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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The God-King Reigns, Baby

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date


Question to those who watched on the Network - did the stream repeat itself a few times on you? Like something would happen, and then the stream would skip and replay the last few seconds?
Yes, the network was horrible tonight. It was a lot smoother last year. It was skipping, switching between SD/HD often, few freezes, and during the Brock/Reigns match the screen jumbled then froze like that except the audio kept going. Exiting and restarting helped, but poor showing during their biggest event of the year. Definitely canceling my subscription, the new shows they have coming look horrible.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
In a show of good faith I'll rep Seth-kun till Summerslam. I hope the rest of #TeamBeast and #BaleeDat follow suit, but it's not a requirement since neither of us won.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
My Network experience on the PS3 was flawless tonight. Unusual because it usually gives me trouble during high activity times on that device. I had 720p almost the entire night.



- Brock obliterating Reigns
- Rusev's entrance
- Undertaker looked in good health
- Ladder match was good
- Orton vs Rollins was really good, great ending
- Tag title match was good
- Ronda Rousey
- Hilarious nonsensical insanity in HHH/Sting
- Mizdow in the Battle Royal, til the end
- Bray's entrance (save daylight)


- HHH winning over Sting for some reason
- Ronda Rousey not beating up Stephanie after that buildup
- The entire Battle Royal save Mizdow. Big Shoe, really.
- HHH's entrance
- Flat endings for Rusev/Cena, Tag title match
- Meh Divas match
- Lot of production botches
- Boring stage

So, 7/10, a good time.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Holy crap, this is now the third champion out of the last four to not have been pinned or submitted. Bryan submitted Big Dave, had the belt stripped. Cena won the ladder match and was pinned clean. Now Bork lost a match without being pinned or submitted.
Holy shit I fucking loved this show. The daytime feel was cool, but it made the production botches very obvious.

In the back of my head, I had the idea of Rollins cashing in during the match, but they pulled it off so so well.
Suplex city(guy is Seth)


Man God

Non-Canon Member
I still don't get why the Bullet Club came out to help Stang.

That being said who are his true blue WCW buddies that are still alive?

Flair - Better friends with Haitch and always betrays Stang.
Luger - No one wants to see flexy Lexy.
Booker T - Tell me you did not just say that.


love on your sleeve
You should thank Reigns being awful and the crowd turning on him for that

This would have happened regardless, playboy. I've been pointing out for months how Seth-kun quietly got the biggest push out of the 3 Shield members. Main eventing PPVs, main eventing Raw, always had direction and focus, always got a ton of match and mic time to foster improvement. Fuck a dirt sheet report, pay attention to what's actually happening on screen.


My Network experience on the PS3 was flawless tonight. Unusual because it usually gives me trouble during high activity times on that device. I had 720p almost the entire night.


Ran with no problems from start to finish.....gotta re watch the world title match because i was so happy seeing brock kill roman and when seth won, i lost it ..


Overall thoughts:

- First, a special shout-out to that hilarious Flair chop to Steamboat. Tremendous.
- The tag titles match was fine. Glad Cesaro/Kidd won.
- The Andre Battle Royal was okay. I'm even okay with Big Show winning. Hopefully Cesaro wins a rubber match/battle royal encounter with Big Show later. And Sandow came out looking good. Hopefully he's not forgotten.
- The ladder match was pretty fun and brutal. My watch partner loved Ziggler's braid thing. Most of the guys did a good job. Glad Bryan won and they're clearly setting up DB/Zig down the road.
- Orton/Rollins was meh, but that RKO -- from someone who much prefers the Diamond Cutter -- was incredible. Well done, guys (especially Rollins).
- I marked out like a dork for DX vs. nWo. It was a lot of fun. Sting did a good job and I'm happy for him. Not sure why he didn't go over, aside from "durrr, WWE > WCW".
- Skipped most of the women's match, but happy to see Pai'J won.
- Cena and Rusev put on a good match. I'm okay with Cena as U.S. Champ for now.
- Taker/Bray was fine. The entrances were pretty lackluster.
- Brock killing Reigns was fun. I thought Reigns had it when he had the flurry including, I believe, two spears -- much excite when Brock kicked out. And then Rollins cashed in and won. It'll work this time. Keeps Brock a beast, Reigns in contention, and sets up some new angles. It'll be fun to see how currently heel Lesnar responds to heel Rollins.

