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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The God-King Reigns, Baby

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date




This was cool but nothing is going to top WM30 Final Boss Shao Kahn HHH



Bray's entrance just wasn't clicking with me. The lantern in BROAD DAYLIGHT, scarecrows *why*, and just how abrupt it felt. I was expecting Bray to be the ultimate troll and have druids carry him in a casket and him coming out of it just to fuck with Taker....instead we got an rendition of Thriller.


Bray's entrance just wasn't clicking with me. The lantern in BROAD DAYLIGHT, scarecrows *why*, and just how abrupt it felt. I was expecting Bray to be the ultimate troll and have druids carry him in a casket and him coming out of it just to fuck with Taker....instead we got an rendition of Thriller.

Except it wasn't broad daylight, they waited as late as they could have and it was getting dark.

The scarecrows were showing that Bray has power over the dead, and by extension the Undertaker.

I thought it was pretty damn cool....it wasn't riding in on a tank, but it was pretty damn cool.


Except it wasn't broad daylight, they waited as late as they could have and it was getting dark.

The scarecrows were showing that Bray has power over the dead, and by extension the Undertaker.

I thought it was pretty damn cool....it wasn't riding in on a tank, but it was pretty damn cool.

True...I was expecting something to mess with Taker like him being around druids and etc....but I guess the scarecrows make sense.


FGC Waterboy
Driving back to Los Angeles from Levi's Stadium with my fiancé. The live crowd went crazy when Seth came out at the end. Can't wait to see how it was on tv.

This was her first wrestlemania. Seth is her favorite wrestler. When his music hit and she realized he was cashing in money in the bank she lost her mind. She forgot he had it and didn't even think about him cashing in. When he won we both started jumping up and down with excitement. After the event she was so happy she got to see Seth win she started to cry.

I'm so glad we went to Wrestlemania everything was awesome but to me, that was my wrestlemania moment.

WWE TV aside; their live events are almost always amazing.

They've never said you couldn't do it, so I have no issue with it. It's like that time the New Age Outlaws were in a triple threat tag match so they both tagged in and one pinned the other. No one said they couldn't.

That...that is kind of awesome.

I'm not saying it wasn't good or Roman was a dead fish out there (though he was doing a fun job of PLAYING one!) but... What? By what standard?

Seth's cash-in was perfectly timed and saved the match from being a bomb at the pace it was going. There was no real excitement to be had in Roman headbutting his way from death back to victory because he as a character did not have the emotional cache needed to back up that story. He'd never been positioned as an underdog even once until this match, with the only real adversity he's had to overcome being US NOT LIKING HIM, and making the fans the antagonist doesn't seem like a great way to build sympathy.

I suspect that much was perhaps not entirely intentional, but pretty much a given with the fact that Rollins must have been penciled in to go over from the very beginning, leading Reigns to be treated as an afterthought in a lot of ways including character development in the build up to the show. It's too easy to look back and connect the dots that clearly point out that this was never really Roman's story, even if they weren't apparent at the time.

Going backward, it becomes insanely apparent that this has always been Seth's story. I think they played their meta fans by leaking the Reigns stuff and going over the top in "protecting" Reigns. I think they plan to have Reigns eventually be the guy, but I think Reigns only won if Lesnar did not re-sign, and Reigns was a transitional guy for Rollins.

I'm starting to be afraid that Total Divas is going to make me like everyone even Cena.

Total Divas Cena would be mega-over. Most of the fans I know who don't like Cena in WWE go gaga over Total Divas Cena.

Was I the only one impressed with Reigns last night? I think I've turned the corner on him, he works hard and, yes, he has obvious deficiencies, but it's WWE's job to disguise the negatives and accentuate the positives and hopefully they're going to do a better job of it going forward. Storytelling wise, I thought the main event was done perfectly and leaves them with a number of good options going forward (yet still I saw people calling for a nonsensical Rollins vs Ambrose feud, when there's 3 perfectly good challengers already set-up). The kick-outs and comeback may have been too much for some, but I think at some point we have to accept that Roman's getting the Superman booking - however, if that can be tempered by Reigns' inexperience, it could make for a good narrative. Take note of how many times they said this was Roman's "first" WrestleMania. Everything was designed to show us that Roman WILL be the guy, but maybe they've eased back on the gung-ho super push that would have saw an entirely different and less agreeable end to what was, overall, a really fun WrestleMania.

It'd be nice if WWE knew how to book a champion without "I take all the finishers and come back". Bryan faced HHH, beat him in a war, got put through a table with a combo RKO / Batista Bomb, and then still comes back and takes out both Orton and Batista in the same night. Cena is...Cena. Taker took a HBK Super Kick into a Pedigree in a cage and kicked out. Brock taking Superman Punch after Superman Punch and standing was an amazing moment though; it gave him that sense of "unstoppable monster". Catching Seth in the air during the second curb stomp; I thought he was going to actually still retain even with Seth and Reigns. They've booked him so, so perfectly.

