Continuing my trek through WCW up to the glory days of '97, I officially have entered the dark times, AKA '91 and '92. Good lord, was 1991 bad. The combination of Herd's ideas and Dusty's booking is a pain that should never be brought to mortal men. Then we get to 1992 and bringing in Kip Frey and....why the fuck was he not kept around? Superbrawl 2 was frigging amazing outside of the Luger/Sting match (and is proof positive that waving money in Kevin Nash's face is the only way for him to give a shit), and the best Wargames ever in the Dangerous Alliance vs. Sting's team. Man, Paul E. is the fucking man. I'd have to say it's a tie between him and Cornette for the greatest mind in wrestling, which works perfectly because A. both are completely opposite sides of the spectrum and B. They both hate each other's fucking guts. Also Ventura sucked on commentary in WCW, and for all of the love Ross gets, he pretty much does the same shit every match - bring up a wrestler's college background whether in football or wrestling. .