Anyway, pretty good event overall. Probably a B-. :D

Oh, and to that guy who wrote the weird Sting-wearing-a-shirt diatribe: Haha.


i mean the ideal ending to the HHH/Sting match is Sting gets the 123 after the nWo come out and he got the death drop.

that would've been a "wrestlemania moment"


Seth Rollins did the Daily Show and will now be doing Good Morning America.

Loved that ending. I legit popped and marked out when Rollins started running down and when he won.
Pros for Mania;

No streaming issues on my PS4
The ladder match
Cesaro/Kidd retaining
Finish to Rollins/Orton
The divas match
Sting & HHH
Taker/Wyatt considering Wyatts ankle and the sunlight this was a spectacle and just fun. Loved the crab walk into the stare
The tank
The Rock & Rousey connection

Divas match could have been longer
HHH winning and the bunkass handshake
Hhh lame entrance
Wyatt losing


love on your sleeve
My Network experience on the PS3 was flawless tonight. Unusual because it usually gives me trouble during high activity times on that device. I had 720p almost the entire night.

Man fuck the Network. I tried it on PS3, PS4, and Xbox One and each was a shit experience. I had to resort to watching it in my browser which was fine I suppose but not really how I want to experience Wrestlemania.


Terminator entrance for HHH. Yay? Nay?

I thought it was cool.

Rusev had entrance of the night.

I was not a fan of the Triple H entrance. I thought it would be much better.

Sting's was weird. I was really hoping for the old Starrcade '97 music. v_v

Rusev's was clearly the best, yeah?


I was not a fan of the Triple H entrance. I thought it would be much better.

Sting's was weird. I was really hoping for the old Starrcade '97 music. v_v

Rusev's was clearly the best, yeah?

I think H's entrance came off cheesy because it was daytime. At night it would've been awesome.
My network behaved very nicely tonight, only skipping a couple of times and one time it did so hilariously. Right when they were announcing the attendance it skipped in the middle of it so Steph said 'We have set a new attendance record for the arena! 76 people!' I knew what had happened with the number on the screen, but it was funny.

Over all a pretty good show. Good main event with even better booking.
My Mania Review:

Tag Title Match- A complete clusterfuck. It had a couple of good spots, but meh. C-

Battle Royal- Battle royal's suck IMO, and having Show win makes absolutely zero sense. D

IC Title Match- About what I expected, but I thought they would get more time. B

Orton vs Rollins-Solid, with a GREAT finish. B-

HHH vs Sting- What the fuck. Stings entrance sucked, but HHH's took it to a whole new level of awful. Match itself was overbooked garbage, with a sledge hammer to the head out of nowhere for the victory. Immediately after HHH hits him with a sledgehammer and beats him, Sting then shakes his hand? I hated this match. F

Divas Match- Ugh, I'm all for giving Divas a chance, but not these Divas. AJ was especially sloppy and this match did nothing for me. D

Cena vs. Rusev- Rusev's entrance was AMAZING. The match itself was good, but worse than their Fast Lane match IMO. The ending was kinda crappy with just a Lana bump and an AA. B-

Rock Segment- Good stuff by those involved, but this went on WAY too long. B-

Undertaker vs Bray- Taker getting just a standard entrance was very surprising. Taker looked a million times better than last year, but this match just didn't do much for me. It was decent, just not special like Taker's matches used to be. C

Brock vs. Reigns-Was better than it had any right to be. Lesnar worked his ass off, and Reigns took a beating. Reigns final kick out after that third F5 would have drove me crazy if he turned out to win. A-

Rollins winning = I'm not as over the moon about Rollins winning as some of you guys, but it's so much of a better decision than putting in on Reigns. B
I have to think that the Andre match has no meaning at all and that Show's win is going to be forgotten in like 2 weeks. Mizdow's payoff was weak, and probably should have been saved for R.A.W. Truth is, there doesn't seem like there's much to do with him after this anyway.

Kiddaro have no one to work with after this. The whole team is about being overlooked by McMahon, and it's too bad they will just hold titles and have no matches since no current tag team is up to their standard.

It's best for Ziggler to turn heel. He's the older brother to Bryan that nobody likes because Bryan outshines him everywhere, and a feud for the IC title would be meaningful.

