What a fucking idiot piece of shit.
But he's the epitome of both FnP and SnS! What's not to love?
What a fucking idiot piece of shit.
If you're ever up for a good laugh, read the comments on TNA Mecca. Good god, the delusion. Apparently Brock re-signing with WWE is a panic response to TNA re-signing Bobby Lashley.
I get that wrestling fans don't have the best taste but jesus f I can't believe how everyone seems to like this shit
This product
WrassleGAF, I did a bad. I got into a wrestling argument on twitter.
Now everyone knows you like wrestling. Time to start a new life.
You think he has grindr on that phone?
I just want to reiterate how ridiculous it would be if 1 million time champion and mr overcome every odd humanly possible in wrestling John Cena got literally dominated by brock lesnar, and Roman I disappeared for a while because I was injured and oh look now I'm main eventing wrestlemania Reigns beats him.
Even in WWE booking standards it makes no sense. I hope at most they're setting up a situation where they beat the shit out of each other and then rollins cashes in. That's not realistic either but it's tolerable.
Tens of thousands of people like it, you don't, must be something wrong with everyone else.
Makes sense.
When has a lot of people liking something ever been indicative of it's quality?
When has a lot of people liking something ever been indicative of it's quality?
Wrestling has never been about quality. Wrestling has always been about making money, so yes, a lot of people liking it is indicative when it comes to the only thing that matters in pro wrestling at the end of the day - drawing fat stacks of cash.
This product
The flying fuck is going on here
people getting annoyed at the perceived hyperbolic statements of either side of an argument
ie the internet
John Cena is old and broken now. Roman is the new Cena. Only now with ethnic hotness to really make the neckbeards uncomfortable when their girlfriends think Roman is hotter than Bryan, the very best possible version of the neckbeards.
-Curved spines would have allowed women to forage longer into pregnancy
-Trait would have been seen as preferable in early hunter-gatherer societies
-Scientists at Bilkent University, Turkey studied the preferences of 300 men
-They were shown silhouettes of women's bodies and asked to rank them
-A curved spine with an angle of 45 degrees was the most attractive to men
Men who think they like big bottoms may actually be more into spines, Dr Lewis said.
He said: 'Men may be directing their attention to the butt and obtaining information about women's spines, even if they are unaware that that is what their minds are doing.
'Alternatively, men may have preferences for both lumbar curvature and buttock size.
'Future research is needed to better understand the latter.'
Crazy that shit on Sportscenter
Queen checks out friends
Could we dream with a Brock vs Cesaro match somewhere in time?
Why would we dream about a jobberCould we dream with a Brock vs Cesaro match somewhere in time?
I hope we can detoxify WrassleGAF to make it more inclusive.
I hope we can detoxify WrassleGAF to make it more inclusive.
What a fucking idiot piece of shit.
I hope we can detoxify WrassleGAF to make it more inclusive.
Me too
You're reaching. Max Landis is a piece of shit, and the only thing we don't allow is another Max Landis.
Who the fuck is Max Landis?
You're reaching. Max Landis is a piece of shit, and the only thing we don't allow is another Max Landis.
You're just salty because Max's dad actually loved him.
My first souls game and I died a lot, it was amazing.TOTALLY OFF TOPIC
Bloodborne is absolutely living up to the hype so far