hewing to rumors of backstage plans, any ending that is obvious — they’re all causes for outrage.
Listen, rebelling against Reigns is completely reasonable. He’s way too green to be in the position WWE has given him, and there are others — Bryan chief among them — who would be a better fit. (I’m guessing that putting Orton in this spot wouldn’t make many of the aggrieved fans much happier, though.) And it’s justifiable to be mad that WWE is creating a new John Cena right before our eyes, and to try to influence a better outcome with boos. But the problem is that it’s almost a self-fulfilling prophecy: John Cena worked because of his “haters.” The “Ce-na sucks” chant made John Cena. And the fans who used to complain about Cena are now doing the same with Reigns. By turning on Reigns, smart fans have inadvertently created one of the most compelling characters in pro wrestling: Instead of Bryan striving against backstage politics, Reigns is fighting against smart fan preconceptions. If he succeeds despite all the hell the Internet has given him, he’ll be the big star WWE wants him to be. If he fails, he’ll be the biggest heel in wrestling. Our** derision has made Reigns more significant than WWE could have made him on its own.
Reigns might even be the heel in this Lesnar feud. I used to like to point out that clamoring for a Cena heel turn was a waste of time because he was already wrestling’s biggest heel. Reigns’s ascent to the top of the babyface heap may have been bumpy, but in some circles he’s already as big a heel as Cena ever was. And it feels like WWE knows this — Heyman’s pro-Lesnar monologues have been skewing laudatory rather than heelish; Lesnar’s appearance on SportsCenter was the least villainous he’s been in ages; and Reigns went off on fans in a Rolling Stone interview, saying, “When I’m talkin’, shut the hell up and let me talk.” Unsurprisingly, fans railed against Reigns’s lack of humility and proclaimed they liked him less than ever before, if that were possible.
Man this hashtag thing has gotten old really fast.
I feel the same way even though I would give my left ball to have Driveclub come to the PC .
That piece of shit is hardly worth sacrificing a ball for
Man this hashtag thing has gotten old really fast.
People complaining about console exclusivity seems stupid to me, especially when a game is exclusive to a console that's running away with a sales lead. Maybe I'm just old school but if there was a game for a system you didn't own, you bought the system it was made for.
It is slightly weird bearing in mind all the exclusives the PS3 & PS2 had. The 1st party games are the main reason to buy a Sony or Ninty console.
Dudes hyping it up like it's the second coming of racing lie the weather effects made me smile.
Sony fan hype is at nonsense levels and should be ignored. Motherfuckers trying to pretend garbage like Driveclub and The Order are worth paying a cent for. Yuck.
Trips looking smug as fuck
Sony fan hype is at nonsense levels and should be ignored. Motherfuckers trying to pretend garbage like Driveclub and The Order are worth paying a cent for. Yuck.
Trips looking smug as fuck
Sony fan hype is at nonsense levels and should be ignored. Motherfuckers trying to pretend garbage like Driveclub and The Order are worth paying a cent for. Yuck.
I know people are proud of themselves for playing Bloodborne but
Vince is just in denial because he picked the Roman Reigns of consoles (Xbox One) instead of the Brock Lesnar (PS4)
I own both
Picked? If you like kideos, play everything. God knows there's more than enough incredible games out there no matter what you buy
Wii U is still the best out of the 3.
Trips looking smug as fuck
Meh....until I hear about Gran Turismo or NJPWorld becomes an app for the PS4, I think I will stick to my current setup of PC, PS3/2 and a Vita.
Nothing really strokes my interest for both consoles. I was going to buy a Xbox One because of MCC know :/ :/.
Wii U is still the best out of the 3.
Vince is just in denial because he picked the Roman Reigns of consoles (Xbox One) instead of the Brock Lesnar (PS4)
I own both