"Omgomgmg I'm so close to Roman Reigns need to record this is so cool... wait uh I mean FUCK YOU PERSON WITH BAD WORKRATE. Yeah. Totally showed him we mean business at r/squaredcircle "

Complaining about a wrestling entrance being too cheesy #deadgiveaway

What the hell was Sting's entrance supposed to be? Just rip off V For Vendetta. What's all this samurai shit?

Sting just got a lot of new powers and hobbies in the 15 years he's spent away from the ring.


Sting's entrance just confused the fuck out of me. It was cool but ummm he's the "Vigilante". Smh they should have had dudes in Sting paint play the intro to his Crow Sting theme and then Sting comes out to the current theme walking with a gang of people in Sing mask on some revolutionary type of shit.

Instead...we get Sting Gaiden.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Literally zero point to putting him in there.

He's a non-character, he gets a neat moment. There's a point. They're not gonna waste Balor's debut when they don't have something special for him. Not in a battle royal at least.


Just finished watching.

I don't know if I will do a full write-up right up eventually but right now I just need to say that it was a pretty bad event up until the main-event.

Seriously, what a main-event. They did everything right. Amazing. WWE can fuck up a lot but they do deliver and when they do we get that. Perfectly booked. I really thought Reigns was going to win and pull a superman but that cash-in was glorious. So good.

So yeah, bad Mania (that HHH vs Sting match was a sham and Taker going over is lol worthy) but they delivered where it mattered most I guess. Awesome ending.


When Sting came out, I thought I was watching TNA.


That's the only place I can remember him having the red entrance jacket like that.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
theres probs going to be a triple threat at extreme rules more likely rollins orton and brock ?

im thinking reigns is going to feud with a returning sheamus just because.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
theres probs going to be a triple threat at extreme rules more likely rollins orton and brock ?

im thinking reigns is going to feud with a returning sheamus just because.

Still surprised we didn't see a Shameful Thing yesterday. He missed out on a big payday...


When Sting came out, I thought I was watching TNA.


That's the only place I can remember him having the red entrance jacket like that.

I know right...maybe it's a sign that "I didn't forget about you TNA", because I really got some TNA sting vibes last night.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Reigns has been doing the talk show circuit, Seth gets on the today show. Ambrose just sitting in intensive care

It's gonna be funny, seeing how Rollins excels on TV talk shows compared to Reigns. Not that I hate Reigns, because I don't - but Rollins is the real future.



did anyone else notice that when the nWo came out last night, JBL tried to do the, whose side are they on? thing but the other announcers no-sold it? I think it was JBL that said that....might have been Cole.....but it was just ignored.

did anyone else notice that when the nWo came out last night, JBL tried to do the, whose side are they on? thing but the other announcers no-sold it? I think it was JBL that said that....might have been Cole.....but it was just ignored.

I don't remember any of them saying anything like that.


love on your sleeve
Either Rollins/Reigns/Orton or Rollins/Reigns and Sheamus/Orton (because reasons). Reigns isn't living the title picture, that's wishful thinking.


Commentary for Sting/Trips was tragic as hell for me. It was like 2001 all over again with them throwing WCW under the bus despite the fact that they were a legit company that made bone headed decisions like every other company. They also treated Sting like a peon throughout the whole match. If they wanted to be biased, atleast bring in Larry or Booker to do side commentary to give WCW their side of the story. Instead, it was "herr derr WCW is dead AGAIN". It was rather foolish but I didn't mark out during the match.

Come on NWO vs DX was talked about during that era. Even though it was a overbooked mess, it still paid off. Screw the ending though...


Moving past the highlights of the evening, other people or things people did that stood out positively.

- Big Show was excellent in that battle royal. Just awesome as the arrogant monster. I was laughing so hard when he didn't sneak up on Mizdow to throw him over after he was distracted, and kept chillin in the corner, because he's 7 foot 400 pounds and why would he need a sneak attack victory. You wanted to see him lose as a fan and you understand why he won.
- Ziggler, Bryan and Co. for running up the damn ladders all the time, instead of struggling with each step to let the next guy have time to stop them. Made it believable.
- A couple awesome camera shots. Cesaro rising up behind Big Show.
- Big E and Kofi are pretty damn good together.
- Lesnar and Reigns letting the other guy beat the shit out of them. Lesnar's fights always have a #biggerfightfeel because he's willing to eat full blows and his opponents are willing to let Lesnar do some of the same (not as much, obv).
- I now hate Seth and want him to get murdered by Brock and Reigns pulling him limb from limb before those two fight each other in a ring covered in Seth's blood. Which is what Seth is supposed to make me feel. Awesome heel.

All in all, I was entertained. Is that not why we are here?

*drops sword*

Spaniard, Spaniard.


I was just about to drop wrestling entirely and then that main event happened. I marked out like a 12 year old with my friends and yelled at the TV

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