Don't worry , they find some way to fuck it up.
oh I know... I expect Raw to be good tonight and turn into complete garbage next week, as usual
Don't worry , they find some way to fuck it up.
did anyone else notice that when the nWo came out last night, JBL tried to do the, whose side are they on? thing but the other announcers no-sold it? I think it was JBL that said that....might have been Cole.....but it was just ignored.
;_; ;_; ;_;
Bray's entrance just wasn't clicking with me. The lantern in BROAD DAYLIGHT, scarecrows *why*, and just how abrupt it felt. I was expecting Bray to be the ultimate troll and have druids carry him in a casket and him coming out of it just to fuck with Taker....instead we got an rendition of Thriller.
The Triple H/Sting match was alright but for fuck sake was it over booked nonsense, H-cubed had to get his buddies and Hogan something to do. Triple H's entrance was silly with that stupid thing he was wearing.
So apparently they have a TV deal.
Moving past the highlights of the evening, other people or things people did that stood out positively.
- Big Show was excellent in that battle royal. Just awesome as the arrogant monster. I was laughing so hard when he didn't sneak up on Mizdow to throw him over after he was distracted, and kept chillin in the corner, because he's 7 foot 400 pounds and why would he need a sneak attack victory. You wanted to see him lose as a fan and you understand why he won.
- Ziggler, Bryan and Co. for running up the damn ladders all the time, instead of struggling with each step to let the next guy have time to stop them. Made it believable.
- A couple awesome camera shots. Cesaro rising up behind Big Show.
- Big E and Kofi are pretty damn good together.
- Lesnar and Reigns letting the other guy beat the shit out of them. Lesnar's fights always have a #biggerfightfeel because he's willing to eat full blows and his opponents are willing to let Lesnar do some of the same (not as much, obv).
- I now hate Seth and want him to get murdered by Brock and Reigns pulling him limb from limb before those two fight each other in a ring covered in Seth's blood. Which is what Seth is supposed to make me feel. Awesome heel.
All in all, I was entertained. Is that not why we are here?
*drops sword*
Spaniard, Spaniard.
changed my avatar in anticipation of the most sought after return of any WWE superstar. He is going to blow the roof off tonights Raw, can't wait for his 3rd run with Byran where he will emerge one of the finest IC champs of all time.
God damn, I've rewatched Rusev's entrance three times now. It's sooooo good, I wonder if Cena feels like a piece of shit for missing the chance to see it live.
Another thing would have made sense if they wanted to go the overbooked route with Sting/Trips. They could have had a mindgames sort of thing. They could have DX and NWO work on stings side and the WCW alumni working on Trips side to throw people the hell off.
Trips being Trips, have DX come out to lay out Sting but Sting prevails. The NWO serving Trips by beating up Sting but Sting prevails, and then a random Flair coming out while Sting is close to making trips tap out and hitting him with brass knuckles for Trips to get the ultimate win, and at the same time make Sting look good. It would have been dope if Trips pulled no punches with having portions of the Monday Night Wars to end Sting but it takes a WCW veteran to put the final nail in the coffin.
changed my avatar in anticipation of the most sought after return of any WWE superstar. He is going to blow the roof off tonights Raw, can't wait for his 3rd run with Byran where he will emerge one of the finest IC champs of all time.
He's coming back as a heel to take on Cena. Bring home the US Championship to where it belongs.
Remember friends, before you get yourselves into full mark mode, last years WM and Raw after were pretty fresh, but 3 weeks later it was back to being unwatchable dog shit like usual. Be prepared, friendos
God damn, I've rewatched Rusev's entrance three times now. It's sooooo good, I wonder if Cena feels like a piece of shit for missing the chance to see it live.
changed my avatar in anticipation of the most sought after return of any WWE superstar. He is going to blow the roof off tonights Raw, can't wait for his 3rd run with Byran where he will emerge one of the finest IC champs of all time.
;_; ;_; ;_;
Haha... I just realized Rusev entered first. Man... things are so much more enjoyable when you're not looking for the little "booking insults".
So many feels.
Already looking forward to the Rollins/Ambrose feud resuming down the road.
Remember friends, before you get yourselves into full mark mode, last years WM and Raw after were pretty fresh, but 3 weeks later it was back to being unwatchable dog shit like usual. Be prepared, friendos
Haha... I just realized Rusev entered first. Man... things are so much more enjoyable when you're not looking for the little "booking insults".
Would,have marked out for Goldberg, last night
Ok thx. I like it when wrestlers wave that belt around like what Seth did.He used to do it when he was the NXT champ.
The product was terrible for like half the year.I actually thought the product was generally good last year. Not everything hits, but when it's good, though, it's real good, like the Ambrose and Rollins feud.
Who can forget Sting's storied past in the great wrestling dojo's of Japan where he was born and raised.What the hell was Sting's entrance supposed to be? Just rip off V For Vendetta. What's all this samurai shit?
That wouldn't make sense either. Ric would turn on Sting in a heartbeat. The man fooled Sting many times.After HBK came out to help Triple H, I half expected Ric Flair to come out and turn on Triple H to help Sting.
I have no doubt in my mind that Cena absolutely wanted to join Rusev in that tank.God damn, I've rewatched Rusev's entrance three times now. It's sooooo good, I wonder if Cena feels like a piece of shit for missing the chance to see it live.
The product was terrible for like half the year.
That wouldn't make sense either. Ric would turn on Sting in a heartbeat. The man fooled Sting many times.
I was also confused as to why Rusev demanded to be introduced first in the ring. If you're the champion, you should be demanding to be introduced last.
Oh is that what I was doing? Thanks Zach
I have no doubt in my mind that Cena absolutely wanted to join Rusev in that tank.
Who can forget Sting's storied past in the great wrestling dojo's of Japan where he was born and raised.
24 hours and I still can't buy a suplex city shit