Rusev deserves a rematch, solo without Lana, and I'd actually hope he wins if he has any hope of continuing to move upwards in his career. Too bad RuLana is over :(

Bray is either gone with an injury or does some more purgatory bullshit that goes nowhere. I'll say it again: Harper is a much better guy for this "Undertaker" role everybody wants filled.

Sting/HHH was cheesy and embarrassing. I imagine some old ass WCW and hardcore fans marking out, but it was god awful and I can't believe Sting would come back to do this when he avoided WWE for so long. And that submission move, lmao. Come on. It's just sad to see HHH have to put up with this crap, I cringe thinking about all of it.

Yeah, I really enjoyed that show. Car crash opener with the right guy getting the belt. Solid match between Seth & Randy with a crazy finish. Old guys match that started out like a early 90's WCW main event and ended like a late 90's WCW main event but still managed to be a ton of fun. Whatever Divas match that didn't take too long. Cena & Rusev in an honestly not that objectionable match even with Cena winning, awesome entrance for Rusev too. Undertaker & Bray was fine, better than I expected it to be. Brock being a goddamn beast in the main event, Roman putting a lot of work in getting his ass beat and a perfect finish that left everyone happy and/or excited. Brock never got beat, Roman didn't get a fair shot & Randy beat Seth earlier in the show. Three easy contenders for the belt, some nice storytelling there.


I wish they still did the video recaps with the theme song they used to do at the very end of WM. Was always impressive to see them edit together the video literally moments after the main event.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Overall I give this Mania an A. XXX was A+, pretty much perfect. This one had some missteps but it was all nitpicky stuff, the actual show itself at its core was very good and I've got high hopes for the future.

Rousey's moment is the money moment though - what a master stroke at getting mainstream coverage. It's up there with Tyson at Mania.


My quick rundown of Mania:

Ladder match (4/5) - A great start to the show. The backstage segment with the legends later on in the show gave me hope that they are legit gonna try to make the IC title worth something.

Rollins vs. Orton (3/5) - Amazing ending, but just "a match."

HHH vs. Sting (2.5/5) - Clusterfuck and the handshake felt way too forced, unearned, and like a fuck you to Sting...especially with HHH's later promo.

Paige and AJ vs. The Bellas (3/5) - Pretty good, and one of the better Divas PPV matches in recent memory. Shame the crowd didn't give a fuck.

Rusev vs. Cena (4/5) - These guys work really well together. Rusev's entrance was absolutely incredible. Very strong match and the right guy won at this point in the storyline. I fully expect an Extreme Rules match...maybe the Cena special. (LMS) Hopefully not, as that didn't work out for Bray.

Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker (2.5/5) - Too slow for most of it, but I enjoyed the crab walk and stare spot, and some of the collisions were pretty harsh. The drama from Taker matches is much lower without the streak.

Lesnar vs. Reigns (4.5/5) - Match of the night. Not a technical marvel, but really good storytelling. Not sure if Brock was meant to bleed in those two instances, but it added a ton of drama. Reigns laughing was perhaps him trying to show some personality? I dunno. We'll see where they go.

I was happy to see Rollins walk out with the belt. They have built him and protected him, and this felt like it fit perfectly with where they were positioning him. Well done, WWE. I popped big time.


The Rock/Rousey thing was also pretty rad, but waaaay too long.

In the end, and good Mania. Probably in the middle of the pack in terms of the all-time list, but still very enjoyable regardless.



Overall I give this Mania an A. XXX was A+, pretty much perfect. This one had some missteps but it was all nitpicky stuff, the actual show itself at its core was very good and I've got high hopes for the future.

Rousey's moment is the money moment though - what a master stroke at getting mainstream coverage. It's up there with Tyson at Mania.

Lesnar and Rousey being the biggest stars on the show is fairly funny.


Overall I give this Mania an A. XXX was A+, pretty much perfect. This one had some missteps but it was all nitpicky stuff, the actual show itself at its core was very good and I've got high hopes for the future.

Rousey's moment is the money moment though - what a master stroke at getting mainstream coverage. It's up there with Tyson at Mania.

Do you think they're actually going to do anything with her any time soon? Since she did so little, I kind of assumed she had a contract stip with UFC that says she can't do wrestling... or something.
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